chapter 5

Mr. Haroon, his expression darkened, turned to his daughter, his voice low and menacing. "Ikram, what is the meaning of this?" He asked, his eyes narrowing. "Why have you caused such a scene at a party I specifically arranged for zafeer?"

Ikram, cowed by Mister Haroon's presence, Wilted under his scrutiny. "Father, she's..... trying to steal zafeer from me," she stammered, her voice weak and trembling. "She's a nobody, a nobody with no money, no status nothing!"

Haroon's jaw tightened, his eyes boring into Alisha's. "And you, girl. Who do you think you are, coming into our family and causing such strife? Do you really think you are good enough for my son?"

Alisha, her throat dry and her heart racing, swallowed hard. "Sir, I never sought to cause trouble," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I never wanted to come between you and your son.

"But zafeer and I....." She trailed off, her eyes darting to zafeer for support.

Mr. Haroon, still unimpressed, turned back to ikram. "Ikram, you have caused enough trouble for one evening. You are to go home at once. "His voice brooked no arguments, and ikram, her face twisted and humiliation, turned on her heel and stalked out of the room, the crowd partying before her like the red sea.

The silence that descended on her wake was deafening, the tension in the room palpable as everyone waited for Mister Haroon's next move. The older man turned back to zafeer, his expression grave. "As for, you zafeer, I'm deeply disappointed in your actions tonight.

"I expected more from my son, especially in front of our guests. You will need to consider the consequences of your actions."

Zafeer, his own anger and frustration barely contained, opened his mouth to defend himself. But before he could speak, Aysherh, his mother, stepped forward, her expression unreadable. "Husband, " she said quietly, addressing her husband. "Perhaps we should discuss this in private." She pulled zafeer's hand and dragged him.

Alisha watched as zafeer turned away his back sniff with disappointment as he walked out of the party, the crowd parting before him in stunned silence . Alisha's heart ached with every step he took.

As the guests dispersed, and the party quite down, Alisha fled the scene, tears streaming down her face as she ran out into the night, her sister isha hot on her hills.

"Sister, wait!" Isha called out, reaching out to grab her sisters arm. "Alisha you need to stop.

Please, talk to me."

Alisha, her body shaking with sobs, collapsed into her sisters arm's. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm isha," she cried, burying her face in her sisters shoulders.

Isha held her sister close, her own eyes welling with tears as she tried to solve Alisha's pain. "Oh Alisha, you are very brave," she whispered her voice choked with emotion.

"But you need to stop pushing yourself by making the right choice by leaving that party, You did what you thought was the best even though it was hard."

Alisha pulled away, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I know, I know. But I'm it's hurts, isha. It hurts more than I ever thought it could."

Ish nodded, her own heart aching for her sister. "I know, sister. But you will get through this. You're strong. And one Day, I promise, you'll find the love and happiness you deserve, you will find your true love. Someone who will love and support you, someone who will put you first and make you his first priority. Trust me sister."

"Hey, readers I'm here again "
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