Chapter 34: The Fright Before Christmas (Bonus Episode!)

(A/n: Yeah...I lied about not wanting to exceed over 30 chapters ;) This is the final episode of season 2)

*(Y/n)'s POV*

I woke up one morning to look at my clock and noticed that I was running late. "Oh no." I mumbled, and hopped out of bed. "I gotta hurry before all the shops close." I looked outside the window and saw it was snowing! It's Christmas Eve and I've never been so excited. I put on a thick sweatshirt after picking out my Christmas outfit for today. I picked up a beanie, wondering if I should throw that on or not, but I decided against it, so I placed it back on the hooks. I ruffled my hair out and brushed it down, neatly. Then, I went downstairs to eat some breakfast with my parents before heading out. "I'm leaving!"

Danny walked with me to meet up with Sam and Tucker at the mall to hang out with them. While we were walking, the conversation and the walk itself felt very uneventful and uncomfortable... 

"Merry Christmas!" Sam greeted to literally all of the shoppers. She was waving to strangers, who most paid no attention to. "Happy holidays!" 

I looked at Danny and noticed that he was still grumpy. He hadn't said a word to me since we left, and I wanted to cheer him up somehow. I thought about buying him a Christmas present this year, but I was afraid he won't want it or get mad at me. I blinked in realization, and blushed.

This was the first time ever that I thought about gifting someone I really like. I thought.

Sam left our side to walk up to one of our classmates. "Merry Christmas, Mikey!" She said and beamed at him with a smile.

Mikey, one of the nerds at our school, had his jaw drop to the ground. "You...are being cheery!?" His eyes widened. Then, he started running away from Sam, screaming, "It's a trap, it's a traaaaaap!"

"What's with him?" She asked in confusion as I suppressed a smile.

"What's with you?" Danny angrily asked.

"Aww, perk up, Danny." Tucker said. "I know about you and your annual holiday funk, but this is the one of year that Sam isn't instantly dour."

"Have a Kickin' Kwanzaa!" Sam said cheerfully to one of the African Americans nearby.

"Annual holiday funk?" I repeated slowly. I tried to make sure I heard that right. "Why, what happened last year?"

"It's a story I'll have to tell you another time, we don't want to accidentally make him explode." Tucker suggested. He cupped his hand by his mouth to whisper to me, and I tilted my head. He replaced his beanie with another one, which had a decoration on top. "And...this is the one time of year I can bust out the Foley-Mistletoe beret!" A woman in a really nice, red outfit walked past, with her dog in a kennel. "Hey there, Miss! How's about spreading out a little Christmas cheer?" I covered my mouth with one hand in surprise as she lifted the dog's face to his. His eyes were closed so he didn't see that coming as he puckered up. The dog licked his lips and made a disgusted sound. " had liver for lunch."

I started giggling beside Danny who didn't have a reaction. People started crowding around us, and they all bumped into Danny more than they did me. They held gifts, bags, and wrappers and after another person bumped into him, he growled in frustration. "Ugh, I hate the holidays!" He shouted.

"I don't get it!" I said, frowning at him. I turned to Tucker. "Please, enlighten me. How could anyone hate this time of year?"

"I don't even celebrate it, and I love it!" Sam agreed.

"Oh right." Tucker said, wrapping his hand around my shoulder. "You're the only one that doesn't know about The Fight, (Y/n)."

"The fight?" I asked.

We turned to see a crowd standing in line to have a seat with Santa Claus in the middle of the lobby. Danny sighed heavily. "Santa Claus is a ho-ho-hoax!" Mrs. Fenton shouted at her husband.

"Heretic!" Mr. Fenton said, angrily. "Santa's real as real can be!" He held up the megaphone, "Don't listen to her, kids. Santa's coming in his sleigh, full of goodies!" All of the kids just stared at him. One of the kids hid behind his sibling. "Keep the ho-ho-hope alive!"

"Flying at that altitude in the open at that speed!?" Mrs. Fenton asked the guy wearing the Santa Claus outfit, and she raised her own megaphone at him. The man winced, "He'd pass out! Burned to a crisp from friction! It's scientifically impossible!"

Danny's arms were on his hips as the fight continued. "If you need me, I'll be in the ghost zone, getting rid of some frustration." Danny said, harshly. He held a bag of decoration in his hand.

When he left, I looked at Sam and Tucker. "Would he hate me?" I suddenly asked, watching him walk off. "Do you think he'd hate me if I bought him a present?"

"Nah, he wouldn't hate you." Tucker said. "It's just his parents. They've always done this ever since he was a baby."

"I'm sure if you go now while he's gone, we can help you look for a perfect present for him!" Sam said with a smile that cheered me up instantly.

"Thanks, Sam. Thanks, Tucker." I said, finally smiling again. 


*Danny's POV*

"You better watch out!" I shouted in anger. I threw a Santa Claus statue out, and fired a single ghost ray. I watched it shatter. "You better not cry!" I threw a purple ornament and destroyed that, too. I let go of the bag and felt anger rising through me. " Santa! Santa!" I grabbed the bag and let all of the contents out of the it. "Every year, and I've had it!" I snapped, throwing a few ghost rays out to zap them all and destroy them.

One of the dolls from the bag floated a little too far out towards a building. A ghost had walked out, but before I could even do anything, I had already destroyed the doll and something along with it. "Oops!" I started to say and floated near him. He wore glasses, and had a goatee beard and was all bundled up for the occasion. Pieces of paper shredded, and fell to the ground in a huge pile. "Uhm, sorry, man. It was a total accident!" 

He picked up part of the pile of what was left of the thing I destroyed. "Oops?...Oops!?" He angrily asked me. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

I stared at him blankly. "Uh, not really." I said truthfully. "Hence the 'accident' part?"

He started shaking tremendously, his hands started curling together. "You destroyed my greatest work!" He shouted. "And that was my only copy." A paper that wasn't completely destroyed floated down and I grabbed at it to take a look.

"The Fright Before Christmas?" I read, curiously. "I destroyed a Christmas Poem? Awesome!"


I floated closer to him and said, "Dude, I am sick of Christmas. I came to the Ghost Zone to get away from it. I may have not meant to destroy your stupid book, but that doesn't meant that I'm okay with it." I smiled as I bundled the paper. Green ghost energy surrounded it and I shredded it in his face. 

"Scornful, child." He said, pointing up at me. "Scrooge-like urchin!"

Suddenly, the ghost floated high up in the sky, ghost energy surrounding him out of rage. His eyes glowed red, and he lifted his arms up. He whirled around and I was confused, "And you are...?"

He disappears into a whirlwind for a moment, with beams of light emitting from it. I saw him reappear, with his chin held up high. He was summoning a keyboard with 8 screens and 8 keyboards around him. "The Ghost Writer!" He announced, and showed me his equipment. "Every word I type on this keyboard becomes real, and since you destroyed my Christmas poem, you shall become my new, Christmas poem!"

The Ghost Writer's hands hovered the keyboard and everything started glowing. In the next moment, I found myself being surrounded by pink ecto-energy. I was screaming in pain as I disappeared. 
