Chapter 32: Second Chances

I stared at Vlad stunned, hearing all of this. "W-What happened to (Y/n) and my human self?"

"(Y/n) miraculously lived from the explosion. The bounty hunter, Valerie and her dad took her in, and you? Some things my boy...are better left unsaid. If anything good came out of this, it's that ten years without ghost powers gave me the chance to see what a fool I'd been."

"Maybe that's all anybody needs." I said. "A second chance." I frowned, thinking about the promise I made with (Y/n). Suddenly, I had an idea. "You still have those ghost gauntlets?" Vlad looked at me surprised.


*Dark Danny's POV*

I set my test down on Mr. Lancer's desk, smiling at him with an evil look of satisfaction. "Finished so soon, Mr. Fenton?" He asked and I leaned over at his desk.

"Is that a problem?" I asked snidely.

"How should I know? I don't have all the answers." Then, he leaned in closely at my face. "Do you?" I smiled in response and walked away. I picked up my phone and started calling the Fentonworks' house phone. "Mrs. Fenton? It's Mr. Lancer. Could you meet me at the Nasty Burger at say 5 o'clock, and bring Danny." Then he dialed another number. "Mr. (L/n)? It's Mr. Lancer. I'll need you and Mrs. (L/n) to bring your daughter to the Nasty Burger at 5 o'clock. There's something we all need to discuss together."


*Present Day Danny*

"So you're saying there's a medallion lodged within you keeping you rooted in this time period?" Vlad asked after I told him what happened. He placed a gauntlet on his hand.

"Yes." I answered, placing a hand over my chest. "And I can't reach it." We both walked forward. "I'm guessing if you could reach into me, and rip out my humanity - which, by the way, sounds totally gross - you can get the medallion out, too! Then, I'll pop back to my present like (Y/n), Tucker, and Sam did."

He lifted up the gauntlets that started emitting a green glow. "Or, I could just destroy you now, and prevent this future?" Vlad suggested, and the claws came out. "Didn't think of that, did you?"

I gritted my teeth in fear as he ripped through my body and my voice shrieked through his lab.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

Just when things were about to get even worse, I was crammed in the Fenton RV after the test with Danny and both our parents. "Mr. Lancer sounded urgent over the phone." Mom said in the back seat and looked at me and Danny. "I wonder why he needed us, too. (Y/n), is there something you're not telling me?"

"Danny, is there something wrong?" Mrs. Fenton asked him and I looked at him as well. He's been flakey all day, and there was something that was just off about Danny that I can't put a finger on it.

"Not yet..." He said with a smile on his face, and I bit my lip.

The five of us climbed out of the Fenton RV to meet Mr. Lancer in front of the doors of the Nasty Burger. "Hello everyone, (Y/n), Daniel." Mr. Lancer said. "This is the Nasty Burger. When people fail, this is where they end up. Whether they fail because they don't study, or because they cheated." He held up the test and I facepalmed.

Both our parents gasped at us. "Danny? (Y/n)?" Mr. Fenton asked us.

"Is this true?" Dad asked.

"Did you cheat?" His mom asked.

"What in the world is going on here?" My mom asked.

"You have to get out of here!" Sam shouted. I wheeled around to see Sam and Tucker running towards all of us.

"The Nasty Burger's going to blow!" Tucker stated. "And we're three feet from it!"

"South beach diet, people!" Mr. Lancer snapped. "What's going on here?!"

"I'll tell you what's going on!" Jazz shouted from behind, and stomped her foot down. We heard a metal clang. Danny and I exchanged looks, but I was still skeptical of him. He frowned when I started understanding what was going on. We saw Jazz wearing the Fenton Peeler suit. "Or better yet...Show you." How could I have been so stupid?! This isn't-!, I thought.

I furiously pushed Danny in front of me when Jazz activated the ray gun. Danny's whole body started changing appearances at once after he looked at me in disbelief. His whole body cracked, literally, peeling away the disguise. I gaped as we saw Dark Danny in his true form. He fell back down, and both our parents stepped forward in shock.

"That's not Danny!" Jazz yelled.

Mr. and Mrs. Fenton and my parents crowded around him, pulling out laser guns and aiming it at Dark Danny. "Where is he!?" Mr. Fenton shouted. They were all incredulous. "Where's our son!?"

"What have you done to our boy!?" Mrs. Fenton asked.

Dark Danny was laughing, maniacally, "I AM your boy!"


I stood next to Sam and Tucker as we all just gaped at what was happening around us. "What kind of parents are you, anyway?" He floated up to the sky. "The world's leading ghost experts and you two along with (Y/n)'s parents couldn't figure out that your own son was half ghost!"

"For the record, I blame you." Mr. Fenton said among all the chaos.

"Hellooooo." He sang. "Danny Fenton? Danny Phantom? Ever notice the similarity?" Dark Danny turned to look at me. "Jazz did."

"She did?" The three of us asked ourselves.

"Liar!" Mr. Fenton shouted, pointing the ecto-laser gun at him again. "Don't move!"

"Actually, nobody's going anywhere." Dark Danny said. "Not until it's time for you to be blown everywhere." He raised a hand at everyone else except for me. They were thrown backwards at the boilers inside the kitchen. They started screaming until he bounded their mouths. We watched as Jazz punched through him, but couldn't. "Nice try, Jazz," His chest formed back together. "But me, my future?" He turned around fully to her. "I'm inevitable." Two more clones appeared by her, and one of them took off her helmet. She screamed, defenseless, until Dark Danny shot a ghost ray to bound her mouth and silence her, too. Then, he turned to me after slinging Jazz around to the boiler to join up with my friends and family.

Dark Danny grabbed me, and lifted me higher and higher. I can't believe I pecked a kiss on his cheek! I thought with a disgusted look on my face. He raised a glowing hand at me, ready to strike me with a ghost ray. "Hey, old man!" We heard a voice say and my heart skipped a beat. We turned around to see Danny...our Danny, flying through the clouds with a jetpack. "Ready for a blast from your past?!" He knocked Dark Danny away from me and I was falling until Danny caught me. "Don't ever touch her again!"

"Danny?" I touched his face, and tried to figure out if it was him. "Is it you?"

"Don't worry, (Y/n)...I won't turn into that. Ever. I promise." He reassured, and I smiled at him.

He carried me bridal style towards our family and friends and smiled. "I'm guessing this sort of explains my periodical absences, huh?" He asked them, until we got pulled towards his older self.

Dark Danny tossed me aside and pulled Danny closer to him. "What are you going to do? Waste me?" Danny asked. "What happens to you, then?"

"You don't get it, do you?" Dark Danny asked. "I'm still here. I still exist. That means you still turn into me." He threw at punch at Danny, who flew away and hit the lamppost. "I don't have to waste you. I just have to run out the clock until your entire life falls apart."

"Maybe if you remembered more about your family-" Danny said, turning invisible. He came through the ground and had the ghost gauntlets on. "You'd remember the Specter Deflector." He wrapped it around his evil self who screamed in shock. "Or the ghost gauntlets!?"

As he punched him, evil Danny fell into a truck of oil which causes an explosion. "Danny, get out of there!" I yelled. He landed by the blue fire, and waited before turning around, walking back to me. Dark Danny grabbed at him and shoved him to the ground.

"Your time is up, Danny." Dark Danny said. "It's been up for ten years."

I watched as Danny got beaten up by the clones of his older self. "Danny!" I said, running over to him once he crumpled to the ground. I kneeled down to put my hand on his shoulder.

"What makes you think you can change my past?" He asked.

"Because I promised her, and I promised my family." Danny said as I helped him up. "Cover your ears and get behind me." Danny quickly advised me. I nodded and did what I was told.

"Ha, you're such a child!" Dark Danny laughed. "You promised!?"

"Yes," Danny replied. "I..." He sucked in a deep breath and exhaled, "PROMISED!"

He sent out a ghostly wail that surprised me that he could do it now willingly, causing Dark Danny to fall on his back. "That...power it's not possible!" He shouted in pain. "I don't get that power until ten years from now."

Danny flew up to land in front of Dark Danny. "I guess the future isn't as set in stone as you think it is..."
