Volume 4 Chapter 3: Class Promotion? (Zodiac Exam #3)

Somewhere In The Pacific Ocean
Cruise Ship
August 11th, 2019


Suzune [...Are you serious!?]

Me {Kiyotaka, Yosuke, Suzune, and I all gathered on the deck to discuss what happened yesterday night and this morning}

Yosuke [Unfortunately, it's true Koenji-kun suddenly ended the exam for his group today]

Suzune [I'll scold him next time I see him, I'd like to avoid such incidents again in the future]

Me [That's pointless because he will do whatever he wants to do]

Suzune [Well anyways Ayanokoji-kun, what do you plan on doing today?]

Me {Did she just blatantly ignore me πŸ˜‘}

Kiyotaka [Nothing I don't plaβ€”β€”]

??? [Kukuku, Are you guys having a little outing outside?]

Me {I know that laugh, it's my birthday bro Ryuuen, and Ibuki?}

Me [Hey bro]

Ryuuen [Whats up]

Me [Nothing]

Suzune [Nagi-kun, why are you talking with Ryuuen-kun?]

Me [We're roommates and we share the same birthday]

Suzune [October 20th?]

Me [Yes, and Kiyotaka has the same birthday too]

Suzune [Thats oddly peculiar. Anyways what do you want Ryuuen-kun]

Ryuuen [Oh nothing. I just wanted to see if you guys we're trying to find the VIP]

Suzune [Whatever my plans are. It's none of your business]

Ryuuen [Aww~. That's such a shame, I was actually looking forward to talking with you]

Suzune [That's interesting, are you saying you know the VIP of our group?]

Ryuuen [I already found out who the VIP is, would you believe me if I said that]

Me [Kiyotaka]

Kiyotaka [What is it?]

Me [Pick a number 1-14]

Kiyotaka [...Ten]

Me [Okay thanks]

Suzune [Nagi-kun it's rude to interrupt someone]

Me [Oh my bad Suzune, continue]

Suzune [*sigh*. No I would not believe you if you said that]

Ryuuen [Well then, it's very unfortunate for you becauseβ€”β€”]







Ryuuen [Huh?]

Suzune [A text message?]

Me {I looked down at my phone at a message from the school popped up}

[ANHS] {The Taurus Group ♉️ exam is over. Members in the Taurus group are done participating. Please enjoy your summer}

Suzune [Someone ended the exam for our group?]

Ryuuen [That's weird]

Ibuki [What do you mean that's weird, Ryuuen? Didn't one of your goons submit it?]

Ryuuen [No actually, this wasn't me]

Me [That's so bad. The exam suddenly ended. I guess I can go relax at the pool now bye bye]

Suzune [Nagi-kun. What did you do?]

Me [What do you mean?]

Ryuuen [Don't bullshit us. Did you submit the VIP early?]

Me [*sigh*. No point in hiding it. I submitted the VIP.]

Yosuke [Who did you choose Nagi-kun?]

Me [Well I asked Kiyotaka what number I should submit but, I don't like the number ten so I chose randomly]

Ryuuen [What do you mean number? There are no numbers when you try to submit an answer]

Me [Oh I just corresponded a number in order with the list. Apparently it's sorted alphabetically 🀷]

Suzune [*sigh*. No use over crying over spilt milk]

Ryuuen [But the real reason I'm here is to make a bet]

Suzune [A bet?]

Ryuuen [Yes that Class C will dominate this exam]

Suzune [I highly doubt that will happen becoming Nagi-kun and I will win this exam]

Ryuuen [Kukuku! πŸ˜‚. You and The Lazy Giant. I'll bet you 1,000,000 Private points]

Suzune [Deal]

Me [Wait Suzune, you don't have 1,000,000 private points]

Suzune [Exactly you're going to pay for it. Consider it payback]

Me {My summer 😭}

Me [Payback for what?]

Suzune [*Sigh*. Doesn't matter]

Me [Well if that's what you want I'll support you any way I can]

Me [Its a deal Ryuuen. 🀝]

Ryuuen [Kukuku, 🀝. We'll see]

Me {After that everyone left and it was just me and Suzune left at the deck}

Suzune [Okay Nagi-kun. Let's do this]

Me [Okay, but I need to go and speak with Chiaki]

Suzune [Tch]

Me [What? You don't like Chiaki or something]

Suzune [I don't particularly like her or hate her]

Me [So you dislike her?]

Suzune [Thats one way to put it. But why do you like Mastushita-San?]

Me [She's funny, kind, intelligent, and she's attractive. I don't usually care for looks, but her eyes match mine andβ€”β€”]

Suzune [Okay! I get it. I see why you're dating her]

Me [Oh that. I'm not dating her, it was just a cover up because Kiyotaka walked in on us talking about something]

Suzune [Oh]

Me [???. Wait were jealous because me and Chiaki are "dating"]

Suzune [No. I wasn't jealous]

Me [There's no need to be. Cause we aren't even dating]

Suzune [I can see that now, stop talking about it]

Me [Okay okay. I need to go see her, bye]

Suzune [Goodbye Nagi-kun]

Me [See ya]

Somewhere In The Pacific Ocean
Cruise Ship
Bottom Deck... Again
August 11th, 2019


Me {I texted Chiaki to meet me here at 10:30, but it looks like she's running late}

??? [Now give me this private points before I get physical]

Me {Does everyone meet up here or something? πŸ˜ͺ}

??? [Please, Yoshida-San. I-I'm sorry, I'll have it by the end of the month]

Me {"Yoshida"? Looks like he has the same last name as me. I should probably record this}

Me {I took out my phone and started recording}

Yoshida [I don't care Kobashi-Chan we had a deal. Give me the points, or you'll regret it]

Me {Oh yeah, I saw Yume a few times when I was with Honami and her friends}

Kobashi [I'm sorry, but after every month we put half of our points inside the class' bank]

Yoshida [Is that so? Well I get what want so you're going to have to pay me in another way 😏]

Kobashi [H-How? I don't have any money]

Yoshida [Like this]

Me {He then pushes Yume on the floor and stares at her skirt}

Yoshida [Spread your legs.]

Me {Yume, began to cry and slowing spread her legs}

Yoshida [And I didn't think this would be that easyβ€”β€”]

Me [What are you doing?]

Yume [Huh? Y-Yoshida-kun]

Yoshida [Yoshida? You have the same name as me?]

Me [Yeah, but you don't deserve the name Yoshida. It means lucky or ricefield, but you sir are not lucky]

Yoshida [What do yoβ€”β€”]

Me {His body fell to the floor because I punched him square in the face}

Yume [Y-y-yoshida-kun! 😭. Why did you do that you're going to get expelled because of me. I-I'm sorry]

Me [Don't worry. I was recording the whole thing so he will get expelled]

Yume [Thank you, I was so scared]

Me [How long has this been has this been happening?]

Yume [J-June]

Me [That long? Should I tell Honami?]

Yume [NO! Sorry for screaming. But could we keep this between us?]

Me [If that's what you want. But I will send you the video evidence so you could expel him]

Yume [You want me to do it?]

Me [Yeah. It's your situation]

Yume [But expelling someone is so cruel]

Me [I know it is I wouldn't want anyone to get expelled only if they deserve it. For example there's this guy in my class. His name is Yamauchi. He doesn't really provide or contribute anything to the class, but I wouldn't want him expelled. After all they all have a dream, and this school is pretty cruel]

Yume [I see.... Thank you again Yoshida-kun]

Me [Call me Nagi because that name might give you PTSD in the future]

Yume [Okay Nagi-kun]

Chiaki [Why when I find you you're always with another girl. You must be a playboy by now]

Me [Stalker-chan. It took you long enough]

Chiaki [Sorry I was a bit held up. Is that a body on the floor!]

Me [Don't mind that, anyways I wanted to talk with you]

Chiaki [What do you mean Nagiwagi?]

Me [Don't pay it any attention. But I think you should go Yume and tell Mashima-Sensei]

Yume [Why Mashima-Sensei and not Hoshinomiya-Sensei?]

Me [Because Mashima-Sensei is the best teacher, and would probably help you immediately]

Yume [Okay I will . Than you again Yoβ€”Nagi-kun]

Me {She left and I could finally talk with stalker-chan}

Chiaki [Now, what did you want to discuss?]

Me [Suzune wants to win the exam so we need to find out the VIP of your group, any suspicions?]

Chiaki [First off, why did your group end their testing period today]

Me [Because I submitted an answer]

Chiaki [Okay. Now I am 100% sure that the VIP is from class B]

Me [Okay, if you find out who it is then instantly submit the answer]

Chiaki [Okay]

Me [Also I'm breaking up with you]

Chiaki [Aww. But I like dating my Nagiwagi]

Me [U-uh. Why did you say "my"?]

Chiaki [Because you're just like the little brother I never had]

Me [You do realize that I'm 30 cm taller than you\

Chiaki [Yeah, but I'm older]

Me [Yeah yeah. Get going your exam is going to start]

Chiaki [Im going]
Somewhere In The Pacific Ocean
Cruise Ship
Birthday Bros Dorm
August 11th, 2019


Me {I was playing on my phone inside the dorm room and Kiyotaka was just staring at the wall like a weirdo}

Me {Wait didn't I have something to do today?.......}

Kiyotaka [Aren't you supposed to go with Karuizawa to apologize to those class C girls]

Me [Yes! That's it thank you]

Me {Wait Did he read my mind or something?}


Me {Right then I got a text and I opened it}

[Kei] {Help. Bottom deck}

Kiyotaka [Who was that?]

Me [Kei she needs help]

Kiyotaka [I got it Yoshida. Let me handle it]

Me [I don't thiβ€”β€”]

Kiyotaka [Trust me It'll be fine]

Me [Okay]

Me {Kiyotaka then left and I kept playing on my phone}

Me {I'm sure Kiyotaka can handle it. He's a big boy after all}

Me {I'm so positive that he wouldn't use any violence}


Kiyotaka [Spread your legs]

Kei [*Gasp*]

Somewhere In The Pacific Ocean
Cruise Ship
Aquarius Room ♒️
August 11th, 2019


Me {Currently I am in the Aquarius group and I am trying to find the VIP}

Me {The current suspects are Ninomiya Yui, Norihito Watanabe, and Kobashi Yume}

Me {The most likely one to be the VIP is Kobashi-chan. But I need more information}

Ike [Guys let's be honest no one is going to come forward might as well end the exam like the other groups]

Tokito [Yes, I think that's the best course of action]

Me {If she is it I should question her}

Me [Kobashi-chan you like Nagi-kun right?]

Everyone [What!?]

Ike [That's so out of pocket. Context please]

Sakura [Yes, I would like some context too?]

Sudo [But wait. Aren't you dating him, Matsushita?]

Me [No, he broke up with me earlier today actually]

Sakura [Oh]

Me [Well then. Go on]

Kobashi [N-no I don't like him.]

Me {Hmm she bit her lips after saying that. It's a common habit some people have whenever they lie}

Me [Oh my bad. I'm sorry for asking. But could I ask you something else?]

Kobashi [Sure]

Me [Are you the VIP?]

Kobashi [N-no I'm not]

Me {She bit her lip again, she's definitely lying and is the VIP}

*Timeskip after the discussion*

Me [*Sigh*. Time to submit my answer. I hope my deduction is right]


[ANHS] {The Aquarius Group ♒️ exam is over. Members in the Aquarius group are done participating. Please enjoy your summer}

Somewhere In The Pacific Ocean
Cruise Ship
August 13th, 2019


Karuizawa [...Sorry for making you wait]

Me [Sorry for calling you out this late]

Karuizawa [No, it's fine]

Me [Did anyone suspect you?]

Karuizawa [No, no one did]

Me [That's good]

Me {It's currently 22:55 now, and the results should be sent in about 5 minutes. And Yoshida & Horikita are no where to be seen}

??? [Sorry for the wait, Suzune had to comb her hair]

Me {Yoshida, Suzune, Ike, Hirata, and Sudo came all at once}

Horikita [Nagi-kun. You were the one spending all of that time doing your hair]

Hirata [She's right Nagi-kun. You took forever]

Yoshida [Whatever]

Me [A bunch of groups ended yesterday]

Horikita[Yes. But I still think that we will win]

??? [Kukuku! What's up guys]

Me {Ryuuen?}

Sudo [What are you doing here Ryuuen?]

Ike [And how did you find us?]

Ryuuen [Firstly, I'm here to collect the money from the bet. And Secondly the giant spent way too much time in the bathroom and I just followed him here]

Horikita [That doesn't matter because we're going to win]

Ryuuen [Kukuku. We will see soon enough]

*Ding x8*

[ANHS] {Here are the results for the Western Zodiac Exam....
Capricorn Outcome 3,
Aquarius Outcome 3,
Pisces Outcome 2,
Aries Outcome 4,
Taurus Outcome 3,
Gemini Outcome 2,
Cancer Outcome 3,
Leo Outcome 3,
Virgo Outcome 3,
Libra Outcome 2,
Scorpio Outcome 4,
Sagittarius Outcome 3}

Me {According to the first text Yoshida got the VIP right. FukΓΊ wasn't lying about them being lucky}

[ANHS] {Here are the class results
Class A:-250CP
Class B:-150
Class C: +350
Class D: +200}

Me {Looks like Ryuuen dominated the exam. And we lost the bet}

[ANHS] {And lastly the current class rankings
Class A: 1,276-350=926 πŸ”»
Class B: 910-150= 760 πŸ”»
Class C: 569+350= 919 πŸ”Ί
Class D: 489+200= 689πŸ”Ί.
Also congratulations to Class C on becoming Class B. The official change will be on September 1st. Good day}

Ryuuen [Kukuku! Not only that I beat you guys, I am also class B]

Sudo & Horikita [Tch]

Yoshida [Here is your points Ryuuen, nice win. You completely destroyed us]

Ryuuen [Damn right I did]

Me {It looks like Yoshida still needs to be manipulated more. He needs to become stronger. But how can I control him better while staying in the shadows}

(A/N, Volume 4 IS FINALLY OVER. And I've seen fanfics where the OC always wins so I decided to have a breath of fresh air. Also shoutout to Exprtz_. Because they gave me the Idea to expel Kenta Yoshida, that fraud. And bye bye see you in volume 0 chapter 5. I know you guys love them 😈)
