Chapter 23

I had Christmas music playing on my phone as I packed my bag in the walk in closet. My hair was still damp from the shower. It had been a long day in the December issue photo-shoot, and my body was sore from the hard work; but it was a good pain, the kind like the job was done, you know? Julian was taking his own shower and in about an hour, hour and a half, we would be flying to Tennessee to meet my family for Thanksgiving.

I eyed Julian's suitcase, standing beside mine, and laughed. Leave it to Julian to make my suitcase look like a child's, for his was perfectly organized as ever. Everything in that leather suitcase was neatly pressed, folded and packed.

As the doorbell sounded, I twisted my damp hair into a knot and both frowned and whined as Julian's mom met me on the other side.

"Good evening, Mrs. von Hauser."

"Is this a bad time?."

"No, it's fine..." I lied, checking the time on my watch "Julian's in the shower. I'll call him-"

"No. Please, don't." She mumbled quickly as I closed the door behind me, letting her come inside "I came to talk to you, actually."

I frowned, but gestured for her to follow me towards the kitchen.

"You want a coffee?" I asked, turning the coffee machine on.

"No, it's fine. I only came to... apologize, actually." She mumbled and I widened my eyes in surprise "I know I was... well, very unpleasant, a couple of weeks ago... I'm sorry if I offended you, Miss McAllister; I mean it."

"It's fine, Mrs. von Hauser." I assured her, turning the coffee machine off again "Can I be blunt?"

"Aren't you always?" She smiled a little.

"Are you apologizing because you honestly believe you were unfair to me, or is this just so your son doesn't stay mad at you? It's fine, just tell me the truth" I asked, my hands up once she frowned.

"Honestly? Both. Obviously I don't want my son mad at me; I love him and I do know I was unfair to you. It's just, Miss Mc-"

"Please, just call me Georgia." I smiled and she chuckled "You're Julian's mom, we can't have all this tension between us."

"Fair enough. Truth is, Georgia, I loved Melinda. I thought she was the right woman for Julian. She was calm, poised, educated..."

"All Julian is."

"Well, I knew that no other woman would appreciate him for who he really is. I thought Melinda would be the one to help him relax and... I guess I thought they were perfect for each other." She shrugged "Obviously I was wrong."

"People make mistakes, and people do lie" I pointed out.

"Very true, Georgia. I just couldn't believe she would do what she did to my son!" She mumbled "I mean, the woman is a lady! I know her parents for years! Anyway, Julian was hurt; no matter what he tells you, it hurt him. He might not have been in love with her, but he cared for her. And she deceived him."

I could see bitterness in her beautiful face.

"I know." I nodded "I know him, Mrs. von Hauser; I know the man I live with, and I assure you that Miss Trevino hurt him. But your son is stronger than he lets anyone see."

"I've come to learn that. That day... I saw a side of my son I had never seen before. It hurt to hear him say all he said. But" She put a hand up so I wouldn't interrupt "he was right, and I needed to hear it from him. Bottom line is, I believe he loves you, and I can see how much you love him. Although, I fear I have to say it'll take a while until I trust you a hundred percent."

"I understand." I smiled "I'm not insulted, so don't worry. Trust is hard to get back, once it's broken. Why don't you take a sit and I go call Julian for you?"

"Oh, no, no!" She got up from the stool and grabbed her bag quickly "Please don't tell him I came by. I really just wanted to let you know how I felt. Happy Thanksgiving, Georgia."

I nodded and walked her to the door. Once I closed it, I almost smiled once I saw Julian standing next to the archway of the main hall.

"Have you heard?" I asked softly.

"Yes. A little" He shrugged.

"And?" I smoothed his wet shoulders.

"That was... unexpected. Very un-Caroline von Hauser-like" He assured me, surprised.

"That's it?" I snorted and he shrugged, holding the towel around his hips.

"I'm still mad at her, not just because of you" He shrugged again.

"Shouldn't you talk to Dr. Platt about that?"

"I did. She said it would be best to tell mom to come to therapy with me. As if" He snorted himself.

"Honey, that's actually a very good idea." I smoothed his rough jaw, his stubble itching my skin "She's your mom and you always forgive family. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about."

"I don't know... We'll see" He turned on his heels and walked back to our bedroom.

"That stubborn mule..." I sighed.


Julian wanted to rent a car to take us to my parents' home, and I had to explain him that's just not what family does. Family picks you up at the airport; family travels for miles in the snow to get you home and spend the holidays with you.

"There's Wayne" Kim smiled, waving at our brother.

"Alright, remember what I said?" I asked Julian, who tensed by my side "Just relax and be yourself."

"People hate my true self" He mumbled, holding my hand tight.

"Don't be silly." I chuckled, kissing his cheek long enough to make my lips sting from his stubble "Wayne! My God, you're getting older by the day!"

"And you always look gorgeous." He chuckled, kissing my cheek after a small twirl "Well, who's the city boy?"

"Be nice." I grinned once my boyfriend turned a little pale "This is Julian, both my boss's boss and my boyfriend."

"Boss's boss, hey?" Wayne snorted, tilting a brow as he looked up and down Julian in his dark slacks and burgundy sweater "Isn't he a little old for you?"

"No! He's four years older, that's nothing!" I pouted.

"What?! That's even older than me!" Wayne gasped, and then we both laughed once Julian swallowed hard "We're just messin' with you, City Boy! Wayne McAllister, and I'm the big brother that'll kick your ass if you hurt this lady."

"Deal." Julian shook my brother's hand; he actually smiled, which relaxed me like nothing else could "How's your father?"

"Oh, he's fine!" Wayne grinned "Screams a lot, 'cause I'm the one that can't do nothin' right around the farm. But, hey, he isn't the one ridding that horse anymore."

"Nice, Wayne" Kim rolled her eyes.

"I'm kiddin'! Jesus, princess, will you ever relax?!" Wayne sighed, gathering both his sisters' bags – ignoring Julian's request to take mine "Let's get y'all home."


"Momma, visitors!" Wayne screamed once we got inside the door "Devil's backside, it's freezing outside."

"Georgie!" My mom shrieked as she saw me, hugging me tight "We've missed you so much!"

"Well, thanks" Kim chuckled.

"Oh, c'mhere, you!" Momma smiled and hugged us both "Jack McAllister, get your ass in here! Your daughters- Oh, I'm sorry, honey, I'm embarrassing you in front of your boyfriend" Momma blushed hard as she finished her screaming inferno.

"It's fine, Momma. He's used to it." I giggled "Momma, Julian. Julian, Momma Pamela."

"It's very nice to meet you, Mr-"

"Please, just Julian is fine" Julian mumbled, embarrassed.

"Well, Julian, I'm so glad to finally meet you." Momma hugged him tight, which made me wince; Julian didn't really like to be touched by strangers.

"Momma, where's Daddy?" I pushed her softly away.

"He's in the living room. Wayne, can you take the bags? Julian's staying in the guest room."

"Julian's sleeping in my room" I snorted and stopped once both my brother and my mom scowled "Aw, c'mon, we live together! Whatever you think might happen already did!"

" Georgia!" Julian muttered by my side "It's fine. I'll sleep in the guest room. Thank you."

"This isn't over" Wayne pointed a menacing finger at me.

We followed to the kitchen and I chuckled as Peyton jumped off the counter – where she had been licking a wooden spoon out of chocolate – to run into my arms. She hugged me and kissed me with her chocolate mouth.

"You came!"

"Of course I came! You thought I would miss your Momma's Black Forest?" I grinned, kissing her brown hair.

"Her Momma always keeps an extra one in case you show up" Rose grinned from the stove.

"Liar." I tossed "Everybody, this is Julian. Julian, that little mouse face is Rose."

"That's mean" Rose grinned.

"This chocolate monster is my niece Peyton, and that smart girl setting the table is my other niece, Alice."

Julian smiled at everyone, looking a bit overwhelmed. If he was feeling a hundredth of what I had felt the day I met his family, I knew I had to intervene soon.

"Peyton, why don't you go clean your mouth and go call pa?" I asked, setting her on the floor.

"Did you bring the sandals I ask you for?" The little opportunist asked, tilting a brow.

"Peyton Beulah, go call pa before I smack your arse!" Rose grunted.

"Was she serious?" Julian mumbled at me.

"It's G's fault; and ay, she was serious" Rose chuckled.

"She's my goddaughter. So what if I like to spoil her?" I huffed, my nose up.

"I see the resemblance" Julian smiled as the girl in a pink dress ran back with my Dad being dragged by her tiny hand.

"Pa, Aunt G's here!" Peyton shrieked, stating the obvious.

Pa was older. His bright red beard had more gray in it, and his blue eyes looked tired. Still, his grin was huge as he opened his big arms to hug me. Tears came to my eyes as I felt those big strong arms enclosing me in his chest, like I was a child again.

"Hey, you!" Da chuckled in my ear "We thought you'd trade us for the big city!"

"Never" I promised, hiding my face in his neck.

"Georgie, are you crying?!" Dad looked shocked; I shook my head but refused to let him go "Well, what d'you know? My daughter is five again, can't get enough of my hugs. You must be Julian."

"Yes, sir." I heard Julian greet "I'm glad to see you looking good, Mr. McAllister."

"I'm fine. The Mrs. is just scared to become a widow sooner; you know she would feel lonely" Dad chuckled, and that made me smile.

"Jack McAllister, watch your mouth! What will Georgia's boyfriend think?!" I heard Momma grunt; leave it to Pamela to try making us look like fancy city folk.

"I've met his family. Believe me, he'll think we're the normal ones" I winked at a chuckling Julian.

"Georgia!" Momma whispered angrily at me.

"She's right, Mrs. and Mr. McAllister." Julian assured them "Oh, I brought this bottle of wine. I know you probably can't drink it, but-"

"Wayne, come have some wine!" Pa grinned, taking the red wine in his hands and gasping at the label "Pam, it's that fancy wine I told you about!"

"Well, G said you were a fan of California wines." Julian shrugged, embarrassed again; I grinned and squeezed his hand "I got you a bottle; I hope you like it."

"You shouldn't have spent so much money, darling." Pamela kissed Julian's cheek; again I winced "But thank you. Now I can stop hearing about that darn wine."

The table was set on the dining room, and pa decided to hold the bottle until the next day, for Thanksgiving dinner. We sat around, hungry like a wolf pack, and I knew Julian started to relax once pa and Wayne started to talk to him about men stuff. I really ignored their conversation – men only talk about politics, sports or cars. Knowing Julian wasn't a sports fan, I could easily bet they talked mostly politics and cars.

"Momma, tell me you didn't invite... you know" I muttered, making sure Julian wasn't listening.

"You know I always invite him." Pamela mumbled, sheepishly "That poor boy doesn't have any family!"

"Well, that's really too bad but this is my boyfriend's time." I whispered "Why won't he spend Thanksgiving with some friends?! Or Harm's family!"

"Georgie, you're being insensible" She scolded.

"I think she's right, Pam." Rose put in, and I sighed in relief "Gage's her old boyfriend. You cannot have two men that love/loved G at the same table."

"Thank you" I smiled at my sister-in-law.

"Gage's not coming?!"

We all eyed Peyton, who was pouting. Rose winced and tossed an apologetic look at me.

"Why?!" Peyton whined.

"He just can't this year, honey" Rose kissed her daughter's head and shoved more peas into her mouth.

"But why?!" She whined, her mouth full "You don't love him anymore, aunt G?"

"Sure I do. He's my friend" I smiled; I could feel Julian's eyes on me.

"Gage was G's high school love." Wayne grinned, and I heard him yelp; Rose had kicked him under the table "What?! Isn't it true?"

"Yes, it's true. And since he was my boyfriend all those years ago, he's not coming to Thanksgiving" I assured them.

"Darling, why don't you help Alice with the bread?" Rose put in, her teeth snapped together as she spoke at her husband.

"Speaking of boyfriends and love..." Pa started, and I winced once I saw Kim throw me a pained look "Well, we all know you two already live together."

I nodded carefully; Julian cleared his throat and he refused to take his eyes off his meat loaf.

"When are you tying the knot?"

It was I, and not Julian, that choked on the peas and meatloaf. He actually patted my back and I clumsily spit the barely chewed bite onto the napkin. Wayne was grinning with mischief, Rose rolling her eyes, and Momma pretending to be busy with the water jar.

"Did I say something wrong?" Pa asked bluntly.

"No." I cleared my throat "That's just not in the immediate future. That's still miles and miles away."

"Really?" Julian asked, brown eyes glaring at mine.

"Isn't it?" I mumbled, my heartbeat quickening.

"Well, I'm not saying we'll get married tomorrow, but we're not that young anymore, and we're living together." He shrugged, and the way he said it made my blood boil "I mean, it makes sense."

"Makes sense?" I snapped in the softest way I could manage; Wayne whistled and Rose cursed "So for you, marriage is about making sense, like a math problem? Objective and dispassionate?"

"That's not what I'm saying." Julian rolled his eyes "It's like your Dad said, we're already living together, it's only natural-"

"Oh it's natural, now?" I snorted and heard Kim chuckle "Well, Mr. von Hauser, I guess I should remind you there's nothing natural between you and I. All it happened isn't natural and objective."

"You had to bring marriage onto the table, didn't you?" Rose chuckled at my blushing Dad.

"It's fine, Rose. This isn't about Pa. Let's just eat."

"G, I think you're misreading me." Julian wiped his lips with the napkin and turned my way "I love you. What I was trying to say is that if I love you, and if I want to live the rest of my life with you, marriage is just a paper. I don't really need a paper to tell everyone I'm your man. And we" He gestured for the both of us "make sense, together. I can't see myself ever loving anyone else. You're the woman for me."

"Couldn't you have proposed like that?" I heard Rose grunt at my brother and smack his shoulder.

"I'll give you your chick-flick proposal, because I know you want it. But really, I don't need any of that to know I want you for the rest of my life."

"I know." I kissed him softly "But you're still doing it."

"Yes, ma'am" He grinned.

"So, Gage isn't coming?" Peyton still asked, and we all chuckled.


"Thank you so much for everything" Julian was saying to my mom, as she hugged him and again kissed his cheek; he had the McAllister shock therapy and apparently it had done him good.

"You come back anytime you want, now, alright? Don't be strangers" Momma was smiling.

"Georgia and I were thinking you could come spend Christmas with us in New York" He smiled.

"Oh, New York...!" Momma gasped "I don't know, honey... With the farm and all..."

"Just a couple of days, Momma?" Kim asked.

"We'll think about it, I promise" Pamela kissed both Kim and I.

"Promise?" I demanded Pa.

"Hate them Yankees." Pa grunted "Sure, Georgie. We'll think about it. You two behave, alright? And the next time you come into my house and don't respect the 'No sleeping together until marriage' rule under my roof, I'll make your boyfriend sleep with the horses."

Julian actually blushed. I couldn't care less; there would be no way I wasn't making love to my boyfriend, especially after his almost-proposal in front of my family.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. McAllister. There won't be a next time" Julian promised, mumbling with embarrassment; I rolled my eyes.

"And it's just Jack, City Boy." Pa chuckled, palming Julian's shoulder and shaking his hand "Y'all be careful in the city."

"Daddy, don't threaten my boyfriend." I smiled, hugging him tight "Thank you for making him feel welcome."

"He's welcome." Jack chuckled "He loves you."

That was my Dad's way to tell me he approved.

"You can still run for the hills, you know?" Kim teased once we entered Wayne's truck.

"Nah, I'm fine." Julian chuckled, gripping my hand as we both rode in the back seat "They're really nice people."

"They loved you." I assured him, kissing his jaw "Who wouldn't?"

"Especially after your fancy fake proposal" Wayne teased, and Kim smacked his head.

"Don't listen to him; the nurse dropped him at birth" Kim winked from over her shoulder.

"Were you serious?" I mumbled at Julian, once my sister turned the radio on and gave us some privacy.

"About loving them? Of course I was."

"No, about wanting to be with me. The forever kind?"

"You know I'm a very confused man. I doubt myself, and I doubt other people as well. But one thing I know for sure, and that's that I want you in my life forever" He assured me, tossing his arm around my shoulders and kissing me softly on the lips.

"You know, I don't really need a big movie proposal?" I chuckled, playing with the V of his sweater.

"Yes, you do. Well, not really a Piet Rush movie, maybe." He teased, and I giggled "But... Well, I think I can surprise you."

"Oh really, boss?" I raised a brow, and felt a lick of desire at his teasing grin.

"Yes, Miss McAllister. I'm sure as you love McCartney, that I'll sweep you off your feet" He winked.

"Well, I'll be waiting, Mr. von Hauser" I assured him, an immediate thrill running through my veins.
