Volume 1 Chapter 4: The Rest Of April

(A/N, wrote this with 5 minutes of sleep so there will be typos)

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D
April 9th, 2019


Me {It was the day after that swimming session and class had already ended. Student voices could be heard throughout the halls}

??? [Kikyo-chan, do you want to stop by a cafe on the way home?]

Kushida [Sure! Just wait on a moment]

Me {After saying that Kushida walked to the back of the classroom while putting a book in her bag}

Kushida [Horikita-san. I'm going to the cafe with my friends. If you'd like, would you like to join?]

Horikita [Not interested]

Me {She's been at it for a few days now}

Kushida [Is that so...... We'll I'll invite you another time!]

Horikita [Please don't invite me again, it'll be a waste of my time]

Me {Despite Horikita's cold words Kushida kept a smile on her face}

Kushida [I'll invite you another time]

Me {She then ran off to her friends, and they left the classroom. But their words could still be heard throughout the halls}

??? [Kikyo-chan, please stop inviting Horikita-San. I hate her——]

Me {The rest of their words were inaudible}

Me {Horikita finished packing up and walked out of the classroom}

Me {I was lingering around the classroom for a little bit hoping someone would talk to me. But no one did so I stood up from my seat and walked to the front of the class}

??? [Ayanokoji-kun, do you have time?]

Me {The voice came from Hirata, he came up behind me and asked me a question}

Me [Yes I do]

Hirata [It's about Horikita——I was wondering if something was wrong. The girls were talking about her earlier. She's always alone, after all]

Me [No nothing wrong, but why ask me?]

Hirata [I would ask Yoshida about this matter, but he left as soon as the bell rang. And you're the second closest person to Horikita-San]

Me [I see]

Hirata [I just don't want any problems about bullying arising in our class]

Me {Bullying? Hirata got tense around the word Bullying}

Me [I think you should either talk directly to Horikita or to Yoshida]

Hirata [... Yeah, You're right sorry for bothering you with this]

Me [No problem]

Hirata [Good day, Ayanokoji-kun]

Me {He left the classroom and I went home}

Tokyo, Japan
Dorm Building
April 10th, 2019


Me {After school I headed straight for the dorms. Because I didn't want to be bothered with anyone, but on my way there I saw Yoshida hanging out in the lobby}

??? [Ayanokoji-kun, Do you have some time?]

Me {The voice that called out to me was Kikyo Kushida, Arguably the most popular girl in our class}

Me [Yea]

Kushida [Great! I'll be honest, have you ever seen Horikita-San Smile before?]

Me [No, I don't recall seeing her smile]

Me {Why is everyone asking me about her, you should ask Yoshida}

Kushida [Aww, because I want to be friends with Horikita-san]

Me [Well you're asking the wrong person]

Kushida [But don't you sit next to her in class, I thought you two were on friendly terms]

Me [I wouldn't say that, and weren't you rejected by Horikita?]

Kushida [Yes, but could you help me?]

Me [I don't know]

Kushida [Please 🥺]

Me {She then pressed her chest onto mine asking again with puppy dog eyes}

Me [Uh I guess I coul——]

??? [Sorry he can't, we were going to do something together]

Me {Yoshida?}

Kushida [Oh, is that so. Ayanokoji-Kub said he wasn't doing anything today]

Yoshida [He must've forgot, right Kiyotaka?]

Me [Yeah, sorry Kushida maybe some other time]

Kushida [No worries, I'll see you later]

Me [Bye]

Me {She then left and Yoshida and I went up the elevator}

Me [Thank you]

Yoshida [No problem, she was manipulating you into doing what she wanted]

Me [Manipulating?]

Yoshida [No more like Seduction, but that's a form of manipulation]

Me [I see]

Yoshida [Gosh I hate people like that]


Me {Yoshida hit the wall, i've never seen him like this}

Yoshida [Sorry for my out burst]

Me [No it's justifiable]

Me {I looked at the metal wall inside the elevator, the spot where he hit it. There was a noticeable dent inside the wall}

Me {I didnt know he was this strong, I need to reevaluate him}

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D
April 11th, 2019


Me {Voices flew throughout the class in the middle of the teachers lecture}

??? [HAAHAA!!! You're so funny, Hakuri!]

??? [Ne ne, do you want to go to karaoke with me?]

??? [Yeah let's go]

??? [Yo!]

Me {Ken said as he bursted into the class 3 hours late}

??? [HEY SUDO! Wanna eat lunch later!?]

Ken [SURE!!!]

Me {After a hour the bell rang and I went to lunch with the FNAG group}

Maya [Kei-chan is it true?]

Kei [Is what true Maya-Chan?]

Nene [Don't avoid the question]

Kei [What question?]

Chiaki [Is it true that you are dating Hirata-Kun?]

Mii-Chan [DATING?!?]

Kei [Oh yeah we are, right Hirata?]

Yosuke [Yes we are]

Nene [I thought the whole point of this group was to find Yoshida-Kun a girlfriend?]

Chiaki [Mhm]

Maya [Well it's great that Hirata-kun has a girlfriend]

Me {The main character found his love interest in less than two weeks!!!}

Yosuke [What do you think Yoshida?]

Me [Oh me? Um... You guys look cute together]

Kei [Thanks Yoshida-kun]

Me [No proble——]


Me [A text message?]

Maya [Who is it from?]

Me [Let me check]

Me {I checked my text notifications and it was from Honami asking if I wanted to hang out. I replied saying yes}

Me [Just a friend]

Kei [Are they a girl perhaps?]

Me [Yes]

FNAG [!!!]

Chiaki [What did she text you if you don't mind me asking]

Me [She asked if I was available this afternoon to hang out]

Mii-Chan [Just the two of you?]

Me [I don't know, I guess I'll find out later]

Maya [Sounds like a date to me 😒]

Me [I don't think so, but anyways isn't that the point of this group?]

Maya [I guess you are right]

Yosuke [Well, we all should enjoy our high school lifes]

Mii-Chan [Agreed]

Me [Well I'll be off, see you guys later]

FNAG [Later]

Tokyo, Japan
Keyaki Mall
April 11th, 2019


Me {I went to the cafe ordered myself a smoothie and waited for Honami to arrive}

??? [Sorry for keeping you waiting Yoshida-Kun!]

Me {Honami arrived with two other people}

Me [It's fine]

Me {How are you going to invite me somewhere and don't even arrive on time 😪}

Honami [These are some of my friends, Amikura Mako and Kanzaki Ryuji! They both are from my class as well]

Mako [Nice to meet you Yoshida-Kun, Honami-Chan has told me a lot about you]

Me [Has she now?]

Ryuji [Yep almost every other day]

Me {Really, we only met once why would she talk about me so often]

Me [I see and you guys wanted to meet me]

Ryuji & Mako [Yes/Yep]

Mako [You are really tall Yoshida-kun]

Me [Thanks]

Honami [Why don't we all eat?]

Ryuji [Thats a good idea Ichinose]

Mako [Lets eat!!!]

Me {Too energetic}

Me {We ate, laughed, and had a good time. I think I can start having friends again}

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D
April 29th, 2019


Me {Tomorrow is the day that we were supposedly got out 100,000 points. Speaking of points I checked my balance and I have 5,395,370. I ordered too much smoothies a few weeks ago. And then I bought a blender so I can make them at home}

??? [Calm down class! Today will be a little more serious]

Ike [What do you mean Sae-Chan-Sensei?]

Chabashira-sensei [Its the end of the month, We will have a short test. Pass these to the back]

Me {She passed the test papers to the back}

Ike [Test? I didn't hear anything about a test]

Chabashira-Sensei [Calm down this won't effect your grades it's only for reference]

Me {Not an actual test, so I don't need to try}

Me {Once the test started I looked through the test. There was 20 questions but I didn't matter so I left my test sheet blank and slept until the test was up}

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-DEFECT
May 1st, 2019


Me {The first day of May came and my points didn't go up at all, I'm currently at 5,394,633 PP}

Me {Also on another note Chabashira-Sensei came in early and is standing in front of the class waiting for the bell to ring with a poster and a wide grin}


Chabashira-Sensei [Alright, Good morning home room is now starting. But before we start does anyone have any questions? 😁]

Hondo [Sensei I checked my Private points this is morning, and no points were deposited into my account. Wasn't the school supposed to provide us with them on the first of every month?]

Chabashira-Sensei [Hondo, I've explained it before didn't I. Points are deposited to students accounts on the first day of every month. This month all points were deposited without fail]

Hondo [But... I didn't get any points]

Chabashira-Sensei [...Are you guys really that stupid?]

Hondo [Stupid! What?]

Me {Hondo stood up in objection}

Chabashira-Sensei [Sit, Hondo. I'll explain it again]

Hondo [S-sae-chan-sensei?]

Me {She used a stricter tone that time}

Me {Yep I guessed it we're cooked}

Chabashira-Sensei [All points have been deposited. Without Fail. It's very unlikely that just class 1-D would be forgotten]

Koenji [Fufufu, I've solved your little riddle]

Koenji [We didn't get any points because we're in class D]

Me {I decided to speak up for the first time today}

Me [No it's more like we didn't get any points because we are class D]

Koenji [Fufufu, I surprised you've caught onto my hint, Sleeping-boy-kun]

Chabashira-Sensei [Your attitude ha sorry problems but you are right. And I didn't know that you (Yoshida) caught on to my hint too]

??? [Sensei, I still have a question]

Me {It was from the MC himself Yosuke}

Yosuke [Could you tell us why we didn't get any points?]

Chabashira-Sensei [98 absences and Tardies, 391 occurrences of talking and cellphone use, And finally 42 times someone slept in class. And for that last one, 30 times is just from one person]

Me {I wonder who that could be 😅}

Chabashira-Sensei [I've counted every infraction that happened in this class. As a result all of your 100,000 points have went down the drain]

Yosuke [Sensei, I'm pretty sure if you had told us from the beginning we would have as much right now]

Chabashira-Sensei [In your 9 years of compulsory education, you should know what things are frowned upon and shouldn't need to be told what to do]

Yosuke [Well... could you tell us how to increase or decrease our points]

Chabashira-Sensei [I can't but if you stop the talking, tardiness, and sleeping you points won't go down but they won't go up]


Chabashira-Sensei [Thats the bell, but before you go I have one more thing]

Me {She then unrolled the poster and stuck it to the white board with a magnet}

Suzune [Is this... the results of each class?]

Me {Our class has 0, C has 490, Honami's class has 650, and Kohei's class has 940}

??? [Hey, don't you think this is strange?]

Suzune [Yea... the numbers are too clean]

Me {What do you mean "clean"? I tilt my head in confusion}

Me {She then explained how we are defective and that class A is the highest and we will need at least 500 CP to become Class C}

Chabashira-Sensei [And lastly]

Me {She put a paper on the board showing our results from yesterday's test. Almost everyone got below 60%. I got a 0, Ken got a 14, and Ike got a 24. The class average was about a 60}

Chabashira-Sensei [If this was an actual test 8 of y'all would have to drop out]

??? [D-drop out? What do you mean?]

Chabashira-Sensei [Oh did I not explain, anyone who gets a failing score on a midterm or final would have to drop out. The failing grade for this test was 30%]

Ike [W-wwwwwhat!?]

Me {Drop out.... I could've been out of this school just because I was too lazy to answer 20 easy questions]

Chabashira-Sensei [Oh yeah, I forgot to mention only class A receives the 100% acceptance rate at the end of your school years]

??? [Bullshit!]

Me {That boyand Koenji went back and forth talking}

Me {While I was focused on how I barely stayed in this school. I do not want to go back being poor. I want to stay here. I want to fight. I want to Win.}

Me {What is this feeling? I feel like something's burning inside of me. But what I do know is that I want to change.}

Me {I grabbed my bag and stood up from my chair. The screeching noise from my chair managed to silence the whole class. I began walking towards the exit of class 1-D}

Chabashira-Sensei [Yoshida-kun where are you going?]

Me {Ignoring her, I walked straight out of the classroom. I went to the mall and bought a gym membership}

(A/N, thank you guys for reading. And the last episode of Cote season 3 came out today. And what I learned from that episode is that Kiyo lies straight through his teeth. Anyways see you later. Enjoy 😉 Kai-Creator )

(A/N, Almost time for swole Nagi)
