Volume 1 Chapter 5: The Tsundere & The Lazy Genius

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D
May 1st, 2019


??? [What am I going to do without any points?]

??? [I used up my remaining points yesterday!]

Me {After Yoshida and Chabashira-sensei left, the class went into a uproar}

Yukimura [Why was I put into class D!?]

Ike [I can't get into the college I want to now! Then why did I come to this school in the first place?]

Me {None if the students knew what to do, everyone was confused}

Hirata [I understand that everyone is panicking right now, but we need to calm down]

Yukimura [Calm down! Are you not frustrated that we are the class of leftovers!?]

Hirata [Even if I say I am, that wouldn't solve anything. It's better if we find a solution to increase our points]

Yukimura [Get out of this situation? I don't even agree with this class hierarchy!]

Hirata [I understand how you are feeling. However there's no use sitting here and complaining about it]

Yukimura [What!]

Me {Yukimura walked up to Hirata and grabbed his collar}

Kushida [Calm down, you two. Ok? Surely we all should persevere through this together]

Yukimura [.... My bad. I lost my composure]

Hirata [It's fine, I should've chosen my words more carefully]

Me {I took out my phone to take a picture of the class points}

Horikita [What are you doing?]

Me [Taking a picture of the class points, so next time we can see how much everyone's points increase]

Horikita [It would be hard to calculate all the numbers with little information. And simply speaking, everyone is always late and talks]

Me [Are you also here to get into a college of your choice?]

Horikita [... Why are you asking that?]

Me [When she said that class A is the best and D is the worst, you looked really shocked]

Horikita [That was everyone's reaction was it not?]

Me [I guess you're right, but we should work to increase our points]

Horikita [Points are only the by product of our efforts. Not having any points won't hinder our school life. After all this school provides free items]

Me [Wont hinder our school life, huh....]

Horikita [Ayanokoji-kun how much points have used last month?]

Me [How much points I used? Around 20,000]

Me {The students like Yamauchi and Ike have already used all of their points}

Horikita [Even though I think that their situation is unfortunate, they're paying the price for their mistakes]

Me [We were baited by the amount of points in the first month]

Me {Me and Horikita were having our own quiet conversation until we were interrupted by someone}

Hirata [Everyone, once classes start I ask everyone to pay attention especially you Sudo-kun]

Sudo [Tch]

Hirata [This month we didn't get any points. This is a huge problem that could affect our student life]

??? [Yea]

Hirata [So from now on we all will pay attention, try to arrive on time, no talking, and no sleeping in class]

Sudo [Why should we do that if our points won't increase?]

Hirata [Even though we can't get negative points, it's better to make a habit of doing what won't make us lose points. So when we get points we won't lose them]

Sudo [Do whatever y'all want, leave me out of it]

Me {Sudo left the classroom like Yoshida did earlier}

??? [Why won't Sudo-kun understand?]

??? [Yea... He's the worst. Why is he in the same class as us?]

Hirata [Horikita-san and Ayanokoji-kun do you have time later? I was hoping to talk to you guys about how we could increase our points]

Horikita [Why us?]

Hirata [Most of the class wouldn't hear me out, so I guess I will start with you guys]

Horikita [Sorry, can you find someone else? I'm not that good at discussions]

Hirata [You don't have to force your self to say anything particular, It's good enough for you to be there]

Horikita [I have no intention of meeting for a pointless reason]

Hirata [I just think tha——]

Horikita [I already refused. I am not participating]

Hirata [I'm sorry, if you change your mind you know where I'll be]

(A/N, Only chads know that reference ⬆️)

Hirata [How about you Ayanokoji-kun?]

Me [Ah... I'll pass]

Hirata [Feel free to join if you change your mind]

Me [Will do...]

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D
May 1st, 2019


Me {It was after school, and we were in our afternoon homeroom class. Due to Hirata's charisma he got everyone from our class here  except Horikita and Sudo. Yoshida was here and he was a bit sweaty}

Me {I wonder what he was doing?}

??? [Ayanokoji~]

Me {The voice came from under the table, I looked under and saw Yamauchi's face staring at me}

Me [T-the hell! What's wrong?]

Yamauchi [Buy this from me for 20,000 points~. I can't buy anything because I have no points~]

Me [Why me? Why not someone else]

Yamauchi [Tch]

Yamauchi [Hasebe, buy this from me for only 22,000 points]

Me {Did he just raise the price?}

Kushida [Must be hard for those who spent all their points]

Ike [You're saying you have points Kushida-Chan?]

Kushida [Yeah I didn't spend all of it after all]

Ike [Show me!]

Kushida [Okay]

Me {Kushida opened her phone and showed the class that she had 43,583 private points}

??? [Um, Kushida-Chan?]

Kushida [Karuizawa-chan, what is it?]

Karuizawa [I've used up all my points. Could I please have some?]

Me {If I was in Kushida shoes, I wouldn't have gave her any points}

Me {But before Kushida could answer someone spoke up}

??? [Kei, you can have some of my points]

Karuizawa [Huh, really? Thank you Yoshida-kun!]

Yoshida [Is 70,000 good?]

Everyone [70,000!?!]

Koenji [Fufufu, As expected of you Sleeping-boy]

Karuizawa [Yoshida-kun isn't that all of your points? I don't need that much, 10,000 is enough]

Yoshida [No, I insist we are friends after all]

Me {As Yoshida was about to transfer the points, someone stopped him}

Me {I think her name was Mastushita}

Matsushita [Wait Yoshida-kun, I get that you were already eating the free selection meals before. But you shouldn't waste all your points]

Hirata [I agree, I do believe we should help a classmate in need, but we shouldn't hinder ourselves]

Kushida [Umm Yoshida-kun was it? If you do give her that much points how much will you have left?]

Yoshida [I'll have just enough for me to survive next month]

Matsushita [If you are okay with it]

Me {They did the transaction and thanks to my incredible eye sight I could make out the number of digits on Yoshida's phone after he gave her points}

Me {7, he had 7 digits. I couldn't see the amount but he has over 1 million points. How did he get that much?}

Karuizawa [Thank you so much Yoshida-Kun!]

Yoshida [Don't spend it all, if you want I could teach you how to budget your money]

Karuizawa [That'll be great! Thank you again]

Yoshida [No problem]

P.A System [Ayanokoji-kun from class 1-D, please come to the staff room. Your homeroom teacher is calling for you!]

Hirata [Looks like you were called by Sensei]

Me [Seems so]

Me {I exited the room and started walking to my destination. I don't remember doing anything wrong to get called to the staff room but I should keep an open mind}

Tokyo, Japan
Staff Office
May 1st, 2019


Me {I've reached the staff room, but Chabashira-Sensei was no where to be seen. I saw this small teacher so I called out to her asking if Chabashira-Sensei was here}

Small Teacher [What? Sae-chan? She was here a few moments ago]

Me {She had long brown hair and was wearing a pink shirt}

Small teacher [Do you want to wait inside?]

Me [No, I'll wait right here]

Me {I didn't want to be here because I felt like I could draw attention if I stayed here to long}

Small Teacher [Im Hoshinomiya Chie homeroom teacher of class 1-B. Me and Sae-Chan were best friends since high school. Thats why I call her Sae-Chan]

Hoshinomiya-Sensei [Why did she call you here?]

Me [Who knows, I don't know the reason either]

Hoshinomiya-Sensei [Whats your name?]

Me [Ayanokoji]

Hoshinomiya-Sensei [Ayanokoji-kun? You're popular right?]

Me [No, not really]

??? [Hoshinomiya-Sensei, are you busy?]

Me {The one who asked that was a beautiful girl with long pink hair}

Hoshinomiya-Sensei [You're a little early aren't you Ichinose]

Ichinose [Yes, I wanted to talk with you as soon as possible so I came early]

Ichinose [Forgive my rudeness, what's your name?]

Me [Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, Class 1-D]

Ichinose [Oh, Yoshida-kun's class!]

Me [You know Yoshida?]

Ichinose [Yes we met when we both applied for the student council]

Me {I didn't know that Yoshida applied for the Student Council}

Me [I see]

Me [Whats your name again?]

Ichinose [Oh sorry. I'm Ichinose Honami of class 1-B]

Me [Nice to meet you Ichinose. Did you manage to get into the student council?]

Ichinose [No not yet, they are actually going to text us tonight whether we got in or not]

Me [Thats good]

Chabashira-Sensei [Sorry for the wait Ayanokoji-Kun, follow me.]

Me [Okay, I'll see you later Ichinose]

Ichinose [Bye]

Hoshinomiya-Sensei [Bye Ayanokoji-kun 😉]

Me {We left those two and made our way into the guidance room, which was next to the staff room}

Me [What was the reason you've called me here?]

Chabashira-Sensei [Before I talk about that, come over here]

Me {She took me inside a kitchen which is next to a room door she opened slightly}

Chabashira-Sensei [Would you like some green tea?]

Me [Sure]

Chabashira-Sensei [Don't touch anything. Stay quiet. And if you come out you'll be expelled]

Me [Expelled? What do you mean——]

Me {Without giving any explanation, she closed the office kitchen door. I stood still for about 45 minutes until I heard voices coming from the other room}

Chabashira-Sensei [Here, come in. Well then, what do you have to say to me? Horikita]

Me {Is Horikita the other person in the counseling room?}

Horikita? [I will ask you frankly, Why was I put into class D?]

Chabashira-Sensei [Are you really asking frankly?]

Horikita? [Today, you said that the classes were divided by superiority. And that Class D was the lowest collection of leftovers.]

Me {Judging by the speech patterns this is Horikita}

Chabashira-Sensei [I did indeed say that. It looks like you consider yourself a "superior" person]

Horikita [I do believe that. I solved nearly all the problems on the entrance exam, and had no big mistakes during the interview. At the very least I should be in class B]

Me {Looks like Horikita actually does think she's superior than everyone. What was that word Yoshida used to describe that... Ah yes she has a Superiority Complex}

Chabashira-Sensei [You are right actually you scored the third highest among the incoming 1st years. You placed third only by a small margin. There were no problems during your interview. Actually you've been rated high]

Horikita [Then why——]

Chabashira-Sensei [Before that, Are you dissatisfied with class D?]

Horikita [No one would like to be incorrectly evaluated. So naturally I should be unhappy]

Chabashira-Sensei [We've recognized your academic talent. But who said that's the only factor to determine classes. Why should the smart people be placed in higher classes?]

Horikita [Thats—— That's just common sense]

Chabashira-Sensei ["Common sense"? Everyone thinks and comprehends differently, therefore common sense is subjective]

Horikita [...]

Chabashira-Sensei [If this school were based on academics alone, do you think someone like Sudo-Kub could get into this school?]

Horikita [Tch]

Chabashira-sensei [And don't you think that Class A has it the worst because all the other classes are envious towards them? And some students are fine with their evaluation like Koenji-kun]

Horikita [That has to be a joke, right? I can't understand those kind of people]

Chabashira-sensei [Believe it or not your placement is not a mistake]

Horikita [Is that so... I'll just ask the higher ups]

Chabashira-Sensei [You'll get the same answer, regardless of who you talk to. But remember you can increase your class rankings]

Horikita [That does not seem easy. Taming those wild imbeciles into the model class A students? That's impossible]

Chabashira-Sensei [Thats for you to find out. And by any chance, do you have a specific reason as to why you want to be in class A?]

Horikita [I will excuse myself for today. However please keep in mind that I don't understand]

Chabashira-Sensei [All right, I'll remember that]

Me {I heard chairs moving indicating that the conversation was over}

Chabashira-Sensei [Oh, right. I called another person here. That's relevant to you]

Horikita [Relevant? Yoshi——. No way, Nii-sa—]

Chabashira-sensei [Send him in... Shidou Ryusei!]

(A/N, that top part didn't happen ⬆️)

Chabashira-Sensei [Come on out, Ayanokoji-Kun]

Me {Don't call me out now. I'm not coming}

Chabashira-Sensei [If you don't come out, I'll personally have you expelled]

Me {You can't use expulsion like a weapon}

Chabashira-Sensei [How long are you going to keep us waiting?]

Me {I let out a sigh as exited the kitchen. Horikita was naturally surprised}

Horikita [Were you... listening to us]

Me [No]

Chabashira-Sensei [He heard everything since the beginning]

Horikita [... Sensei why would you do that?]

Chabashira-Sensei [Because it was necessary]

Horikita [Then why——]

Chabashira-Sensei [Wait a second , and you might have a chance to get into class A]

Horikita [Go on]

Chabashira-Sensei [This "average Joe" got 50's on all of his subjects in his entrance exam]

Me [Coincidences can be freaky]

Chabashira-Sensei [A coincidence? That's very unlikely]

Me [Unlikely not impossible]

Chabashira-Sensei [What do you think Horikita, he might be smarter than you]

Horikita [Not possible, as he said it's a coincidence]

Chabashira-Sensei [Okay that about sums it up. You guys can leave now]

Me {She practically pushed us out. I started walking ahead towards the dorms}

Horikita [Wait, is your scores really a coincidence?]

Me [Yes, why would I purposely get al 50's]

Horikita [I see, and how can we help the class?]

Me [Now you want to help the class?]

Horikita [...]

Me [Well studying for the midterms would help]

Horikita [So you are going to cooperate with me?]

Me [But you didn't want to cooperate with Hirata?]

Horikita [What I need is a pawn, he is not one]

Me {Did she call me a pawn?}

Me [How about Yoshida?]

Horikita [He's too lazy and he's been MIA for awhile]

Me [Sorry, but I can't help you. I'm not suited for this]

Me {It's not that I can't help, it's that I won't help}

Horikita [I will contact you, but you cannot contact me. I look forward to it]

Me {She then walked off, completely ignoring me decision}

(A/N, Sorry this chap mainly focused on Kiyo. But it's necessary for the plot. 😊 Goodbye. Tune in next time for "The Lazy Defect"!)
