Soo it's now Wednesday and I just left the airport, on the way home . I couldn't wait to get in my bed and just go to sleep .
The Uber parked in front of my house and I paid her and got out with my suitcases and bag , making my way to the front door . I walk in and make sure I lock the door back and set my suitcases down by the door . I walk to the garage door and see seths car was gone so he must be somewhere. I walk into the kitchen and see dishes on the counter and crumbs of different types of food on the island .
" oh my god." I roll my eyes and take off my shoes. As much as I want to go to sleep , I refuse to have the house looking a mess so I walk to the counter and grab all the dishes and put them in the sink and start washing them .

An hour later I finish and turn around to the island and grab a Clorox wipe and wipe every single counter off , and as I'm wiping down the island.. I see a strand of hair . Red hair .
I hold it up just to make sure I wasn't seeing things and I was right , it was a long piece of red hair . I roll my eyes and grow it away and continue to wipe the island down as I hear the garage open and close .

I hear the door open and close and I don't even bother to look and see if it's Seth . I walk around and open the fridge " mhm" Seth cleared his throat .
" I didn't think you w-were coming home today ." I ignore him , close the fridge and yawn .
" are you giving me the silent treatment or something..?" He walks into the kitchen and grabs a cold water from the fridge , which is next to me and I instantly move over but then move closer to him " why do you smell like this ..?" I sniffed .
" why are you so close !? I don't smell like anything ." He moves away .
" um yes you do ."
" yeah okay ." He says and I just chuckle to myself and walk past him and make my way upstairs into one of the guest rooms and plop down , instantly going to sleep .

I wake up and check the time to see it's 8 at night . I get up , stretch and go to our room and into my closet , grabbing clothes and walking back into the guest bedroom and into the bathroom . I turn on the bath water and go to my phone and order some wings .. of course .
I undress and get in, the water burning but relaxing, sending goosebumps up my arms. My body wash smell quickly spreads across the bathroom.
After I relax for a little , I wash my body and drain the water as I get out . I wrap myself up in a towel and brush my teeth , wash my face and lotion up and walk into the room and start getting dressed in my grey sweatpants , black long sleeve Nike shirt and my long black socks .
I grab my phone and as I make my way downstairs I hear the doorbell ring and I hurry to the door , making sure my wallet was on the side so I can pay for the food .
I open the door and my eyes instantly go wide . It wasn't the food man at the door ...it was becky .
" oh I didn't know you wer-" she starts speaking but I cut her off . " Colby !!" I yell and he comes downs the stairs " yes?" .
" your little girlfriend is here ." I say as Colby stands by me and I just look at him with the most annoyed face .
He clears his throat " um-" he starts speaking but I cut in " so can you tell me what she's doing here ? " I then turn my head to becky " and can you tell me what you think your doing here ?!" . They both stay quiet and I just scoff and roll my eyes .
" oh wow ... okay . It's your time to leave." I say and close the door on her face but open it again because the food had came . I paid for it and slammed the door again , making my way to the kitchen with Seth right behind me .
" do you know how stupid I look ..?" I whisper and slowly look up at him .
" wha-" I cut him off . " do you know how embarrassing that is ? Why is she even here anyway !?" I started getting loud .
" I- I don't know why she showed up here " he chuckled but tried to clear it up but I heard him .
" do you think this is funny !!?" I yell .
  " and don't LIE to me ! I found a piece of long red hair on the island when I was cleaning up YOUR mess ! " .
" what are you yelling for !?"
" so I know your hearing me ! Because I'm tired of all of it ! "
" I was on vacation... trying to enjoy myself and all of a sudden I see you guys had a photo shoot together !? Colby we don't even have photo shoots together !" I yell . At this point I was ready to let everything out .
" it was just a photo shoot! What are you getting all mad for !?"
  " because what do you not get !!?" .
" she probably makes you happier then I do huh ?"

" what are you talking about !? " he yells right back .
I run my hands down my face with a couple frustrated tears " I have been so lost ! .. I've been losing my mind . And you don't even see it .. you don't even care ! "
  " you already cheated on me onc-" I started but he cut me off  . " don't bring that up kaylee ."
" no I'm gonna bring it up ! Because if your cheating on me again just say that ! ... Colby I am holding on for dear life but I need you to need me back ! Why wouldn't you tell me about the photoshoot or when you were out with her or having her over here !?  And why didn't you call me while I was away ! , and why won't you j-j- just let the whole pregnant thing GO ! " I shouted with tears down my face .

I pace around back and forth " did you cheat ?"
" kaylee.." . I turn towards him " you don't wanna tell me ? Fine , okay . But don't talk to me . I'll be sleeping in the guest room ." I sniff and grab a napkin, water and my food and made my way upstairs to the guest room and started eating, trying to get my mind off of everything.
