chapter 16

Alisha and Isha sat in the living room, their minds racing with concern and determination.

"I just don't believe that ikram's story is true," Alisha said, her voice firm with conviction. "Zafeer would never do such a thing."

"I agree with you sister," Isha chimed in, her eyes brow furrowed with worry. "Something about this whole situation feels off, like there's a biggest conspiracy at play."

Alisha nodded, her eyes clouded with concern. "I can't help but feel like there's more to this story than meets the eye," she said, her voice low and thoughtful. "We need to get to the bottom of this and uncover the truth."

Alisha smiled, her heart swelling with gratitude for her supportive sister. "We'll do this together," she said, her voice strong with determination. "We will uncover the truth, and we won't stop until we do."

But how do we stop their wedding, which is taking place tomorrow?" Isha said, looking confused.

Alisha learned forward, her eyes glinting with determination. "I may have an idea," she said, her voice low and purposeful. "I know we have a little time, but if we work together and act quickly, we just might be able to uncover the truth before tomorrow's wedding."

Isha nodded, her face alight with excitement. "Count me in," she said, her voice confident and strong.

"Thank you," Alisha said, her voice filled with warmth. "I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a day we will never forget."

Mister ibrahim's heart sparkled with delight as he saw his daughter and wife waiting for him at the airport.

"Ikram, my dear!" He exclaimed, wrapping her in a warm embrace. "It's so good to see you!"

Ikram beamed with joy, her heart swelling with love for her father. "I'm so glad you are here, daddy," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "I was afraid you wouldn't make it on time for the wedding."

Mister Ibrahim chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Nonsense, my dear," he said, his voice reached warmth. "I wouldn't miss my princess's wedding for the world!"

Fatima smiled, her eyes filled with love and pride. "Enough chit- chat you two," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "Let's get home and you can catch up properly."

She gestured to the security guard, who nodded and began loading mister Ibrahim's luggage in the car.

Mister Ibrahim grinned, his heart full of love for his family. "Lead the way my dears," he said, his voice ringing with joy. "I can't wait to hear about all the wedding presentations!"

The car ride home was filled with lively chatter and laughter as ikram and her parents caught up upon all the latest news.

Mister Ibrahim listened with interest as ikram told her about the wedding presentations, his heart swelling with pride at the young woman his daughter had become.

"It sounds like you've been very busy, my dear," he said, his voice warm with admiration. "I'm sure the wedding will be a truly special day."

Fatima nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with love for her family. "We're so excited to celebrate with you, my love," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "It's been a long time since you've all been together."

Ikram smiled, her heart filled with love and gratitude for her parents. "I'm so glad you are both here," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "It means the world to me to have you by my side on my special day."

Alisha burst into their house, her face beamed with excitement. She made a beline for her mother, unable to contain herself. "Mom, I can finally attend the wedding!" She exclaimed.

Lina looked up with a smile. "Yes, dear, you can," she replied, her eyes filled with love and happiness for her daughter.

Alisha's younger sister, Isha, frowned slightly. "I want to go with you, sis," she said, looking up at Alisha with pleading eyes.

Alisha turned to her little sister, a warm smile on her face. "Of course, Ishu, why not?" She said, reaching out to touch isha's cheek affectionately.

Extremely bubbled within Alisha as she shared the thrilling news. "Finally, we got the evidence that will prove zafeer is innocent and has nothing to do with that fake pregnancy of ikram's," she said, her voice filled with elation.

Lina's face is lit up with pride. "Amazing, my love. I'm proud of you both. Well done," she complimented, her heart swelling with admiration.

With determination in her eyes, Alisha looked up ahead to the wedding day. "Our arrival for tomorrow's wedding will be memorable to everyone, I promise," she declared, a sense of purpose radiating from her.

As they pulled up to the house, ikram felt a sense of warmth and comfort wash over her.

She helped her father out of the car , and the three of them made their Inside.

The house was bursling with activities, as the servant prepared for the upcoming wedding.

But amidst the chaos, there was a sense of joy and excitement in the air.

Mister Ibrahim looked around, his eyes filled with pride and happiness. "It's good to be home," he said, his voice ringing with emotion.

Ikram nodded, her heart full. "It's good to have you home, daddy," she said, her voice soft and loving.

Fatima smiled, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Let's get you settled in, love," she said, her voice warmth and welcoming. "And then we can continue catching up over a nice cup of tea."

Ikram sat down with her parents sipping tea as they relaxed after a long day of wedding preparation.

Her father, mister Ibrahim turned to her and asked, "how are things going with the wedding arrangements my dear?"

Ikram smiled brightly and replied, "everything is going well, dad. We've arranged everything and invited so many guests. The venue is all set up and we have a beautiful floral arrangement for the wedding after party."

Her mother, sitting beside mister Ibrahim, beamed with pride at her daughter's organizing skills. "I'm sure everything will be perfect," she said

Ikram nodded, feeling relieved that everything was falling into place. She has spent countless hours making sure every detail was just right, from the table setting to the seating charts

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