Volume 4.5 Chapter 2: The Vice Presidents

Tokyo, Japan
Dorm 401
August 28th, 2019
8:00 A.M



Me {The sound came from my phone specially the messages app}

[ANHS] {Attention all students, the water in the dorm building is currently broken. Please come to the cafeteria to get 2 liters of water for personal use. Sorry for the inconvenience.}


Me {Another one?}

Me {Oh the group chat}

Me {To be more specific the group chat I was added in. If I can remember correctly there is Yoshida, Horikita, Ike, Sudo, Hirata, Karuizawa, Matsushita and myself}

[Ike] {Guys! What should I get Inogashira-Chan for her birthday?}

[Me] {Birthday present?}

[Ike] {Yeah, the girl who sits near Hirata}

[Yoshida] {Bro, her birthday was on Saturday. The 24th}

[Sudo] {πŸ’€}

[Karuizawa] {Yeah. Like, how did you forget}

[Ike] {So. Why didn't you guys say anything!?}

[Karuizawa] {Boy are you dumb? We did! But you were talking about Yoshida that whole time}

[Ike] {Oh yeah. Now I remember. But what did you guys get her?}

[Yoshida] {Kiyotaka and I bought her a new knitting and Sewing set}

[Me] {Yep}

[Ike] {Dang it! Should I still and go buy her something!?}

[Sudo] {Yeah man! Go for it}

[Ike] {Alright. Ayanokoji you're coming with me}

[Me] {Why me?}

[Ike] {Because I said so}

[Me] {Alright, but if I'm coming Yoshida has to too}

[Yoshida] {No can do. Sorry, but I have to go to the gym in a bit}

[Hirata] {I don't mind coming}

[Sudo] {I'll come too! It'll be a boys day}

[Ike] {Now, you have to come Yoshida}

[Yoshida] {Fine. Boys day it is, but after you all have to come work out with me}

[Sudo] {Alright, I'm fired up!}

[Hirata] {I don't mind working out}

[Yoshida] {Alright let's all meet up at Keyaki mall}

[Sudo] {Okay}

[Ike] {Got it}

Me {I got ready and made my way towards Keyaki mall}

Tokyo, Japan
Keyaki Mall
August 28th, 2019
9:15 A.M


Ike [I guess, we could start by going around the shops]

Yoshida [That's a good start. Kokoro likes simple and cute things after all]

Ike [Thanks for the information. Let's spilt up and meet over here]

Yoshida [Alright]

Me {We all spilt up into groups and I was stuck with Hirata. Ike and Sudo we're together and Yoshida went off on his own}

Hirata [How about this phone case?]

Me [Hmm, I don't think someone would like that as a present]

Hirata [Really? I would love a phone case as a present]

Me [Have you ever gave presents before?]

Hirata [Not really πŸ˜…]

Me [Maybe a stuffed animal would work]

Hirata [Maybe. But what animal?]

Me [I'm not sure]

Hirata [Hey, look it's Katsuragi-san]

Me {Katsuragi from class A was here with a sharp expression}

Katsuragi [Is this chocolate?]

Me [It looks like he's buying chocolate]

Hirata [Seems so]

Me {We continued to spy on him until he reached the cash register}

Cashier [Is that all for today sir?]

Katsuragi [Yes]

Cashier [Is this a gift as well?]

Katsuragi [Yes]

Cashier [Would be attaching a birthday card to it as well?]

Katsuragi [Please. The birthday is august 29th]

Cashier [Okay. It'll be done in a second]

Me [I think we should get going]

Hirata [Yeah. We probably should]


Tokyo, Japan
August 28th, 2019
9:15 A.M


Me {*Sigh*. Kanji's really stupid how do you forget someone's birthday}

Me {And now I have to go out of my way and find another gift}

Me {Wait! I could just hide in the library}

Me {Nice thinking Nagi}

Me {I went into the library and sat down at a table}

Me {No one would dare come in here. Who even reads books anyways}

??? [Ugh]

Me {Who was that?}

Me {I looked over to where the sound was coming from and the sound came from a short girl with silver hair}

Me {It seems like she needs to get a book, but it's too high}

Me {And her skirts a little....}

Me {Yeah. Let me help her}

Me [Here you go]

Silver Haired Girl [Thank you. If I recall you're Yoshida-kun right?]

Me [Yes, that's me. But who are you?]

Silver Haired Girl [Shiina Hiyori, class C]

Me [Nice to meet you Hiyori, As you know I'm Yoshida Nagi]

Hiyori [You used my first name, why is that?]

Me [At this point it's a habit, but I could call you by your last name if it's uncomfortable]

Hiyori [No, you don't have to do that. Hiyori's fine]

Me [Alright, only if it's okay with you]

Hiyori [Its fine. And I wanted to ask you do you like books? You are in the library after all]

Me [I don't read all of the time, but when I do I like to read Mangas]

Hiyori [Do you have any favorite genres?]

Me {Why is she so persistent about books}

Me [Hmm. I guess I like Mystery and Thillers]

Hiyori [Mystery's my favorite genre too!]

Me [I can tell, after all you were trying hard to get this mystery book]

Hiyori [Oh. That book was in the wrong place, so I thought that I should return it to its right spot]

Me [I see]

Me {Going out of your way just to return a book to its original spot is very kind of her. What a nice person}

Me [Well, sorry for disturbing you. I should get going]

Hiyori [Umm... Are you looking for a book to borrow? I would be glad to lend you a hand. Since you're already here and everything]

Me {She's so adorable. How can I say no to that face}

Me [No thanks]

Me {I started walking towards the exit}

Hiyori [I see. Well, it was nice seeing you]

Me {Ugh. I feel so bad! How can Suzune turn down a person like that. I have to tell her that, it's not nice}

Me [I guess you could give me a book to check out]

Hiyori [Great! Have you read the Dorothy L. Sayers series yet?]

Me [No, I haven't]

Hiyori [Then I also recommend the Lord Peter series]

Me [Okay. Do you know where they are?]

Hiyori [Yes! Follow me]

Me {She grabbed my arm and dragged me to where the books were}

Me {The sudden development is crazy. At first it seemed like she didn't even want to talk with me}

Me {We ended up reading the book together and it was actually pretty good}

Hiyori [It's almost lunch time. Do you want to come to the mall with me, do get lunch?]

Me [I would love to, but I already made plans with some of my friends]

Hiyori [Oh, that's fine. We have been reading for a few hours now]

Me [Alright, I'll see you later Hiyori]

Hiyori [Goodbye]

Tokyo, Japan
Dorm 401
August 28th, 2019
12:07 P.M


Kiyotaka [Again, why do we always have to be in my room]

Ike [We always say this it's because you're room is bare and empty]

Kiyotaka [So is Yoshida's]

Sudo [His room is way to far from here]

Kiyotaka [😐]

Me [Hahaha! Kiyotaka your room is the best and we already established this as our meeting spot]

Kiyotaka [Okay.]

Me [You gotta accept it at this point]

Ike [Say, Hirata and Nagi do you know anyone else's birthday's?]

Yosuke [I memorized all of the classes birthdays. Well those who were willing to share. I don't know Horikita-san's birthday]

Me [Oh her birthday is February 15th, the day after Valentine's Day]

Sudo [Of course you would know πŸ˜’]

Kanji [Shut up Ken!]

Me [Ooh! Also Kohei's birthday is tomorrow]

Kiyotaka [So thats what he was buying]

Me [???]

Yosuke [Earlier today we saw Katsuragi-San buying chocolate and a gift for someone]

Me {Yosuke's birthday is on Sunday. I wonder why he didn't say anything}

Sudo [You mean the bald headed guy?]

Me [Don't be so rude. When he was younger he had an illness that made his hair go "bye bye"]

Ike [Why did you say it like that]

Kiyotaka [Don't forget that Yoshida has the mental age of a grade schooler]

Me [Yeah yeah whatever]

Sudo [Alright I need to go back to my dorm]

Ike [Yeah me too]

Me [Hey! Don't think that I forgot. We all have to work out with each other]

Ike [Dang it! I thought that you would've forgot]

Me [Of course I didn't, now let's go]

Sudo [Awww!]

Tokyo, Japan
Dorm 401
August 29th, 2019
10:00 A.M.


Kiyotaka [Yoshida. It's so hot]

Me [I know, but we only have 5 more kilometers left]

Kiyotaka [15 km each morning you might be over exerting yourself]

Me [Maybe. But I wanted to become a better person mentally and physically]

Me {Suddenly a female and Male student stopped us in our tracks}

Male student [Its been awhile]

Me [Of course you would wear the school uniform in this hot weather. Onii-San]

Manabu [Of course why wouldn't I]

Me [And hello there Akane-Senpai]

Akane [Good morning Kohai. At least you have manners unlike someone]

Kiyotaka [Sup]

Akane [πŸ˜’]

Me [Wait. You guys met before]

Kiyotaka [Yes. I'll tell you later]

Me [Okay]

Manabu [If you guys are free, I would like the two of you to accompany me]

Akane [Yoshida-kun's fine, but not this Kohai]

Kiyotaka [😐]

Me [Sorry. But our schedule's kinda busy]

Manabu [No matter. I'll always clear up my schedule for the two of you]

Kiyotaka [Why not discuss it now]

Manabu [Reports have came into the student council. Specifically the Island and Western Zodiac exams for the first years]

Kiyotaka [Are you congratulating us?]

Manabu [As a matter of fact, I am.]

Kiyotaka [Does the student council really have that much power?]

Manabu [Speaking of the student council. I would like the both of you to join]

Akane [Woah! President we don't have any more seats left]

Manabu [Then I person would make you both the Vice Presidents]

Kiyotaka [No thanks]

Me [Sure. I accept your offer]

Manabu [Really? I wasn't expecting you to accept Nagi-Kun]

Me [I kinda owe you, for changing my life. So this is the least I could do]

Manabu [Meet me tomorrow and we'll fill out the paperwork. By Monday, the second. You'll be the Vice President of ANHS]

Me [Alright, but I have one condition]

Manabu [What is it?]

Me [I would like to have my own personal secretary]

Manabu [Alright, and who would that be?]

Me [Ichinose Honami]

Manabu [Very well. As you wish]

Me [Is that all]

Manabu [Yes]

Me [See you senpai's later]

Manabu [Goodbye Nagi-kun]

Akane [See you later, Little Kohai]

Me [Don't forget who's taller than you!]

Kiyotaka [Lets finish our run Yoshida]

Me [Alright. Let's go]

Tokyo, Japan
Dorm 402/Suzune's room
August 29th, 2019
8:00 P.M



Me {A call?}

Me {From Suzune too? What does she want?}

Me {The phone kept on ringing and declining}

Me {Wait is that Morse code}

Me {I waited for a little bit until she said "SOS" in morse code}

Me {I immediately got out of my room and took the elevator up to hers}

*Knock Knock*

Me [Suzune! Are you okay?]

Me {The door finally opened}

Suzune [Yes, I'm fine]

Me [Then why did you say sos in Morse code]

Suzune [Morse code? What are you talking about?]

Me [You kept ringing and declining the call]

Suzune [Thats because of this]

Me [Hahaha. How did you get your hand stuck in a bottle]

Suzune [Just help me take it off]

Me [Alright. Lets go down to my room, to take it off]

Suzune [Okay]

Me {We went inside of the elevator and before we got to the floor we needed to get off on. The elevator stopped on the floor right above and someone got in}

??? [Fufufu. It's a pleasure seeing you here Lucky Elevator Boy-kun]

Suzune [Koenji-kun. Where do you even get these nicknames from?]

Me [Its better not to question him]

Koenji [You should listen to him Hand In Bottle-Girl-Chan]

Suzune [Tch]

Me {We reached the floor and we went inside my dorm room}

Me [Here's a bottle of water, go get it out]

Suzune [Thank you]

Me {She removed the bottle from her hand and we sat there in silent}

Me [Hey Suzune. I have something to tell you]

Suzune [What is it?]

Me [I doβ€”β€”]

??? [Yoshida, I just learned something crazy from Internet-Chanβ€”β€” Are you guys busy?]

Me {Sigh}

Suzune [A-Ayanokoji-kun!?]

Me [No, were not busy Kiyotaka. What do you need?]

Kiyotaka [I wanted to say that I found out that you could buy ice cream makers]

Me [Yes, Kiyotaka what's your point?]

Kiyotaka [Lets go buy it right now]

Me [Okay, I'll be right there]

Suzune [Good grief. Nagi-Kun was there something you wanted to tell me?]

Me [Yes. I wanted to say that you have to stop being cold towards others]

Suzune [Really? This is what you wanted to talk about]

Me [Yes, you have to be nicer to people]

Suzune [Butβ€”β€”]

Me [No buts. You have to be kinder, could you at least do that for me?]

Suzune [I-I guess I could]

Me [Thank you]

Suzune [Its getting late and you need to go out with Ayanogoatji-kun]

Me [Alright see you later]

(A/N. Thanks for reading.)

(A/N. If I could ask, what do you particularly like about my story?)

(A/N. Shout out to kiransingh243. Because Tomorrow is their birthday's (May 14th). Happy Birthday Yuka Yoshida/Seishiro and Kiransing243, thank you for reading my story)

(A/N. Until next my little Egoists!)
