Chapter 2

First day on an awesome new job! Ok, so maybe not awesome. The CEO of the von Hauser Publications was actually an ass, but still...! I had a job! Still had to sign the contract and know my salary, and perks and medical care and all of that stuff. Either way, I was happy about myself! I got his breakfast just right. He might be thinking I forget stuff, but I really don't. I'm not a clueless blonde bimbo. I'm actually really smart... ish. Anyway, what matters is that I got his breakfast right... I think... and his three newspapers.

And I was in his office at exactly seven fifty eight, as I checked on my golden tiny wrist watch that I got on sale two days before. Two minutes later, he walked in.

"Good morning, Mr. von Hauser." I said, all happy and smiley "Got your entire breakfast and reading material."

He grunted and took his seat behind the desk. He was still wearing that awful dark grey suit, taupe shirt buttoned up to his tanned neck, and a very ugly dark brown – UGH! – tie. I took a closer look at him while he ate and read his newspapers.

He's cute, if one likes the geek and grumpy type. But honestly, he's really cute. Tall, like HUGE, tanned, brown eyes and dark wavy hair that sometimes falls to his forehead, and he doesn't care to brush it back – like a normal sexy guy would, you know, comb it and make it all shinny and slick? -, defined jaw with smooth skin that I bet he shaves perfectly every morning, and a long straight nose. He looks like he works out, but not like an exercise maniac. Has a big, fit, muscled body – not that I'm checking him out! Ugh!

He should work on his looks...! Really stupid of him no to do it. I mean, let's think about it for a second. He's in charge of the company for a little less than a month. He had to look like the confident, successful and powerful leader. Not this... somewhat mess and grumpy and not nice at all man, with serious social issues.


I blinked and jumped on my place.

"What?" I asked back, frowning.

"You were staring at me. I don't like when people stare at me. Especially when I'm eating. Don't you have a job to do, Miss McAllister?" He asked, one of his furry dark eyebrows up his forehead.

"Ah think we should talk about my contract, first." I said, taking a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk "You see, Ah need to know my job perks. Social security, med care, salary..."

"Talk to Rachel about it." He said, closing one newspaper and grabbing another "The receptionist. She'll guide you through it. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to take my breakfast quietly. And alone."

I rolled my eyes and made a face.

Fine. Suit yourself...

"And... what do Ah do?"

"I don't take any calls before nine am. Take them and get the messages." He said, leaning lazily onto his big chair "As for your job, check and re-check my schedule. Make sure I have time to eat and sleep. And no parties. Ever. Got it?"

"No parties...?" I asked, frowning.

"No anniversaries, awards, benefits, openings or any other kind." He said, this time looking at me "Got that?"

"Ah think so: no social time." I said, and he took a deep breath, looking at his newspaper again "Just one more thing."

"What?" He groaned, getting impatient.

"Thank you for the job." I smiled "Ah'll be the best secretary you ever had!"

"Very much doubt that." He said, and I made a sneer to myself "Now go."

I left his office and stood in the little lobby where my desk, computer and shelves stood.

I loved the grey and white marble floor, the black ceiling with little lamps, the white walls with blue strips here and there. Loved the von Hauser Publications letter sign over my wooden modern desk. Loved my white big HUGE computer. Loved the steel lamp. Loved the pens and pencils and white sheets! Loved the archway that led to the other hallway and offices.

Still, this place needed some personal upgrading. So, I took my phone, my makeup, my perfume, my own sunshine yellow schedule, my lucky sequined pen with lots of colors, and took my leather chair, smiling to my new work place.

Fifteen minutes later, I was bored. There was nothing to do! No one called! Not a single soul! So I did the calling. To Harmony. Told her about my first work hour – or lack of work, that is... That was a quick call. She had work to do, so I had to cut it short.

I knew exactly who to call, and that person would be free for me for as long as I wanted!

"Momma!" I shrieked into the white sleek phone on my desk "Ah'm calling from mah new job!"

"Cupcake!" She screamed on the other end of the line, all happy "Aw, baby! Ah miss ye so much! Ye got a new job?! Why didn't ye tell me?!"

"Ah'm sorry, momma." I smiled, twirling around in my chair "Ah'm just so excited! Ah'm wearing grandmama's pearl earrings and everything!"

She shrieked again and started talking about home. So daddy was in bed 'cause he got hurt on his back. He had an hernia in his lower back, and he still kept doing the tough work around the farm. Of course momma made my brother, Wayne, to take care of the soybean crops. Daddy wasn't too happy about that, but it was for the best.

"Ah'm going there for Easter." I assured her, playing with the hems of my blonde waves, and checking that I needed to cut them, 'cause I was getting splitter ends "Momma, you're not gonna believe whom Ah saved!"

I told her all about the mugger and Piet Rush. She screamed at me for being stupid enough to risk my own life. But I knew she was also hysterical 'cause she loved Piet Rush too. Everyone did.

"Ah'm tellin' ye momma, he's even handsomer than on TV!" I said, giggling to the phone, and twirling my chair again "He's really tall! And the eyes are really that blue! They don't fake it on photos! And he's got really great musc-"

I stopped midsentence. Sure as I love McQueen, my new boss was standing in front of my desk. And he did not look happy...

"Momma, Ah'm gonna have to call ye back." I muttered, and put the phone down "Yes...?"

"I've been trying to call you for the last half an hour" He said, his lips pressed tight, and his jaw was tensed.

Oh boy...

"Mind explain me why are you using the company's phone for your personal calls?" He asked, eyes narrowing.

"Bad cell reception?" I muttered, smiling but he still kept that awful grunted face; I cleared my throat and made a very businesslike look "You said you tried to call... Is there something Ah can do?"

"Yes, you might start by working. That would be nice. But for now, we are needed in the conference room." He said, starting to walk away "And you would know this if you would answer your phone. I'm not the one who should..."

His voice drifted away as he left the archway. I frowned. Was he talking to himself? Was this like... huh... a test?

After a few seconds he came back.

"You're supposed to follow me." He said, with a heavy sigh, and I got up quickly, taking my notebook, his schedule and my cellphone "There's a Board meeting. You are expected to sit tight, keep quiet, and take notes for me. In those notes, I expect to be able to see everyone's faces, expressions, for every word they say. I want every sentence, comma, stop mark and everything else in your notebook. You are my eyes and ears in that meeting."

"But... aren't you gonna be there?!" I whispered, as we walked into the elevator.

"I am. But you will see that there are lots of unspoken conversations around me" He said, in a heavy voice, and we started to go down.



 The conference room was big enough to shelter close to twelve men and very few women, around a long hardwood table. All of them had suits on and terrible accusing faces, as we both walked inside the room. Mr. von Hauser took his seat in the far side of the table. I kept standing near the door. He made a look that was all hostility and bad mood, and then looked at the chair next to the coffee table. Got it. That was my place.

"Mr. von Hauser, we have some concerns about this... transition." One of the man said, rearranging his glasses in his big nose "We understand you have your own... huh... vision. But sir... we advise you to reconsider the motion."

What motion?

"I understand that, Mr. Weston. But, as I'm well aware all of you know, we have difficult times ahead." Mr. von Hauser said, looking down at his own notes " My father built this corporation from nothing. We are on the top four, and still isn't enough. The economy is barely standing, and if we keep this up, we have to make some changes. Our stocks are barely standing in the market. We lost more than five million last year. We had to cut three magazines."

"That is why we believe we shouldn't take such radical measures." Another man said, his brown eyes were staring directly at Mr. von Hauser, and there was a concerned look on his face "Son, cutting on bonuses is a wonderful way to make your employees less content."

"I know you will be less content to see your perks getting a major cut, uncle." Mr. von Hauser said, and this time he looked the man straight in the eye "I mean, summers in Cabo, Easter in Europe. A new Ferrari, as I've heard. And I saw your new wife on a benefit, in a magazine, last week. Nice surgical work."

Even I gasped and felt the tension in the room. The Board cleared their throats and pretended to read their own notes. The man in the light grey suit and blue shirt narrowed his eyes and his tanned hand closed around a Montblanc pen.

"The facts are these: we owe about thirty million dollars to the Bank. And yet, for the last five years, we've been spending other millions on corporate events, investment and, most recently, lobbying in the Senate Elections" Mr. von Hauser kept talking, but again, he stared at his notes.

"Our investments, Julian, are what keeps us afloat." The guy in the light gray suit said, with a side smirk "I understand you being a newbie here might get you... huh... confused... Still, that is why we are here" He gestured for the whole table.

I saw Mr. von Hauser's right hand twitching. His thumb was making this... gesture... like he was holding a remote on his hand and changing the channels. The other hand was constantly wiping his notes, like it had dirt on it and he couldn't get it off.

"So, for the record, Julian" The gray suit man said, looking at me, like he knew I was taking the notes for the meeting ", this is the business world. You better get up to date, or you won't be able to deal with it."


 It's hard to follow someone who's six feet five with heels. Add to that the fact that I was wearing a tight pencil skirt, and the marble floor was wet. Recipe for disaster, indeed.

So Mr. von Hauser stormed after the meeting was over. He kept quiet after the gray man said those last words to him. And after that brief "discussion", the gray man took over the meeting. I don't know a lot about business, but I bet it's the CEO's responsibility to take over a Board meeting...!

"Fuck... Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" Mr. von Hauser was muttering to himself when he got to his office, and I closed the door behind me, panting and cooling myself by fanning the notebook in my face.

"Do you want something to drink? Tea, maybe?" I asked him, still leaned to the door "Or something stronger... Ah know! My momma makes this great hot milk with a spoon of some strong whiskey and-"

"Just get out!" He screamed, and I jumped in my place; ok... wasn't expecting that... "Go away. Leave me alone."

I nodded and quickly got out. I leaned against the door again, but this time on the other side. That man had serious issues...


 "Your boss is crazy..."

I gave Harmony a sour look, and she shrugged, moving our dinner plates to the sink.

"Sorry, but he is. Ah mean, first of all, he has these... weird rules. And then he screams at you." She said, shaking her head and pressing her lips tight "Ah don't know, G. Ah think he's not only an asshole, he's also crazy."

"You might be right." I agreed, shrugging and playing with the glass of wine in the small round white table "Ah think he's a little crazy. But Ah think it's because he's new at the job, and he has all these problems with the Board."

"Still..." Harmony said, leaning onto the dark marbled counter "He's an idiot."

Well, yes, he was. Still, I was that idiot's secretary and, as such, I should do my part. And my part, for now, was getting to know everything about Mr. Julian von Hauser, not just personally but also professionally.

I jogged to my small bedroom and took a seat at my white desk. I get inspired every time I sit there, 'cause from my window, I can see part of Manhattan, and that image always makes me happy. Of course the soft colors of my tiny bedroom help. Soft taupe and yellows and tiny little hints of pink. I love the Marilyn Monroe Warhol's painting and the small bed with the yellow quilt and black Channel logos.

On my computer I start to do my research. So, apparently Julian von Hauser was an editor at TIME magazine. Wow...! That was great! He was really good, according to some reviews I read. Very promising. Professional, serious and precise. Thirty four years old, recently... dumped?!

"What?! He was engaged to Melinda Trevino?!" I shouted, my jaw dropping.

Melinda Trevino is the top fashion journalist in the WORLD! Ok, maybe not the world, but to me she is. She's awesome! Elegant, always the one that nails the tendencies for the next season. None is better. And she's a journalist at Pandora, a von Hauser publication... Wow... That must be a hell of a company's Christmas party...

His father, Maverick von Hauser, died recently in a car accident, as everyone knows, with his longtime mistress Lin Germaine, former Pandora's Editor-in-chief. The scandal broke loose due to some blabbers and now, von Hauser Publications was in a tough spot, with a new, untrained CEO, with a Board that, apparently, didn't cope with his decisions. Adding to that... Mrs. Von Hauser was, apparently, missing. It was said she took refuge in a spa in the mountains, somewhere in Europe. I guess finding out your husband is cheating on you might be tough... The picture on the paper I was reading online showed a tall woman with her bag to her face, so the reporters wouldn't shot her.

Julian von Hauser had a sister, Natalie, a lawyer to the family's company. She was married to a wealthy energy businessman, Trevor Freed, and had two children. The man in the gray suit – the one who kept trying to overpower Mr. von Hauser – was, actually, his uncle.

Coleman von Hauser, brother to the late Maverick. Of course, the family business would pass from father to child. I bet Mr. Coleman wanted this to change, being from father to brother... Either way, I read that the von Hauser Publications had publicly supported the winning candidate to the New York Senate. Of course, this could be seen as a bold move, but it wasn't something uncommon. Risky, definitely. I speak, of course, as a neutral viewer, but I wouldn't like for my favorite magazine to take the political path!

They also made some investments in the TV business. This was all, of course, for assets gain. Still, the economy was kinda screwed lately, right? Bold moves could go either way: alright, or backfire. And, as I read, apparently von Hauser Publications' investments weren't going so well...


 Second day of work and my boss was, as always, grumpy and quiet. He only asked for the notes from the meeting the day before. I had been typing it all night long, so I knew it was perfect. Or so I thought...

"What's this?" He asked, frowning and sitting straight in his chair.

"The meeting minutes" I said, blinking and tilting my head.

" 'The guy with the mustache said 'Hey, I know! Why don't we buy some things from that company?' And the guy with the really ugly red tie says 'No way, man. That company sycks.' "

I bit my lip and tangled my fingers.

"Is this a joke?" He asked, frowning harder.

"It was my first... huh... meeting report" I admitted, with a pained look.

"Even a five year old could do better." He assured me, and sighed hard "Miss McAllister, you're making it really hard for me not to regret my decision."

"Ah'll get better!" I quickly promised "Ah swear! Ah'll rewrite it!"

"Based on what? All your notes are about who looks like what, and what people are wearing... There isn't one single plausible sentence in all this mess" He grunted, tapping my yellow notebook on the table, disgusted.

"Ah'll do it better next time" I assured him, picking my notebook and hugging it to my torso.

"If you keep this up, there won't be a next time" He assured me, and made a gesture with his hand for me to leave.

I took my seat in the small lobby outside Mr. von Hauser's office and huffed. Ok... wrong start. I had to do something to improve my work. But what...? I thought about it as I twirled around my chair, a sharp pencil tapping in my chin, as I focused hard.

"Miss McAllister?"

I looked over my shoulder and immediately straighten. Holy cow! It was Piet RUSH!

"Mr. Rush!" I smiled, getting up and, as fast as I could, setting my wavy blonde hair and my white three quarter length sleeved dress just right "Hello! Ah'm sorry, Ah was... distracted!"

"Yes, I saw that." He smiled, and I felt that tingle in my belly "Well, I came to take Julian to lunch. He spends too much time in his office."

"Ah'm going to warn him you're here." I said, dialing in the white phone "Mr. von Hauser, Mr. Rush is here to see you."

"Let him in" He said, and I walked Mr. Rush to the office.

"I'm in town, so I thought it would be nice to make my friend leave the damn office, every once in a while" Rush told me, with a side smile.

"And Ah'm sure Mr. von Hauser appreciates it" I smiled, opening the office door and gesturing for him to go inside.

He bowed his head and smiled. I was practically dancing on air as I walked towards my desk again!

"Was that Piet Rush?!" A man's voice said, and I saw a guy at the archway, his blue eyes huge in his thin boyish face "OMG! The hottie is here!"

"Yes, it was Mr. Rush." I said the skinny small guy, and he sighed "He's Mr. von Hauser's friend."

"Yes, I know." He assured me, rolling his eyes, and then taking a look at me "And who are you?"

"Georgia McAllister." I smiled, getting up and showing my hand, which he took and I shook vigorously "Ah'm Mr. von Hauser's new secretary!"

"Really?" He asked, frowning "I would never take him for that kind of man..."

"What kind of man?" I asked, frowning myself.

"The one that hires the cute ones." He said, shrugging and taking a seat on my desk, crossing his legs in a very feminine way "What dirt do you have to share?"

"Dirt?" I frowned, sitting again.

"Yes! You know, gossip!" He whispered.

"Actually... huh... not much. This is only my second day" I admitted, and he sighed.

"Sugar, on my second day, I already had starting the intranet's Gossip Hour." He said, with a smile "Just login, and access the group. I assure you, it's lots of fun. So what's your story? Shagged him and now have a job?"

"No!" I gasped, feeling my cheeks burn "Ah do not shag anyone!"

"Now, that's just sad" He grinned.

"Really, Ah'm not sleeping with Mr. von Hauser! Ever!" I assured him, intensely.

The skinny guy shot straight up as the two tall men stood outside the office. Holy shit! Could this day get any worse?!

"I'm having lunch, Miss McAllister." Mr. von Hauser said, while his friend was trying not to laugh "I'll come back in about an hour and a half. I expect you to be... calmer by then."

And he left with the actor. The last one smiled at me and winked.

"Holy shit! Piet Rush just winked at me!" The guy said, and I rolled my eyes.

Fine. Let him be happy for a while.

"So... who are you?"

"Kenny Lane." He said, smiling "And no 'Penny Lane' jokes, ok? Heard them all."

"Oh, the Beatles song?" I smiled.

"Yeah. Drove me crazy during my childhood and a major part of my teen years" He moaned, and I smiled.

"Ah got a lot of Dolly Parton jokes" I admitted, shrugging.

"Where are you from, southern belle?" He asked.

"Tennessee" I said.

"Ah... The Volunteer state." He said, sighing "New Yorker. Born and raised. Never been to the country side."

"Ah love home, but Ah dreamed of Manhattan since Ah was this big" I showed him a tiny five year old.

"It's the center of the world." He agreed, starting to move his hands around his pants "Shit. You don't smoke, Dorothy?"

"Funny. No, Ah don't." I said, checking on my wrist watch that I had about an hour to lunch "And Ah gotta lunch."

"You going somewhere?" He asked, as I picked my bag and phone.

"AhI was going to a friends' restaurant, but Ah'm out of time" I admitted.

"Why don't you have lunch with me and a friend in the coffee bar?" He asked "I assure you you'll be entertained."


 The coffee bar was full of people in suits. Many of the workers of the company would have their lunch right there, in the company's twentieth floor coffee bar.

"So the coffee bar is just like your old High School cafeteria." Kenny said, as we walked in the line of people, waiting to choose our food "You have your cheerleaders."

He pointed to a group of pretty tall girls, all perky and gorgeous.

"But now they wear Channel, Vuitton and screw business men like it's their sole purpose on earth." Kenny explained "And those business men were once our adorable jocks."

The table near the Cheers was full of good and successful looking men that laughed loudly, while flirting with the pretty girls.

"This is our table." Kenny said, while we took our food to a squared table that already had an Asian girl sitting there, talking on the phone like she was about to explode "And that's Cece. She's kinda pissy today, so careful with what you say. Hey, love."

"Not in the mood, Kenny. That stupid bitch fucked up again! Didn't I tell you she would fuck up?!" Cece said, her brown eyes were really beautiful, and now were squinting with anger.

"Who fucked up?" I asked, as I took my seat next to Kenny, opposite to Cece.

"The new intern."  Kenny said "She's this rich guy's daughter, so they let her take an internship at Pandora."

"But she fucks up two out of three times. I've counted" Cece assured us.

"She did." Kenny supported, with a side smile "That girl is a walking disaster."

"Don't make me start." Cece asked him, her thin well-tanned and groomed hands in the hair; then she looked at me with a suspicious look "Who are you?"

"Georgia McAllister." Kenny said "Guess who's she working with? I'll just tell you! Julian von Hauser!"

"How long have you been screwing him?" She asked.

"Why does everyone think that?!" I grunted "Ah'm not screwing him."

"You're the Grumpy's secretary?! I took him for a guy who chose brains over bangs."

"Like I said" Kenny said.

"Ah can't help feeling insulted. You're basically saying Ah'm dumb" I grunted.

"Sorry. It's just his secretaries usually look like... Well..." Kenny started, and after a quick look around, he snapped his fingers and pointed to the lunch line "Mrs. Wesley."

"Who?" I frowned, and looked, like Cece, to the elderly woman in an old suit, with her gray hair tightly wrapped to her nape, her glasses on the tip of her nose.

"Mrs. Wesley. She's been Mr. Weston's secretary for thirty five years, now." Kenny said "She's a relic. Literally."

"And that's the type of secretary a businessman gets." Cece said "Now, a girl like you... it's something people start... talking..."

"People don't talk about me!" I snorted "It's only my second day!"

"Which means they had a whole day, yesterday, to talk about you." Kenny said, shrugging, and tilted his head to the side, like telling me to look around "See for yourself."

I opened my mouth telling him to stop being a gossiper, but then looked around. Sure as I'm a Chanel addict and can't stand the words 'Comfortable shoes', everyone was gossiping about me! They were all giving me these not so subtle looks, and giggling.

"Honey, wake up: you're the girly secretary for the new CEO. He's known for being a grumpy SOB with no sense of humanity. What do you expect people to think?" Kenny said, with a chuckle.

I stared at my sandwich. Suddenly, my very healthy appetite was gone.
