Chapter 26: Sealing the Future

*Danny's POV*

"Ow!" I exclaimed, rubbing the back of my head angrily. I picked up the latest invention from the table. "A boomerang?" Our parents with (Y/n)'s hurried over to us to see where the boomerang landed. I threw it out of the room.

"We call it...the Booooomerang." (Y/n)'s dad said in a spooky voice. "Locks in on the ghost's unique ecto-signature and seeks it out wherever it goes!"

They watched as it wheeled around the living room and I felt it hit the back of my head again. "It was (Y/n)'s dad's idea to create this one!" my dad said.

"Although, why it's keyed onto Danny is way beyond me." (Y/n)'s mom said, frowning as she took the boomerang from me.

"What's that, you two?" dad asked us. "One of those stupid C.A.T tests? I failed that and I didn't turn out to be a cat." Our parents headed out to look at their new invention.

I growled in annoyance while Jazz started to sneeze. (Y/n) held up her hands to block all the textbooks and papers that I was about to throw everywhere. "Oh, I give-!"

"Time out!"


*Clockwork's POV*

I appeared in the kitchen room with Box Lunch, and stopped time. "Ah good..." I said, looking around. "Both parents gone, he's alone with his lover, and his sister." I turned into my child form and floated back to Box Lunch who was still in deep sleep. I pulled out the charm and placed the necklace over her neck to wake her up.

She blinked in a daze. "Huh?" she mumbled. "What?" Box Lunch looked around curiously. "Where am I?"

"Amity Park." I answered. "Before you were born. That boy there..." I pointed to Phantom. "Is part ghost. My employers believe him to be a threat to this young girl in front of him, his family and other friends, and the world." I changed to my adult ghost form. "Would you be a dear and dance a little dance for us?"

Box Lunch gritted her teeth angrily, glaring at the boy and the young girl down below her.

"Time in!" I clicked on my staff to resume time. I disappeared to see what will happen next.


*Danny's POV*

"-UP!" I yelled, swatting the papers, and textbooks away. (Y/n) hid from the mess, and Jazz sneezed. I gasped and saw my ghost sense go off. "Huh? A ghost? Here?!" I whispered to myself, and turned to Jazz. "Now, get out of my room!"

"We're in the kitchen..." (Y/n) and Jazz both said in confusion.

Jazz gasped, "But if that's your attitude, I don't want to see you, or anything you might do in here with (Y/n) in the next several minutes!"

"What's with her?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Danny!" (Y/n) said. I turned around and yelped. I saw a miniature ghost above (Y/n) who was about to attack her, and I changed into my ghost form.

"More importantly, what's with you!?"

"I am Box Lunch!" the ghost exclaimed. "Daughter of the Box Ghost and the Lunch Lady!"

"Uhm...Eww..." (Y/n) and I said at the exact same time after exchanging grossed out looks.

"And now, she will face death of my box and lunch feat of doom!" She shouted angrily. We watched as cabinets opened up and canned goods and other packages floated to her. Food and drinks from the fridge escaped and she created a battle suit out of it. "And both probably knew this was coming...BEWARE!"

She pulled (Y/n) in front of her as I launched myself at her. I looked at (Y/n) in fear when she was used as bait and I collided into them both. We all turned invisible and flew out of my house together. "Danny, wait!" (Y/n) shouted against my shoulder. I held onto (Y/n) as we floated above Nasty Burger.

"Prepare to taste defeat!" Box Lunch said, as all of the food from the restaurant gathered around her. (Y/n) stood by my side while I had my arm wrapped around her. She kept her hands around my neck to stay upright. "And perhaps a nice side salad with that?"

"Pass?" We answered with no interest whatsoever.

"Then feast on my hefty calories of doom!"

She lifted her arms up and the food around her started flying towards us. I turned both me and (Y/n) invisible and we watched it go by as we were used to stuff being thrown at us by the Box Ghost. "Oh come on." (Y/n) said, and I looked at her. "If you actually are the child of the Box Ghost and the Lunch Lady-"

"Ew..." I interrupted her, still grossed out.

"Then, you pretty much know how this ends."

We looked up and got knocked down together. "D'ow!" we shouted, and fell from the sky. We phased through the ceiling together and landed on the table. Everyone ran from the restaurant, screaming when they saw us. They didn't see me mostly because I was still invisible and (Y/n) decided to roll off the table to make sure no one didn't see she was with me. I turned visible once everyone left.

I faced the Box Lunch inside and I needed to get (Y/n) to safety. I turned to her, "You've gotta get out of here!" She nodded at me and hurried outside.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

I hurried out the doors, and found Sam and Tucker on the side. "Guys!" I said. "Are you okay?"

"You can kiss your employee of the month goodbye!" the manager, Irving yelled as the workers ran out as well.

"(Y/n)?" Sam asked me. "We should be asking you that, you look awful!"

"Gee, thanks." I muttered. We ducked and ran away to safety together as soon as we heard the explosion go off. I wheeled around in surprise and covered my mouth with my hands. "No way..."

We were on the ground and Tucker picked up a Nasty Burger, eating it like it was still fresh. Danny landed next to me and I sighed in relief. "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance!" Mr. Lancer exclaimed. "RUN!"

Everyone scrambled out of there at once. I helped Danny up to his feet. "Danny?" I asked.

"Who was that ghost you were fighting with?" Tucker asked, helping Sam up.

"Daughter of the Box Ghost and the Lunch Lady." He answered.

"Yikes." Sam and Tucker said.

"Actually, it was more of an 'eww'." I noted.

"And I don't know what's going on." Danny said. He looked down to see a medallion with the letters C and W merged together. "But this medallion might give us a clue..."

He started to lean over until he felt something on his back. Danny pulled a folder from the sauce and glanced at it. "Oh my gosh..." I said. "The answers to the C.A.Ts..."

"Hello, great future!!" Danny exclaimed as he threw the folder up in the air in excitement, holding the medallion in the other hand.

"You're not actually thinking of peeking at the answers, are you?" Tucker asked.

"Of course I am!" Danny said, and we watched him change back to normal. He kept his eyes glued to the folders and Sam and I looked at him disappointingly. "Aren't you?"


*Clockwork's POV*

"Now watch this..." I said. "He'll make the right choice, and you'll see, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about-" They watched him exclaim about having the answers to the test.

"He's stolen the test answers." the Observant on his right said.

"He's clearly going to cheat!" the other one said.

"He has your time medallion!"

"He has your time medallion." The other repeated after him.

"You said that twice." I said, changing to my child form.

"Destroy him now, Clockwork."

"I know what I'm doing." I said, placing my hand on a clock portal, revealing Skulker and Technus 2.0. "We put the answers to the test in his hands and he made the wrong decision."

I decided to show clips of the Nasty Burger for his future where the boilers set to explode. We watched clips of Danny fighting Skulker and Technus 2.0. Then, saw Danny fighting Evil Danny with his friends by his side. We even watched as the future went on to where Sam, Tucker, and (Y/n) almost got collapsed by the Fentonworks where evil Danny killed (Y/n)'s family with (Y/n) arguing with him. Finally, Danny's family, (Y/n), Sam, Tucker, and Mr. Lancer were trapped by the boilers by his evil self. Once the explosion went off, Danny screamed in agony, watching his family and friends die on the spot.

"His future is sealed."
