Chapter 30: The Ultimate Enemy (Part 2)

*Danny's POV*

My eyes were fluttering awake, and I looked at a statue in a tilted world. It had my family, (Y/n)'s family, and my friends. "Mom, dad? 'Gone, but not forgotten'." I looked over to see Mr. Lancer's statue that just read, "Gone." I stood up, with the ropes tied around me. "And where's the Nasty Burger?" I asked myself. I turned around and saw that the sign was on the ground and half of the restaurant destroyed.

"Strange how one massive fireball of highly combustible condiments can ruin your whole future..." My older self said, walking out from the side of the restaurant.

I looked down at my body. "The...time medallion?" I asked, wondering where it went.

"Fused inside you." He said. "Nice, huh? Intangible and unreachable whether you're ghost or human, which can go back in time." I watched as Dark Danny raised the palm of his hand up to create a portal beside him.

"It doesn't matter if I can go back in time or not." I said, boldly. "I'll never turn into you! Never!"

"Of course you will." Dark Danny said, transforming back to his younger, human self. He grinned at me before walking through the portal. "It's only a matter of...time." He grabbed at me, and threw me towards the portal and I screamed. "I need you out of my way and out of my hair while I make sure nothing happens to change my past, and luckily," Dark Danny pulled out his own time medallion. "This is all I need to make sure of that, and to get where and when I needed to go..." A bright light appeared and surrounded Dark Danny whole, to make him disappear. He appeared back in the present time behind the Nasty Burger.


*Clockwork's POV*

I was adjusting the back of the clock on my staff back in my realm until the two Observants from the beginning appeared behind me. "Have you completed the task?" They asked impatiently.

"Everything's fine." I said. "Everything's the way things are supposed to be." I pressed a button on the control panel in front of us and showed them present day Danny by the Nasty Burger. "And there's your boy, returned back to his time. Safe...sound, and clearly, not evil." I turned into my older form of myself. "Now, care to observe the door...?"

They exchanged looks and teleported away. I phased into the child form of myself and I frowned.


*Dark Danny's POV*

"The Nasty Burger..." I said, walking to the front. "Still standing." I peeked inside the kitchen area where the boilers were starting to overheat. "For now..."

"DANNY!" I heard familiar voices say.

I looked at (Y/n), who hurried over and wrapped her arms around my neck into a hug. "You made it back!" She said, happily, holding both of my hands. She sneaked a tiny kiss on my cheek as a welcome back. Little does she know that-.

"Did you beat that evil, jerky puspack, alternative version of yourself!?" Tucker asked.

My eyes glowed red, hoping they didn't see it, and I changed the tone of my voice back to normal. I laughed, "Always with the quips. In my weaker moments, I sometimes miss your droll, sense of humor."

"I'm sorry?" Tucker asked in confusion. I wrapped my arm around (Y/n)'s waist and pulled her close to me.

"I'm just kidding!" I exclaimed. "I beat my other self quite easily. Had you going there for a second, didn't I?"

"Well..." (Y/n) slowly said, eyeing me carefully. I hope she's not the first one to figure this out. "We should probably do what we can to stop the Nasty Burger from blowing up, huh?"

"Already done!" I said, with a smile. "Now, who's up for...whatever we used to do together...Playing some videogames and raging against the machine?"

They all smiled wide from ear to ear. "We're in!" They shouted.


*Present Day Danny's POV*

I tried to struggle to break free from the ropes as I descended further into the Ghost Zone. "I gotta...get out of this!" I managed to say. "I'm...going ghost!" Even in my ghost form I still couldn't break free! I was kicking and thrashing around until I gave up in annoyance. "That was worth a shot."

"Well, well, well..." I heard a voice say and I looked behind me. I saw an older version of the Box Ghost. "All this time, we've been planning on how we take the fight to you, and here you are, wrapped up like a present."

"Box Ghost?" I asked, looking at his muscular self. He had an eye patch with a scar below that eye. I noticed he had a hook for a hand. He's not so goofy as he used to be anymore and it was replaced with a hateful scowl, directed towards me.

"Beware..." He whispered, lifting his hand up, and knocking me back. I fell back into Ember, who was a little...fat.

"Ember?" I said. "You look..."

"Like I went to seed right after while you destroyed my vocal chords with that ghostly wail of yours!?" Ember asked.

"I was going to say statuesque, but uh..." I started to lsay, but she struck a chord at me. The chord struck me and an ecto-fist popped out at me. I got knocked into a wheelchair. I looked up at an old man with a tiny skull necklace around his neck. "Johnny 13? Okay, whatever happened to you, I swear I had nothing to do with it!"

The shadow that acted like a blanket for him, snaked out and I saw his shadow. "Been waiting a long time for this, punk." Johnny said.

"Wait, no!" I shouted, and they all crowded around me as I floated there, unable to defend myself. I looked up and saw I was about to be beaten up by Skulk-Tech, plus Johnny 13's girlfriend, Kitty who started to throw her purse at my face. "No!"


*(Y/n)'s POV*

Mr. Lancer was walking around and briefly checking on each student as we took the C.A.T in his classroom Saturday morning. I noticed that Danny pulled out the answer sheet from under the desk and was starting to jot all of them down. "Danny!" Tucker whispered.

"Don't!" I also whispered as Sam placed a hand on her head in embarrassment.

"If we cheat on the test, we-" Tucker continued to say until Sam shushed him.

"Mr. Foley? Mr. Fenton?" We all turned our heads to Mr. Lancer sitting at his desk. "Is there a problem?"

"Uh..." Danny looked over to the three of us, then chuckled lightly. "No problem at all..."


*Present Day Danny's POV*

I ended up getting a message from Jazz. The Boooomerang had hit me in the back of the head after my battle with all the ghosts. I defeated them with the ghostly wail I thought would never get a chance to do until I was older. When I removed her headband from the Boooomerang, I unfolded the note, and this is where I ended up.

"Well..." I said. "That's Vlad for you. Subtle as a flying mallet." I faced a gigantic football, and I took a look at the note again. Jazz wrote his name down and the state Wisconsin, and it took me a long while to get here. I pushed the gigantic football aside and it revealed a portal. I flew through it and saw an old man sitting at the chair.

"Come to kick a defenseless, old man while he's down?" he asked, tapping his fingers at his chair.

"Defenseless?" I muttered. "Old?" Vlad wheeled his chair around and I saw how drastically skinny he looked with a long beard that looked like he didn't shave for ten years. "Man, what happened to you?"

"I could ask you the very same question, my boy." Vlad said, and then grabbed his cane to stand up. "Although, perhaps, I should ask what hasn't happened to you, yet? If it's any consolation, they went so quickly."

I looked at him to listen. "Yours and (Y/n)'s family and friends, they felt no pain."

"(Y/n)'s alive in this part of the future?" I asked. "How?"

"You, of course. You saved her in spite of everything, but she was angry with you for the result of letting everyone else die. The same could not have been said for you, Daniel. With nowhere else to go after you two split, you came to me, the only person left on the planet who could possibly hope to understand you and your situation. No more painful human emotions to drag you down. I honored your wishes. Sadly, that grieved you to rip the ghost out of me, and when my evil ghost half mixed with yours, my evil side overwhelmed you."
