Volume 2 Chapter 3: Solving The Case

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D/Camera store
July 5th, 2019


Me {The last bell rang indicating that the afternoon classes were over}

Me {I looked at Yoshida and he gave a nod indicating that it was time to convince Sakura to help us}

Me {But before he could get up, Sudo got up and was begging Sakura to help us}

Sudo [Sakura, please can you help us!]

Sakura [W-what do y-you mean?]

Sudo [I know you are a witness so could you help us!]

Sakura [I-I don't k-know what y-you're talking about]

Sudo [Huh!? Yes you do Horikita said so]

Sakura [I h-have to go]

Me {Sakura got up and scurried out the classroom but in the way out she bumped into Hondo}

Sakura [N-no.... It won't turn on]

Hondo [Huh? Sorry I was being too careless]

Sakura [It's fine]

Me {And she left the class just like that}

Sudo [*Sigh*. Why does a gloomy girl like her have to be our witness]

Yoshida [Maybe if you didn't scare her off she'll still be here]

Sudo [Yeah, you might be right]

Horikita [See, like I said it'll be a waste of time helping him]

Sudo [Huh? Why is everyone turning against me? It was self defense]

Koenji [Don't you think it's better for us that you're expelled? Your existence isn't a beautiful one. Rather, it's quite ugly Red-Hair-kun]

Sudo [...Huh!? What did you say? Try saying that again!]

Koenji [See already upset, it's no wonder why no one believes you]

Me {Sudo flipped his desk and charged towards Koenji, but was stopped by Hirata}

Hirata [Sudo-kun. You're part of the problem, but Koenji-Kub you're also in the wrong]

Koenji [Fufufu, it's weird seeing you back to normal Prince-boy-kun. Did sleeper-boy-kun wake you up perhaps]

Hirata [That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I don't want you my classmates fighting]

Sudo [Tch]

Me {Hirata got them to stop fighting and Koenji left}

Sudo [*Sigh*]

Ike [If only the fight was recorded]

Horikita [What do you mean?]

Ike [Well, you know how the cameras in the classroom recorded us in the first month. If only if there was cameras in the special Annex building]

Me {I might have a plan}

Yoshida [Thanks Kanji, I have an idea]

Sudo [Really!? What is it?]

Yoshida [You'll know when I'm done]

Me {Is he thinking what I am?}

Yoshida [Kiyotaka, let's go]

Me [Me? Where are we going?]

Yoshida [Lets go shopping!]

Me [Shopping?]

Yoshida [Yes let's go]

Me {Yoshida took me to the same alleyway he talked to Matsushita}

Yoshida [I have a plan, Kiyotaka]

Me [What is it]

Me {Last time he had an amazing plan, I wonder what he's going to do now}

Yoshida [Lets pay Class C to drop all of Sudo's charges]

Me [Huh?]

Me {πŸ˜‘, I was not expecting that}

Yoshida [Yep, I just want to get this over with and enjoy my vacation on the tropical island]

Me [I see]

Me {What a sloppy and expensive plan}

Me [Where are we even going to get that money from?]

Yoshida [I have 5 Million private points]

Me [5 Million?]

Me {I knew he had over 1 million, but 5 million is unthinkable right now}

Me [Why are you telling me this?]

Yoshida [Because you are my best friend and I completely trust you]

Me {So he has 100% trust in me. Good, he'll make a great pawn. But we need to get rid of that Lazy attitude}

Me [Thinking back to what Ike said, I have a better plan]

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-C/Special Annex
July 6th, 2019


Me {OMG! THE Ichinose invited me to the Special Annex!!! I'm so excited! Is she going to ask me out!?}

Me {I immediately screenshot the text and sent it to Komiya and Kondo. And apparently they got the same message}

Me {Is Ichinose into dating three guys? I don't I'm going!}

Me {I put on my shoes and went to the Special Annex}


Me {We got there and Ichinose was standing on top off the stairs. We were at an angle where we could almost see her panties}

Komiya [Did you need something Ichinose?]

Ichinose [Hello]

Kondo [Is something wrong?]

??? [Don't be so impatient, the show is about to start]

Me {Show? What show?}

Me {Then a tall white haired student came out}

Kondo [What do you mean?]

White-haired boy [Look around]

Me {Look?}

Me {I looked around and is that.... A FUCKING CAMERA!?}

White-Haired boy [It seems like you didn't check your surroundings. There's a science lab around the corner of course there'll be cameras]

Me {B-but Ryuuen-San checked!?!}

Komiya [D-Does the school already know?]

White-haired boy [Yes. They're probably testing our skills in order to make a truce]


White-Haired boy [So you guys won't get expelled. I don't want to see my fellow school mates get expelled]

Me {Fine I give up. I don't want to get expelled}

Me [F-fine we'll withdraw our complaint]

Kondo & Komiya [W-what! No we can't! You know what will happen!]

Me [Its fine, I'll take the blame]

Kondo [BRO! 😭]

Komiya [No, I'll take the blame too 😭]

Kondo [Then I will too 😭]

Me [We'll withdraw our complaint]

Ichinose [Good!]

White haired boy [Bye]

Me {Ryuuen-sama will be so angry}

Tokyo, Japan
Keyaki Mall/Camera Store
July 8th, 2019


Me [Airi, are you ready to go?]

Airi [Yes, let's go]

Me {I came here to fix Airi's camera because Hondo bumped into her}

Me [You're really fond of that camera]

Airi [Huh, is it weird?]

Me [No not at all, everyone has their own hobbies]

Airi [I guess you're rightβ€”β€”]

Me [Is there something wrong?]

Me {We were at the entrance to the door and Airi just stood there}

Airi [Ahh.... N-no]

Me {We went inside and since Airi had a warranty all she had to do was write her school email and dorm number}

Airi [...]

Me [You can send the camera to me, and I'll give it to her]

Clerk [But sir! It's hers]

Me [Its fine, I'll give it to her]

Clerk [O-okay]

Me [Also another question how long you worked here?]

Clerk [This is my fourth year here]

Me [And how much do you get paid?]

Clerk [760 points a hour]

Me [I see...]

Me [Lets go Airi]

Airi [Okay]

Me {We left the shop and went to the cafe}

Airi [Thank you Yoshida-Kun]

Me [No problem it's what friends are for]

Airi [If you say so]


Me [My phone?]

Airi [Who could that be?]

Me [Oh, Sorry Airi I have to go]

Airi [It's fine, bye Yoshida-kun]

Me [Bye]

Me {I left her and headed to the camera store}

Me {No one texted me, I downloaded an app where you can text yourself. It's very convenient in getting out of sticky situations}

Me {I entered the store again and I went straight to the clerk}

Me [Hello, again]

Clerk [You! What do you want?]

Me [How much will you pay for...]

Me {I got closer to his face}

Me [The camera girl's dorm number and school email?]

Clerk [!!!. How about 20,000 Points]

Me [😐 Nu uh. I know you have over 6 million points]

Me [And isn't your "one true love" worth more?]

Clerk [!?!... When you put it like that 5 million points final offer!]

Me [Deal]

Private Points {5,236,482 + 5,480,764 = 10,717,246}

Me [Great nice doing business with you and also no take backs, cool?]

Clerk [Yes of course, now get out of my shop!]

Me [Okay]

Me {Of course I actually didn't give him Airi's credentials. I gave him a random dorm number and Suzune's email. I'm sure she wouldn't mind}
Tokyo, Japan
July 11th, 2019


Ike [I'm telling you Yoshida likes me the best]

Ike [After all he calls me by my first name]

Horikita [He calls everyone by their first names]

Sudo [He doesn't call me "Ken"]

Horikita [Like I said he calls everyone by their first name]

Sudo [😞]

Me {Me, Sudo, Ike, Horikita, and Hirata were arguing about who was Yoshida's favorite}

Hirata [I think I'm in a pretty good standing]

Horikita [I'm his childhood friend of course I'm his favorite]

Sudo [Why don't we just ask him? He's right over there]

Me {Yoshida was at a table with Mori, Mii-Chan, Matsushita, Sato, and Karuizawa}

Ike [We can't just straight up ask him. Who ever he hugs first wins]

Sudo [Deal!]

Horikita [Nagi-kun get over here!]

Yoshida [Yeah. What's up]

Horikita [Can I get a hug?]

Yoshida [Umm...what's the catch?]

Horikita [There is none]

Yoshida [Not buying it... is compass-Chan in your pocket]

Horikita [*sigh*]

Sudo [My turn! My man Yoshida give me a hug]

Yoshida [Ew... why you grinning like that]

Sudo [πŸ˜”]

Me {I would like to try. I'll even try to use his first name}

Me [Nagiwagi my ice-cream to my sundae, could you pwetty pwease give me a hug]

Yoshida [πŸ«‚]

Me {The embrace feels kinda weird because my head is on his chest}

Me {To most people we probably look like a couple}

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D/Alleyway
July 12th, 2019



Chabashira-Sensei [Alright class, I'll see you on Monday]

Me {Honami texted me to come to an alleyway because she needed something}

Me {I guess I should come}

Me {As I was standing up someone called me}

??? [Nagi-kun, could you tell me why you gave my email to a stranger]

Me [Su-Su-Suzune!?]

Me [What do you mean?]

Suzune [This random guy got my email and started messaging me love letters]

Me [M-maybe you've got a secret admirer?]

Suzune [Maybe, but when I asked him how he got it he told me that a tall white haired student gave me it. And do you know anyone who has white hair and is tall?]

Me [N-no]


Suzune [Thats for wasting me time]


Suzune [Thats for giving out my email without my permission]


Suzune [And that's for you being annoying]

Me [OW! Compass-Chan hurts! πŸ€•]

Suzune [You can go now]

Me [Yes Ma'am]

Me {I left the class, and headed to an alleyway where Honami was}

Honami [Ah, Yoshida-kun]

Me [Hello]

Honami [Hey, I wanted to cash in that favor you owe me]

Me {Oh yeah, I asked her to convince those class C kids to drop the charges}

Me [Okay that's fine]

Honami [Here]

Me {She handed me a love letter, sealed with a cute heart sticker}

Me {Is she confessing to me!? I don't know how to feel about this}

Me {Wait now that I think about it when I was "dating" Kikyo, I actually liked her fake bubbly persona. So... I wouldn't mind dating someone like Honami}

Me [A love letter?]

Honami [I think someone's going to confess to me here]

Me {Oh}

Me [Then why am I here?]

Honami [Because I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend]

Me {Hmmm... "Once you get a real girlfriend...". My mothers words flew throughout my head}

Me [I'm sorry Iβ€”β€”]

??? [Ichinose-san... is Yoshida-kun your boyfriend?]

Me {It's Chichiro, she usually hangs around Mako and Honami. But I didn't think she would confess to her}

Honami [Ah.... Well....]

Me [I'm just her friend]

Me {Sorry Honami, but Mother said I need to find true love}

Me [Honami, she had a lot of courage to ask you the least you could do is tell her how you truly feel]

Me {I excused myself and waited for about 5 mins and Chichiro ran away with tears in her eyes}

Honami [I'm sorry... I should have thought about Chichiro's feelings instead of my own. Thank you Yoshida-kun]

Me [No problem. But I'm surprised that you did that considering that probably happened to you all the time]

Honami [Huh? What do you mean?]

Me [Huh... wait you've never been confessed to?]

Honami [No I haven't... did you expect me to]

Me [Yes]

Honami [Oh... well]

Me [I'll see you later Honami]

Honami [Goodbye Yoshida-kun]

(A/N, Sorry for the late upload πŸ˜”. The other night i was thirsty and I looked for a water bottle but ended up drinking bleach. New chapters will be out this week. Bye 😘)
