Volume 5 Chapter 3: Preparing For The Sports Festival (Sports Festival #3)

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019
1:30 P.M


Me {The school gave us a two hour homeroom period. To discuss our plans for the upcoming sports festival}

Me {Chabashira-sensei moved to the back of the classroom to give us some space to talk}

Me {Yosuke got up and stood in front of Chabashira's teaching podium}

Yosuke [In order to prepare for this upcoming sports festival, we should all discuss the matter of the "Recommended Only Participation" events. I think it is important to discuss this first]

Sudo [Even if you say "decide", how are we going to do that?]

Yosuke [Like this. For instance, in the case of the Universal Participation——]

Me {Yosuke then picked up the chalk and started to write two plans the "Desired" or "Ability" plan}

Yosuke [——It's still a rough sketch but it boils down to these two. First is the "Desired" system where will put people based on what events they would like to do. And the "Ability" system is where we put those who excel at certain tasks]

Sudo [No matter how you look at it, we should do the ability route. After all you know yourself best]

Sudo [Because then if the athletic people win then we all win, right?]

Shinohara [Well... It does piss me off but I guess that would be the best option]

Yukimura [I agree with Sudo-kun. I don't have that much athletic ability so I wouldn't mind if someone like Sudo-kun does all of the Recommended Only Events]

Sudo [Then it's decided, right? Leave all of the recommended events to me!]

Suzune [I completely agree with Sudo-kun]

Me {Huh. Never thought I'd hear that before}

Yosuke [If everyone agrees with this plan then it's settled——]

??? [Ahh—— Can I have a moment]

Me {Kei? What does she want to say}

Kei [I object. I think that we should go with the "Desired" plan. After all you did say that you wanted to unite the class. What better way to do that than this plan. It's to bring the class together as one]

Suzune ["To bring the class together as one"]

Kei [Yeah. But, what do you think Nagi-kun?]

(A/N.  Wait does Kei call Nagi, Nagi or Yoshida?)

Me {Huh, me?}

Me [What do I think?]

Kei [Yes. That's what I asked didn't I?]

Me [Hmm]

Me {I should answer truthfully}

Me [I guess doing the ability plan would get us to class A]

Suzune [See I told you.]

Me [But what is most important, is that everyone is comfortable doing what they want. To me that's more important than getting class A. We're all friends after all. So I think that the desired plan is better]

Kei [I knew you would agree with me]

Suzune [Tch]

Yosuke [Great arguments from both parties. I think we should settle it with a vote]

Yosuke [First with Horikita-San's plan, could you please raise your hands]

Everyone [...]

Yosuke [15 votes... Thank you, you can put to them down]

Suzune [Ayanokoji-kun. You didn't raise your hand. You can't possibly be thinking of raising your hand for Karuizawa-san's plan.]

Kiyotaka [Relax, it's my policy to be a non-voter]

Mii-Chan [But Ayanokoji-kun isn't honesty the best policy?]

Kiyotaka [Of course it is. And for that reason I would never lie to any of you guys]

Mii-Chan [That's great to hear]

Yosuke [And now for Karuizawa's plan. Could you please raise your hands]

Yosuke [...14 votes. Looks like we will do Horikita-san'a plan]

Me {Wait.}

Me {Now that I think about it, wasn't that a bit out of character of Kei? Or am I just tripping}

Yosuke [Then regarding the recommended events——]

Sudo [I'll be participating in all of them! And if anyone has a problem with that they can talk to me]

Suzune [I'll also be competing in multiple events as possible]

Sudo [Oi. Koenji are you going to be competing?]

Koenji [Of course, I would love to. But if for some particular reason, like in the island exam I happen to be sick then unfortunately I can not compete]

Sudo [Don't bullshit me, you better compete]

Koenji [Fufufu, only time will tell]

Sudo [Tch]


Yosuke [All right everyone we will pick this back up sometime later]

Me {The bell rang and I was thinking about what I should do when I saw Kei and Kiyotaka talking to each other}

Me {I wonder what they're talking about}

Me {Didn't I have something to do on Tuesdays and Thursdays?}

Me {Nah, I should just go to the gym}

Me {After all it's Rhomboid day!!!}

Tokyo, Japan
GYM/Student Council Room
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019
4:30 P.M


Me [Yo. Yamada you're here too 🇺🇸]

Yamada [Yes. Boss says we need to work out more. 🇺🇸]

Me [Of course, Ryuuen said that 🇺🇸]

Yamada [Is Kanji not coming? 🇺🇸]

Me [Not today. I'm here by myself 🇺🇸]

Yamada [I see. Nagi what are you working out today? 🇺🇸]

Me [My Rhomboid's. 🇺🇸]

Me {I should probably ask him. 🇯🇵}

Yamada [That's good to hear. 🇺🇸]

Me [Yamada. Why does Ryuuen and Ibuki call you by your surname "Albert"? Aren't you close with them? 🇺🇸]

Yamada [My surname isn't Albert. You're the one who calls me by my last name "Yamada". 🇺🇸 }


Me [What? You're name isn't Yamada Albert. Isn't that how you say it in the west? 🇺🇸]

Yamada [My given name is Albert while my surname is Yamada. 🇺🇸]

Me [😮. I'm so stupid when I introduced myself back then I said my name like you do in the west. Nagi Yoshida. 🇺🇸]

Yamada [How about we reintroduced ourselves in the Japanese way. 🇺🇸]

Me [Okay. That would be better. And I'll go first. 🇺🇸]

Me [Ahem. 🇺🇸/🇯🇵]

Me [I am Yoshida Nagi from class 1-D it's nice to meet you.🇯🇵]

Yamada [😑. I meant using our last names first not in Japanese. 🇺🇸]

Me [Ooh, that makes more sense. 🇺🇸 ]

Yamada [But I understood you. Now it's my turn. 🇺🇸]

Albert [Nice to meet you Nagi. I'm Yamada Albert from class 1-B. 🇺🇸]

Me [Alright. That's much better. 🇺🇸]

Albert [Alright. I think it's time for us to work out. 🇺🇸]

Me [Yeah, let's get started. 🇯🇵]

*30 Minutes Later*


Me {Ayanokoji-kun said that he might be inside of the gym}

Me {Did he forget that he's one of the student council's Vice Presidents. And that we have meeting today}

Me {Well. It's my job as his secretary to make sure he goes to council room. And I failed already}

Me {Ugh. Where could be!?. Horikita-Senpai will definitely be upset}

Me {There he is. And is he doing pull ups?}

(A/N. Yes it's my boy Nagi from Red Unleashed 🥴😩🥰📉.... But the down fall tho 😭)

Me {Is t-that Yoshida-kun with his shirt off}

Me {😳🤭. He looks good without his shirt on}

Me {What am I thinking? Focus. I need to talk to him}

Me {I walked up towards Yoshida-kun}

Me {Don't look. That is being indecent. .... 🫣}

Me [Y-Yoshida-kun. We have a meeting in the student council room today]

Yoshida [Oh. That's what I had to do today. I knew there was something I had to do. Thank you for reminding me. I'll be done after, I finish this last set]

Me [O-Okay]

Me {He's so muscular. He developed that in 5 months!? I just want to touch his muscles. One touch wouldn't hurt}

Me {No! Stop being lewd}

Yoshida [Thanks for coming to get me Honami. I owe you one]

Me [Its not a problem]

Yoshida [Alright let's go]

Me [Alrighty]

Me {I'm glad he chose me to become his secretary. Because I can spend more time with him}

*Back To NAGI'S POV*

Me {We reached the student council room and we walked inside}

Tachibana [My favorite Kohai! You're late]

Honami [Sorry for the wait. I had to get Yoshida-Kun and he was at the gym]

Manabu [You work out Nagi-kun?]

Me [Yeah, I been lifting a few weight here and there]

Manabu [Good then. I have something I want to tell you——]

Nagumo [Well well well. The interesting Kohai became the new VP. I should keep my eyes on you]

Me [I'm nothing special. So there's no reason to worry]

Nagumo [Hahaha. Only time will tell]

Tachibana [Since this is basically your first time here I'm going to have to ask you guys to organize the students files. Because some rude Kohai knocked it over]

Nagumo [Hey, it bumped into me]

Honami [All right. We'll get to it]

Tachibana [The file room is the small room all the way on the right]

Me [Okay, we'll get to it]

Me {We went to the filing room and it was pretty small Honami and I were practically touching each other}

Honami {Eek! I'm in a small space with Yoshida-kun. Does he notice that too?}

Me {I wonder what I should eat for dinner? Maybe some takeout at the mall?}

Me {Wait I'm banned from the mall 😭.}

Me {Wait I could just wear a hat and no one would ever know. Yes, that's it}

Me {What's this file?}

File ["Yoshida Nagi"]

Me {Huh. This is my file, I should read it}

Me {I read the file and it had a lot of personal information and it even had a background section that was pretty accurate}

Me {I wonder...}

Me [Honami]

Honami [Yes, Yoshida-kun?]

Me [Could you find Kiyotaka's file since you're on that side]

Honami [Of course]

Honami [...And I wanted to ask you something]

Me [Yes, what is it?]

Honami [Why did you want me of all people as your secretary?]

Me [Because you're reliable, kind, caring, smart, and you would always have my best interest. And didn't you want to join the student council anyways. Plus we're friends too]

Honami [Thank you Yoshida-kun. That means a lot coming from you]

Me [Well I'm glad it helped you]

Honami [...]

Me [...]

Honami [I found it. Here you go, one Ayanogoatji-kun's file]

Me [Thank you]

Me {I opened the file and it had basic information but when I looked at the background part it was blank}

Honami [Blank!?]

Me [That's weird maybe they're still being developed]

Honami [Maybe]

Me {We closed the file and put it back into place}

Honami [All right we're done. We should head back]

Me [Okay, let's check in with Manabu first]

Honami [Okie dokie]

Me {We went back to the main office area where manabu was}

Me [Manabu! We're done, we're heading home now]

Manabu [Okay, I heard you no need to scream]

Me [Okay see ya]

Manabu [Nagi-kun]

Me [What is it?]

Manabu [During the sports festival I want you to race against me in the relay race. Actually scratch that I want you to compete against me during the whole sports festival]

Honami & Tachibana [*Gasp* 😮🫢]

Me [Sure, but it'll cost ya]

Manabu [I knew that already that's why I sent 2 million]

Me [Huh?]

Private Points [25,926,746+2,500,000=28,426,746PP]

Me [Dang. I would have done it for free but thanks]

Manabu [It seems like I don't have to bribe you anymore. You really have grown]

Me [I guess I did]

Me {Honami and I walked out of the room and started walking back}

Me [Hey, Honami. I'm going to get something at the mall are you coming with me?]

Honami {Does he mean a date!?}

Honami [Uh. Yeah]

Me [Okay]

Me {We walked inside of the mall}

Mall Manager [Hey! Why are you here? And your with a different girl. Tsk tsk tsk. Ma'am you're allowed to come here, but your boyfriend isn't}

Honami [B-boyfriend!?...]


Mall Manager [*Gasp*. You watch your mouth boy you're banned for an additional week]

Me [Tch. It's not my fault you can't get a boyfriend in your 20's with no chest or ass]


Tokyo, Japan
Wednesday, September 4th, 2019
1:30 P.M


Me {It was the next day and the whole class was in the gymnasium}

Yosuke [Afternoon Everyone. I borrowed this grip strength measuring instrument]

Sudo [I'll start! And set the standard for everyone else after me]

Yosuke [...Umm okay]


Me {It instantly passed 50 and rose all of the way to 82.4 KG}

Kanji [You're freakishly strong Ken]

Sudo [Koenji, you go]

Koenji [I am not interested. You can ignore me.]

Me [But why would we ignore a perfect existence like you?]

Koenji [Fufufu. You're quite entertaining Lucky Elevator boy-kun. I guess I can grace you with my presence]

Me {Koenji grabbed the grip machine and it rose all the way to 93.5 KG}

Koenji [Happy?]

Me [Yes]

Sudo [Dang it!]

Sudo [*Sigh* Ayanokoji-Kun why don't you have a go]

Kiyotaka [Uh sure.... Hey Yoshida what is the average for men?]

Me [I think it is about 45 why?]

Kiyotaka [Thank you]

Me {Kiyotaka gripped the machine and it rose to exactly 45.6 KG}

Me {What? Did he purposely held back. I need to question him}

Yosuke [Ike-kun it's your turn, then Nagi-kun's]

Kanji [Alright]

Me {Kanji grabbed the machine and his number came out to be 59.8 KG}

Me [You improved Issei]

Kanji [All thanks to you. And who's Issei?]

Kanji [Well, it's your turn]

Me [Okay]

Me {I gripped the machine and it rose to 29.3 KG}

Me [Oh no. I got 29 KG.]

Kanji & Kiyotaka [😐]

Kanji [Hey dude. Some guy's pressing himself on Horikita]

Me {I clenched my fist}

Me [Where?]

Me {I looked around only to find Suzune just reading her book}

Me [You lied]

Kanji [91.2 KG! Dang you're strong dude——]


Kanji [OW!!! 🤕]

Me [Don't play like that, dumbass]

Yosuke [So for the tug of war we will have Nagi-kun, Sudo-kun, Myself, and Ike-kun]

Yosuke [And now we need the scavenger hunt participants]

Kiyotaka [I nominate Yoshida]

Yosuke [Okay, I'll write that down]

Me {So I don't get a choice. 😭}

Me [Why me Kiyotaka?]

Kiyotaka [Simple, You're lucky]

(A/N. I need some sleep)
