
Celia Point of View~

I hear a voice echoing my head, making it pound.

"Hello? Miss can you hear me?..."

Slowly, I realized what happened. He kicked me out. The Employer didn't need me anymore. A small twinge of hope bounced around in my chest. I escaped? That's never happened before!! Maybe I could get out of here... My heart dropped. Where was here? Where was I? I don't remember anything past Chris leaving... I open my eyes slowly, the light blinding me for a few seconds. The world around me started to come into focus. 

Someone stood at the edge of a bed?.. I was in a bed.. okayy... I could tell it was a woman, due to the pitch of her voice. "She's awake!! Guys come quick she woke up!!!" she exclaims. What? What was she talking about?...... My eyes widen. Was this some sort of test from the employer? I remember what Chris said.

He's looking for an assassin.. This isn't escape...

I shiver, sitting straight up in bed, making me wince. When I look at my body, I could tell that I had scrapes, some of them were healed, but still pink, meaning that they were sore. Looking around, I had no idea where I was, and frankly, I didn't want to find out. With no idea where I was, who was here, or how I even got here, it could easily put someone on edge. Shaking, I bring my legs to my chest, hugging them close. If I moved, maybe I would get punished.. I hated it.. but there was nothing I could do to stop it, so I stayed in the bed, mulling over my thoughts. 

After a few minutes, a few more people ran in. The first, I assumed was the girl that ran to get her friends. Blonde, hair kept in a side ponytail, the rest down, she looked really pretty. The second, was another girl, long, scarlet hair was kept down, and she was wearing armor, along with a blue skirt. The third, made me a little uncomfortable. A boy, shirt off, with dark midnight blue hair, messy probably by nature. The fourth... was interesting. Salmon colored, spiky hair, and onyx brown eyes. Wearing a white scarf, along with some sort of black with yellow outfit. There was also a blue cat, which interested me. 

I stared in silence, wide eyed, confused where I was. If this was truly some sort of sick twisted test that the employer was giving me, I wasn't going to let him win. The blonde haired girl looked at me worried. 

"Hey are you okay??"


The blonde hair girl shifted uncomfortably, being met by my silence. So did the rest of the group, but they were mainly confused. The shirtless boy went next.

"You can hear us right?.. Lucy asked if you were okay.."


Well, now I knew that the blonde was named Lucy. So I kept that in the back of my mind. How in the world did I get here? I wanted to know, but I wasn't sure who these guys were, so I didn't want to say anything to alarm or upset them. I could tell that they were all extremely confused about why I wasn't talking, but the guy with salmon colored hair was getting annoyed. He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

"Well, are you going to talk to us about what happened?"

Wait, what does he mean what happened?? He didn't know did he?... Hold on, of course he didn't! What was I thinking?! 


His eyebrow twitches. I shook slightly. Usually, at this point, I would be getting dragged into the room at this point. I start shaking just thinking about it.

"Look, we're just trying to help you and figure out why you're so injured. Just talk to us."


Extremely annoyed, he slams a fist on the nearest table hard, making me jump and shake harder, trying to make myself seem smaller. Near tears, just above a whisper, I speak.

"P-Please...d-don't hurt m-me..."

Surprised that I spoke, the group looked at me curious. The red head this time spoke up.

"Why would we hurt you?" 

She asked cautiously, taking a step towards me, making me freak out and try and press my body against the end of the bed, shaking harder. I didn't know how powerful these guys were, and I don't know what's going on!! I shake my head.

"J-Just please, l-leave m-me alone..."

I plead, making her think things over in her head. Carefully, and extremely slowly, she started to edge towards me, arm extended as a sign that she wasn't there to fight. Unsure, my body started to relax slightly, but still jumpy, I thought things over in my head. Suddenly, I heard a door. A faint squeak. My heart rate soared. The same squeak, it sounded so much similar to the one back there.. at the house... was I still there?? Oh gosh, I must still be there it sounded so much like the door to that room opening...

My breathing became deep and shuddering, my body shaking violently. I couldn't handle it, I was still there, it was a test, I failed, I knew it.. this wasn't happening, I needed to get home, back to my brother, he needed to see me, it's been years... Looking wildly around, trying to find a way out of this mess. 

The red head along with the rest of the group noticed my freak out, and looked worried. Miss Scarlet hair was looking around, trying to figure out what caused my state, and realized it was a door. Still holding her hand out, she spoke calmly. 

"If you're wondering, we're in Magnolia. In the Fairy Tail guild infirmary."

My shaking was still violent, but my breathing softened a little. Fairy Tail? Wasn't that some sort of wizard guild?... I shake the thought out of my head. If I was in Magnolia.. that means my house! My brothers house! It's here, it's nearby!! I needed to get there, my brother would be worried, he needs to know I'm alive! I jump out of the bed, making them all alarmed. I lean against the bed for support. 

"You shouldn't be up!! You have to get back into your bed your not healed all the way!!" Lucy tried to run over and force me back into bed, but she stopped suddenly because I had requipped a sword. "I-I need to s-see my brother. J-Just p-please.. let me go s-see him.." I plead, my hands shaking horribly. Lucy looks at me calmly, understanding the circumstances. 

"You can.. just please.. rest okay? No one is going to hurt you or anything. We're just trying to help. " I shake my head, near tears, close to breaking down. "I-I've heard that before... H-How do I-I know that I c-can trust y-you?" She thinks and then shrugs. "You don't. But believe me when I say that you're in no condition to be wandering the streets! I know you want to see your brother, who ever he is, just... rest okay?" she asks, and I quiver. 

Another person walks in, a girl with white hair. She was rather beautiful, and when she saw me she was obviously shocked. "She's awake already?" Scanning the situation, I could see something click in her head, and she walked over to me, heels clicking against the floor. "You need to rest okay?.. We all know you want to go somewhere, but you need to rest." Getting closer, my hands wobble and fumble with the sword in my hands. 

"P-Please... I-I don't w-want to h-hurt anyone.." I plead, trying to keep the sword up in my hands. The girl nods in full understanding, and speaks gently and continues her walk towards me. "And you won't. Just set the sword down and we can discuss this okay? Can I know your name?" I keep shaking, and my hand lowers the sword. "C-Celia." She smiles. 

"Well, hi Celia, I'm Mira, the blonde is Lucy, the red head is Erza, pinky is Natsu, and the shirtless one is Gray. The cat's name is Happy. We're all here as friends okay?" At this point, my sword completely disappears without me noticing. At least I know their names. Mira is standing right in front of me and I nod shakily, and whisper. "O-Okay..." Mira smiles again. "Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions Celia, do you think you can do that?"

I nod carefully, not wanting any of the other people to ask me questions. I felt a huge amount of magic energy from all of them and it made me jumpy and uncomfortable. Mira seemed so nice, and her magic was still strong, it just helped that she introduced herself too. "Now, where are you trying to go?" Still whispering, I answer. "T-To see m-my brother..." she grins. "Oh! I have a brother too! He's younger though, is your brother younger or older than you?"

"O-Older.." Mira gives me a friendly smile. "That's nice, I'm the oldest in my family.. Now, can you tell me your brother's name?" I nod, feeling slightly more at ease. "L-Liam." 

"That's a very nice name. Now, I'm going to go see if your brother lives nearby, and if he does I'll bring him here okay?.. But for now you should get some sleep. I promise nothing will happen. If anything does, then they'll get into huuuggggeee trouble with the master." Thinking hard, I decide to trust Mira, she doesn't seem to be hiding anything, and she seemed super nice and understanding I was confused, so I climb back into the bed. Laying down, I close my eyes and feel a soft blanket pulled over me. Zoning out, I quickly fall fast asleep.


Third Person Point Of View~

Everyone else in the room however, was fairly confused. why was this girl so terrified?

"How did you get her to calm down so easily Mira?" Erza asked, for she was frustrated that she wasn't able to herself. This.. Celia.. reminded her of when she was a girl, after she escaped the Tower Of Heaven. Mira smiles knowingly. "You guys alarmed her. It was obvious. You have to introduce yourself next time.. and Erza? Maybe wearing armor isn't the best way to gain someones trust." 

Erza nods understanding. "Right..." Natsu speaks up. "I had no idea she was a wizard either.." Gray rolls his eyes. "Of course you didn't pyro! You're so dense that you scared her half to death slamming your fist!" Natsu growls. "Well I was getting impatient and she wasn't talking!" Happy sighs, and starts flying around the room. "Naaattssuu that's not the best idea..." 

Mira taps her foot impatiently. "You guys! Quiet! Celia's trying to sleep!" she didn't want to wake up the poor girl, and she knew that Celia most likely went through a lot, she probably deserved some rest. "Now, I'm going to go see if any 'Liam's' live nearby, she most likely wants to see her brother, and you guys make sure she doesn't get out of bed alright?"

The group all nodded in agreement, but they all thought the same thing.

What happened to Celia?
