chapter 12

"i will go and comfort him, aunty. Don't worry," she said confidently.

Ikram walked into zafeer's room with a determined look on her face. "

She approached zafeer and started flirting with him, hoping to cheer him up. But he suddenly shifted away from her and sternly told her to leave his room.

Surprised and hurt by his actions, she looked at him with wide eyes. "Zafeer , what's wrong? I was just trying to help," she said, confusion evident in her voice.

But he didn't seem to care, as he scolded her for her behavior. "I don't need your fake sympathy, ikram. Just leave me alone," he said coldly.

Feeling rejected and embarrassed, ikram left the room, wondering why her attempt to comfort him had back fired so dramatically. She couldn't shake up the sting of his harsh words as she walked back to her aunt's side, the hurt evident on her face.

Ikram went running to miss Fatima, telling her how zafeer insulted her and threw her out of his room. Fatima wrapped a comforting arm around her and listened attentively. Ikram's words anchored with hurt and betrayal.

"Zafeer behavior is unacceptable, ikram. You deserve better," fatima said firmly, her voice filled with empathy for her distraught soon to be daughter in-law.

Ikram looked at miss fatima, her eyes seeking solace and support. "What should I do, aunty? Miss Fatima smiled and said, "I'm going to talk to his dad about your wedding which will surely take  place in three days."

Ikram looked at miss fatima with a mixture of concern and relief. "Really, aunty? Are you sure?" She asked, wiping away the tears that had escaped down her cheeks.

Miss Fatima nodded. "Yes my dear. The wedding will surely take place in three days."

Ikram hugged miss fatima tightly, a sense of hope filling her heart. "Oh, thank God . I was so worried that things wouldn't work out. But now, it seems like everything is going to be just fine.

Alisha stugged home, each step a sharp minder of the day's emotional turmoil. As she crossed the threshold, her mother's eyes bored into her, a tempest of worry and anger swirling within. "Where have you been?" Her mom demanded, her voice a tight hope of fury and concern.

With a heavy heart, Alisha recounted her confession of love to zafeer, and the stingling rebuke from his mother that followed. Her own words seem to hang in the air, heavy with the weight of her mother's growing ire.

"You're to serve all ties with him," her mother decreased, the finality in her tone brooking no arguments. Before Alisha could protest, she found herself confined to her room, the click of the lock a chilling punctuation to her mother's edict.

From the other side of the door, isha's voice rose in a futile plea, "please let her out! She don't do anything.? But their mother was resolute, her decision as unyielding as the door that stood between them.

Suddenly, they heard The echos of the door's closing reverberated through Alisha's modest home, announcing an unanticipated visitor. It was ikram, her presence as unexpected as a chill in summer. She sauntered in with the Air of someone who owned the place and demanded, "where's Alisha?"

Isha, Alisha's sister, stood up, her voice a mix of surprise and disdain. "What wind blew you into our home after all that happened?"

Ikram's laugh was sharp, devoid of warmth. "I'm certainly not here to admire your quint little dwelling. I've come to extend an invitation to that fool-oh, pardon me, your sister-for my wedding with zafeer,"

Isha's eye flashed with anger, a retord forming on her lips, but their mother's hand on her shoulder was a silent command for restraint. "If you've said your piece, ikram, you should leave," their mother intersected with a calm that belied the tension of the room.

But ikram was not done, she unleashed a torrent of insults. "Be careful old hag, don't mess with me." Each word laced with venom, designed to wound. As she flung the card onto a table where no truce was offered. With a final sneer, she turned on her heel and departed, leaving a heavy silence in her wake.

The family stood in stunned silence, the wedding card an unwanted intruder among them. It was Isha  who broke the silence. "Can you believe the nerve, inviting Alisha to..."

"To rub salt in the wounds," Isha finished, emerging from the hallway. Her voice was steady, but her hands trembled slightly as she picked up the card. "But we won't give her the satisfaction of seeing us hurt."

Lina nodded, a fierce protectiveness in her eyes. "We're stronger than her word, stronger than her spite. We will rise above this."

As they stood together, the bond between them was unspoken but Palpable -a unity that no amount of cruelty can shatter.

"Hey, readers I'm here again"😁
What do you think about this chapter?
Any guess on what will happen next?

Sorry for the Short chapters😔
I'm still learning.

See you next time 😉
