bonus chapter

Through the thin walls of their childhood home, Isha Heard the heart wrenching sobs of her sister, Alisha. "Why, zafeer? Why?" Alisha's voice was a broken whisper, laced with betrayal. "I gave you my heart, trusted you completely, and you... discards me like I'm nothing." Her cries crescendoed into a storm of grief, each word punctuated by pain.

Defying their mother's strict edict, Isha pushed open the door - a barrier she was forbidden to cross without permission. But the unwritten law of sisterhood compels her; she couldn't bear Alisha's anguish. Inside, the room was a cocoon of sorrow, Alisha's figure crumpled like a discarded draft of happiness.

"I've lost him, just as we lost dad," Alisha wept, her voice a fragile thread. "Why is joy so illusive? Why am I denied happiness?"

Kneeling besides her, Isha enveloped Alisha in an embrace, her own heart heavy yet resolute. "Sorrow may visit, just as the knight follows the day, but it does not define us," Isha whispered, her word a soothing balm. "We are daughters of resilience, remember? Happiness isn't a gift bestowed; it's a battle won, day by day."

And there, in the quiet after warmth of heartbreak, the sisters found a shared strength, a silent view to face the morrow together. For the tapestry of their lives, each thread of pain was interwoven with stands of hope, and every tear shed was a step towards the future where joy could Bloom once more.
