Chapter 14: Reign Storm (part 1)

*Third person POV*

Mr. Fenton plugged in the battle suit and it started running on its own. He smiled from ear to ear. (Y/n)'s parents were gathering data from the suit as well as wondering about it. "Sweet!" Mr. Fenton said. "The Fenton pants are charged and operational. I'm telling you guys, when this new ecto-skeleton is finished, it'll be able to beat back any ghosts! No matter how powerful."

"Yeah..." (Y/n)'s mom sighed as she typed on her keyboard. "But the interface is still glitchy and dangerous. I know because well...I'm looking at it." She waved her hand out, gesturing towards the suit and she turned her laptop around to show them the blueprints.

"I'm with (Y/n)'s mother." Mrs. Fenton said. "We need to work the bugs out before-"

Everyone looked up in complete shock when someone flew through the ghost portal and landed right behind them. "Mr. Masters?!" (Y/n)'s parents exclaimed. They crowded around him, green smoke emerging from his body. He looked beat up, bruised and his clothes were scratched.

"Jack..." Vlad said, reaching up at him. "My fat, old friend. Help me."

Vlad passed out on the floor, leaving everyone speechless.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

After the events of fighting Captain Kid with Danny and everyone else, obviously, school returned to normal. For now. Sam and Tucker met up with me and Danny, who was leaning against the tree with a huge smile on his face. I was talking to him for a while, and then Sam said, "You seem pretty happy today"

"Why shouldn't he be?" Tucker asked.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Last night, Danny shoved Ember AND Skulker back into the Ghost Zone."

"And I still had time to finish Lancer's totally useless book report." Danny mentioned, pointing a finger out.

"With my help." I smirked.

"Of course, (Y/n), I can't forget that. Nothing could spoil this day."

"Think fast, Fentoni!" Dash shouted, and all of a sudden, Danny got hit hard with the football that hurdled towards him. The three of us looked down at him on the ground with a shocked look on our faces. He sat back up in pain, with the football rolling off him. He turned around slightly and angrily, and pointed, firing a ghost ray at a street sign before Dash and Kwan. The street sign broke and landed in front of them, who tripped over it.

Danny hurried over to pick up the street sign and stood before them. "No standing at any time, nit-wit!" He said, just to use that joke. Then, he dropped the sign at their faces and they glared.


Sam and I exchanged worried looks once class was over and we walked with Danny to his locker. He put away his books with a smile. "You do realize you're playing with fire, right?" I asked.

"Well, sometimes I have to use my powers for the greater good." Danny said, turning to me and showed me a demonstration. He turned me to face Dash at his locker. It was ready to explode, and once he opened the locker, a bunch of toilet papers fell over top him and scattered.

"And come on." Tucker giggled. "How good was that?"

"Nice." Sam said, unimpressed. "Using your powers to stuff toilet paper in his locker."

"He's going to find out its you." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Have you seen his grades, (Y/n)?" Danny asked me.

Him and Tucker faced each other and said in unison, "Never going to happen."

"Hey, this is Fenton wipe!" Dash said, as he held it up. We noticed it had Danny's dad's face on each of the toilet paper.

" karma's doorbell." Sam said and we smiled to gloat.

"Ding dong." I said as Danny started running. "It's for you! Come on, I'll help you out."


*Danny's POV*

"Ding dong." (Y/n) said, and I widened my eyes. "It's for you! Come on, Danny, I'll help you out. I know a place."

She grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could. My heart was pounding and I started sweating. I could hear Dash's footsteps running after us, and I had no idea where she was taking me. I looked around frantically to think, and saw only two nerds playing card games in the middle of the cafeteria. "FENTON!" Dash roared and we ended up finding a good place to hide.

(Y/n) and I hid underneath the table where the nerds were playing card games, behind their French horn instrument. I smiled to myself, and then we turned our heads to Valerie. Valerie had long, curly hair, and wore a yellow camisole with an orange skirt. She's a former popular kid, who was in my grade and in some of my classes and sort of a ghost hunter. Needless to say, we didn't get along very much as she was as shallow as the rest of the popular kids. We both scowled at each other. "Find your own hiding spot." I said. "(Y/n) and I got dibs on Under the nerd's poker."

"Hey, Val!" (Y/n) whispered politely.

"Hey, (Y/n). Ease up, Fenton." Valerie said. "You two aren't the only one who needs to hide, you know."

"Why are you hiding anyways?" (Y/n) asked.

We heard more footsteps coming forth and heard someone say, "Valerie, where are you? It's only three years until senior prom. Why won't you say yes?!" I peeked out to see another nerd with glasses who held up her picture in admiration.

"Three years?" (Y/n) said. "We could be here a while."

"Do you two wanna check on our book reports?" Valerie offered and we smiled.

We found ourselves running after school down the street to hide behind the nearest dumpster, but found Sam sitting there. Sam pointed at us to explain. "Hiding from Dash." I said.

"And helping him hide." (Y/n) said after panting.

Then, Sam pointed to Valerie to explain what was going on. "Hiding from Nathan. You?"

Sam pointed quietly behind her. "Sammy-kins!" Her mother shouted. "At least try it on!" She walked by the alleyway to hold up a huge, pink and yellow dress with hearts all over it. Then, she ran off to "find" her. I pointed a few blocks down the street.

"Come on, over there." I said, "We can all hide in my house."

We started running again and Sam ran up to me and (Y/n). "So, what's up with this?" Sam asked. "Why are you guys helping Valerie all of a sudden?"

"She helped us hid from Dash earlier." I said. "I'm just returning the favor."

"Well, be careful." Sam said. "The last thing you want to do is invite your arch-enemy into your own home."

Long story short, Valerie's dad's job fell through with him, causing the family to go broke and it was all my fault. I was dealing with the ghost dog from Axion Labs and trying to figure out what his purpose was being here.

Later on, I was being hunted by a huntress in a red jumpsuit. We suspected it was her.

We opened the door to find both our parents in the living room with Vlad, and Jazz, who was reading a book nearby. They were playing chess for the time being. (Y/n) and I gasped. "Ah, hello Daniel and (Y/n)!" Vlad exclaimed. "I have to are the two of you?"

"Too late." Sam said.

"You!?" I asked, and we walked over. "What are you doing here?"

Mom was pouring hot tea into his cup, but "accidentally" poured it onto his pants when he asked for more. Vlad was screaming out in pain. (Y/n) was behind me, but didn't say anything else. "Totally valid question." Mom said, holding up the tea pot.

"Still steaming?" Vlad asked with no pun intended.

"You have no idea." She growled, and walked away.

"Just you know, passing through." Vlad said to us. "And then I saw that marvelous battle suit and thought, 'since I can't just destroy Jack and take it, I suppose I'll steal his secrets right out from under his nose'!" He and Dad took a moment to process what happened, and they laughed together like old times. We all just stared at them. Mom returned with the tea pot and poured more hot tea onto his head this time.

(Y/n) and I walked over to him as they left. "I don't know what you're up to, Plasmius." I said.

"Actually, Danny, we do." (Y/n) said. "He just told us."

"That's right!" Vlad said, leaning down to us. "Say a word, and I'll share your secret with...Ah, the Young Miss Gray."
