Chapter 24: Weekend of Fun

*(Y/n)'s POV*

Technus had total control over everything. "Excellent!" He shouted overhead. "My upgrade is complete. With the technology in this house, I can drain all the power in this city, and then, the world!...Nobody heard that, right?"

We all were too flabbergasted when cables and a bunch of wires wrapped all five of us together in a cocoon. "I'm going ghost!" Both Dannys yelled.


*Third person POV*

"I'm going ghost!" the two Dannys yelled, and when they actually transformed, they looked at each other, surprised. "Whoa, I can still do that?"

"I'll save everyone, you deal with the house, hi-jacking, horror!" heroic Danny said. The other Danny started to fly through the ceiling to phase through, but he couldn't.

"Ow - would it be too much to ask for all of my powers back?" the other Danny asked, rubbing the top of his head. He decided to fly up the stairs instead.

"Eat ghost ray, you evil, electrical extensions!" the first Danny watched as the ghost rays from his hands started flickering away. "Fizzling phantom, are my powers diminished as well?" He jumped over the generator and turned the cocoon invisible. Everyone fell out onto Mr. Fenton and they looked up. "At least that one still works."

Meanwhile, the other Danny is fighting Technus from the Op Center who's trying to attach electrical cords to himself from the house. Technus was angry when the cord was knocked away from his hand. "That's for totally ruining my "Weekend-o-Fun", dude!" Danny shouted.

"Oh, I'll ruin more than that, whelp!" Technus said, lifting up both hands at him. His hands glowed green, and he summoned some satellites and other parts of the house at Danny who shocked him. Danny fell from the rooftop and onto the pavement.

Everyone ran outside safely. "Where's Danny?" his mom asked.

They heard someone fall beside them, and they looked at the Danny who fell in his ghost form. (Y/n) elbowed the Danny who stood next to her and he changed back to normal. "I'm right here, mother!" He said.

"But wait a minute, weren't you just-" Mr. Fenton asked.

"Mom?" We heard Jazz say from the windows upstairs. She was waving at, trying to get their attention. "Dad? Danny...Other Danny!?"

"Jazz!" her parents shouted in distress, and they hurried inside.

"Mmm..." Technus hummed, letting go of the drained power cords. "That was tasty. Now lets see what I could do with all that power!" He raised his hands to gather more power from the house and caused the house to move on its own with giant mechanical legs.

"We have to stop Technus before he takes over the whole city!" Heroic Danny said.

The other Danny laughed, "Oh, good luck, dude."

"I only have half our powers, we must do it together! It's your duty!"

He laughed some more, "He said 'duty'."

Heroic Danny grabbed at him, pulling him close, "We have to stop him!"

"Tried it. Didn't work. Back to bowling."

"It'll be fun and you'll get to hit stuff!" Sam, Tucker and (Y/n) said together to convince him.


"You go inside and get the Ghost Catcher, (Y/n)." Heroic Danny said. "I'll keep Technus busy." He flew away and then they watched him fall down to the ground.

" about we all go inside?" (Y/n) asked, kneeling down beside him.

The five grabbed each others hands with both Dannys in the middle. They flew off from the ground and towards the walking house. One of the Dannys turned them invisible and phased right through.

Both Dannys left to fly up to the Op Center. "No one can stop me now!" Technus said.

"No one, maybe." one of the Dannys said.

"But, how about two?!" the other Danny asked as he jumped through the hatch. Technus controlled a couple satellites to aim at them both, but one of the Dannys fired their ghost rays to destroy them.

"You still can't get past my ghost shield!" Technus reminded them. The ghost shield surrounded them whole.

"Uh...dude, it only works if we're outside the ghost shield?"

"No matter! My upgrade is extremely adaptable!"

A couple giant mechanical arms landed at their feet. One of the Dannys turned invisible while the other flew off. "I'll save you!" heroic Danny said as the other got trapped in a knot. Heroic Danny flew once more only to fall back down. Technus hits him with a ray beam and pull him close to one of the screens.

"If you wish to split your focus, you must learn how to multi-task!" Technus remarked.

"Multi-task this!" (Y/n) shouted.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

"Multi-task this!" I shouted as the three of us hurry through the doorway of the Op Center. Tucker and I carried the Ghost Catcher and Sam was making sure neither of us toppled over.

"What?" Technus asked me as we swung the Ghost Catcher at him and the RV. "No!" His body formed together in front of us, and we drop the Ghost Catcher. Everything stopped working, and the house stopped moving. The mechanical legs attached at the house disappeared and the house settled down to the ground. Both Dannys landed in front of us. "Then, its time my ghostly form had an upgrade as well! You cannot defeat me!"

He started to fly away. "Oh, yes we can!" both Dannys said, grabbing Technus' ghostly tail and dragged him back. "Together!"

The three of us let the Ghost Catcher stand back up. The two Dannys flew back through the Ghost Catcher and let Technus go.

"We did it!" Danny, returning to normal as one, said. "No, I did it!" He stood back up and walked over. "Alright, Technus. It's just you and me now. Me. The one and only, Danny Phantom."

"Technus 2.0 will escape to fight another day-!" He started to shout, until Danny grabbed him by his ghost tail again.

"Shouting out your plans again?" Danny asked. "That is so 1.0."

"Danny, catch!" I said, tossing him the Fenton Thermos.

"Thanks, (Y/n)!" He flipped the lid off, and activated the thermos. We watched as Technus got dragged inside by the beam of light.

"I'll be back, child." Technus said. "Count on it!"

Danny closed the thermos with the lid, and we walked over to him. "Way to pull yourself together, Danny!" I complimented and he smiled at me.

"How did that last pass through the Ghost Catcher do that anyway?" Tucker asked.

"Side 2 merge." Sam mumbled as she looked at the bottom of the net. "Side 1 separate...duh."

"Too bad I couldn't pull together that fun weekend I promised you guys..." Danny said, changing back to normal.

"Are you kidding?" I asked. "This was a fun weekend!"

"Really?" Danny asked, and we walked over to the rails of the Op Center. I stood next to him, and Sam and Tucker on the other side.

"We're your friends, Danny." Sam said.

"Yeah, kicking back or kicking butt." I said, and leaned my head against his. "It'll always be worth it."

"One Danny..." Jazz said as they found us all at the top of the Op Center. "Then I'm not nuts. I'm not nuts!"

She joined us at Tucker's side and we all turned to his family. "Isn't that sweet?" Mrs. Fenton asked. "It's exactly what you said when you proposed to me!"

"And you still said yes." Mr. Fenton smiled at her. "Who's nuts now, huh? (Y/n), I'm sorry for earlier when I was asking why you were kidnapped. You were only helping to save our house."

"It's okay, Mr. Fenton." I said.

"Good to see you're in one piece, son." he then said to Danny.

"Tell me about it." The four of us said in unison.

"Now to work on putting the house back."

We all leaned over the rails again together, looking down below and enjoying the moment at the beach. "Uh, Dad?" Danny asked. "Maybe that can wait til after the summer?"
