
Main Character Point of View~

The cup hit the floor, shattering. I stare at it wide eyed. No.. god no... This wasn't good.... I wince, knowing what was coming next...


I look down, shaking. "I-I'm sorry...I-I tripped..." I whisper, but he didn't take it. 

"Tripped?! Not likely." I kneel down, starting to pick up the glass shards. My knees starting to bleed, but that was the least of my worries. He picks me up by my hair tightly, making me wince. "N-No...P-Please...I-It won't happen a-again..." he started dragging me to that room. I shudder. I don't think I would make it this time...

Someone follows close by him. My eyes widen, terrified. They were both going to do this?.... I wasn't going to make it... My employer and my friend... they were both going to beat me?.. I start to struggle. I know the consequences of that choice, but I wasn't going to die. I wasn't going to let them. I would... I would use my magic if I had to.

I get thrown into the room. I stand up, shaking. Yes, I would have to. I would have to use my magic, otherwise I wasn't leaving this room. He snarls, along with my friend, no my old friend. "You dare defy me?!" I look at him, shaking like crazy. I couldn't think straight. I close my eyes, and requip a sword. Yes, I'm a requip wizard.. doesn't match my personality trust me. 

Shakily I raise my sword. "I-I won't l-let you d-do this to m-me!" My old friend smirks. "Just look at yourself.  Weak. You're shaking. Absolutely terrified. Don't you dare think that you can defy the employer. He is much stronger than you know. 

Suddenly, I feel my body tense up, dropping the sword to the ground, making it clatter before it disappeared. Oh no... I forgot... his... magic...

Unable to move, they both step forward. 

"Tsk, Tsk. Maybe we should give her a harder punishment this time.."

"Yeah.. I agree..."

I shudder, closing my eyes. It was going to be a long day..

*Time Skip*

Throwing my broken body onto the street, they both laugh. "Not so tough now huh? I don't need you. Disgraceful." he spat, leaving and walking inside. My "friend" walked up to me, bending down to my level, looking at my face.

"I feel bad, you should know by now how much our.. I mean... my employer hates things to be broken.. Tch, don't you dare think for a second that you're getting away with this, not for a second. This isn't escape for you, this is your only chance to clean up your act.. I'm stalling him for as long as it takes for you to become stronger... after all..." he smirks.

"He does want a suitable assassin." I shake harder. I wasn't going to become his toy, I wasn't going to. I would rather die, and I was close to it. I was already bleeding like crazy. I talk, just above a whisper. 

"Chris?.. Why'd you blame me?".....

Chris smirks, lifting up my chin slightly, so we made eye contact. "Because Celia, I knew you would never defend yourself."

He stood up and walked away, smirking, maybe even laughing a little. I hold back tears. Chris made me sick. I was his friend. Companion.. yes, like that. Dating. Not really, the employer wouldn't allow it. But I used to love him. I started to shake. Chris. He changed. Too much so. He was a completely different person. Someone so different, all that was the same was his magic, and his appearance. 

So did the others. We were all friends, best friends. Helped each other. Got each other out of trouble with the boss. Taught each other. Learned. Told each other stories, stories of before we got roped into this mess.

Once you came to him for work, he never let you go. Ever. No matter how hard you tried. 

I felt my sadness, betrayal, anger, frustration, all combine inside of me. It was unfair. I had to help support my brother...

Slowly, I felt myself slip into darkness.


Natsu Point of View~

I sit down for once, irritated. Why couldn't Gray just shut his mouth? Today, I was not in the mood like I usually was to beat that ice princess until he passed out. I sigh, my best buddy Happy flying around in circles above me.

"Why so grumpy Natsu?"

I shrug, unsure. "I don't know, I just don't feel in the mood for anything." It was true, I wasn't sure why. Hopefully, this wasn't anything really bad.. Suddenly, I sniff the air unsure, surprised I stand up. Blood? Happy sighs, but a little worried. "Natsu?" I glare at him. "Happy be quiet! Something's wrong.. I smell something bad." He tilts his head. "Bad?" I nod, and run out, looking for the source.

Running outside, I automatically run into someone. A girl. Looking down, my eyes widen in shock.

Blood was dripping down her, coming from the various cuts, deep cuts, covering her head to toe. Her hair was dirty and bloody, skin was pale, and she was shaking horribly. she looked at me with big, emerald green eyes pleadingly, leaning on me. Gripping my shirt tightly, she whispers.

"P-Please... help me.."

I stare wide eyed and shocked. "Uh, are you okay?!?!" Happy flies behind me, and eyes widen too. "Natsu she's obviously not okay!!! Get her into the guild!!" I hit my head. Duh. "Right! J-Just follow me!!" I say, and start running into the guild. When I realize she's not behind me, I turn around. Instantly, I hit my head again. Duh! Injured right. She tried to follow, but ended up on the floor.

"Natsu you dodo! She's injured!!" I growl. "I know that Happy!" I run over, only to find she passed out. Blood started pooling around her, and alarmed I look at the rest of the guild. "HELP!" Immediately, a few people run over and pick her up carefully, running to the infirmary. Jet ran to get Porlyusica, and I followed the group into the infirmary.

She was breathing heavily, chest heaving and taking deep shuddering breaths, and everyone was extremely worried about her, heck, we had no idea who she was!...But she seemed hurt, lonely, needing someone to be there for her, guide her, help her...

Porlyusica was rushed back to the guild with Jet, very annoyed. "You don't need to drag me every where! I was coming!" she snaps at Jet, and he backs up slightly. "I'm sorry but, we found a girl, really injured... we're not sure if she'll make it.." She finally understood the gravity of the situation. "Out of my way then." she moves quickly towards the girl, and gets set up, trying different ideas and spells.

I waited impatiently, thousands of questions spinning in my head.

Who was she?

Why was she here?

Why was she so beat up?

Who would do something like that to her?!

Someone walks up to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "She should be okay.. Quite a wreck she must've got herself into. Do you know who she is?" I look up. Porlyusica. "Uh, no." She rolls her eyes. "Of course you don't. Anyway, she should wake up tomorrow." I nod. "Thank you."

"Now I'm leaving! I hate the scent of humans!" she screeched and walked out.

I look back at this girl.

She was something different alright.. but why?...


Hello Hello Hello!!~

This will be one of my many Fairy Tail fan fictions, I love Fairy Tail so much!!~ ^-^

I also created this character, and as you can tell, she's been through a lot already.

If you don't know already, my other Fairy Tail fan fiction is called Willow: A Fairy Tail Fan Fiction. If you have time, please check it out!!

~Doctress Derpy
