
Natsu POV:

Walking a crowded street, I sigh looking at Happy. 

"Where the hell are we going Happy?" 

"Natsuu! You forgot already? We're going to Celia's house!! It was your idea!" 

"Oh yeah.." 

I didn't know why, but she bugged me. Sure, she was shy, extremely scared, and stuttered and everything, but something was off about her. She didn't smell quite right. Not at all. It made me uneasy, and I wanted to make sure my hunch was right. After all, she did slash that girl out of nowhere and forget about it. That's right when her smell got real real bad, like something was rotting inside her. 

Most of the time though, she smelled nice. Like mint. Candy canes. Which was weird in itself, but maybe she liked mint or something? 

"Hey Happy?" 

"What's up Natsu?" 

"Do.. do you think that guy I saw with her earlier is her boyfriend?" 

"Why?~ Do you liiiiikkkeee her?~" 

I growl. "Shut up Happy." 

I step onto the front step of Celia's house, and immediately I grimace. Man, that guy was here again? What was with him? I didn't like him at all. You know what? I'm going to challenge him to a fight! Grinning excited, I tighten my scarf around me and kick the door open. 


I stop dead in my tracks as I see him close to Celia, their lips inches apart. 


Celia Point of View~

I feel my face heat up as I see Natsu in the door way, looking at us bug eyed. Oh no! Worst timing ever! It wasn't anything bad!! Adrian just went in and I.. I don't know!! I watched him I guess! Don't get me wrong, Adrian is hot. He's really really cute. But, I don't think I see him that way. Why didn't I stop him you ask? 

Just look at my past. 

Suddenly I feel Adrian's breath disappear from my face, and I stare unsure what happened. A soft little paw touches my shoulder and I jump in surprise. 

"You okay Celia?" 

Looking up at the sound of the voice, I see the little blue cat from before! Now that I'm up close.. Awe!! He's so cute!! And he has wings?? Snatching him out of the air, I keep him close to me, petting him happily. 

"Y-You're so soft!!~" 

I start scratching behind his ear, and he purrs loudly, clearly happy. That's so neat!

Looking up, my eyes widen seeing Natsu's fist on fire, about to punch Adrian. No!! What's going on now?? Without hesitation, I wave my hand in the air, a shield appearing in front of Adrian right before..


Natsu's fist hits the shield without breaking through. He looks at me surprised, some suppressed rage as he looks at me. I shudder and curl up hugging the cat close to me. 

"Woa!! That's so cool Celia!! That's archive magic isn't it??" 

I nod once in reply. 

"T-Thanks Celia.. I owe you big time.." Adrian said out of breath. 

Natsu looks at me, and looks confused, tilting his head like a dog would. 

"So wait.. he's not trying to?..." 

My eyes widen and I shake my head. Adrian would never do that!! Sure.. Chris would.. but he's nothing like Adrian!! At all!! Why would someone think like that?! I pout, walking over to him. 

"A-Ah no.. A-Adrian wouldn't do that to me.." 

Suddenly, I feel a rough embrace and I look up, seeing a pink head looking down at me, something shining in his eyes. Fear? No.. it was worry or relief wasn't it.. But why? I didn't do anything wrong did I? So why was he being so protective of me? It didn't make any sense at all, and I wasn't sure what to think. My brain was going into overdrive as I saw his mouth turn into a smile, and I start to blush. 

"Don't go scaring me like that again okay? I don't want to go beating up a friend of yours on accident thinking someone was attacking you." 

"Oh Natsu you doooo like her!!!!!~" I see the little blue cat squirm out of my grip and smirk, landing on his head. "I do too!~ She pet me!~ You barely do that anymore Natsu!" he states accusingly. 

"Happy!!" Natsu's cheeks start turning pink like his hair, and I smile. Awe! That made him look cute!

I freeze up. 

Wait cute?..


Adrian Point of View- 

Seeing this entire scene play out in front of me, I could only think of one thing:

How long has Celia known this guy?!

I don't think he deserves to be around Celia one bit. He's going to be a bad influence on her! If Celia got hurt because of this guy I would pound him until he forgot how to spell his own damn name!..Even though I doubt he can even now. Celia's the sweetest thing on the planet, and being her best friend means I need to keep an eye on her, especially now. 

I was so stupid to let her go outside Milo's without me! Clearly she was scared! I let my own damn happiness get in the way of protecting her! I was such an idiot! 

But that wasn't going to let that happen, oh no. 

However, Celia did seem happy around him, and that makes me hesitate. Seeing her genuinely smile when she wasn't talking about cooking, or talking with Liam and I, was rare. She hardly even talked to anyone outside of that. But.. now she was happy and almost back to herself, the Celia Jones I know.. and maybe even love. But I couldn't know for sure now, and with that attempt that Natsu stepped in on, I don't think it's going to be happening anytime soon. 

There was only one question that could remain here, and it honestly scared me. 

Is Natsu really going to start a romance with her?

Whatever the answer, it sure doesn't smell right to me. 


Hey guys! Hope you wanted to see this!

I know there's not a whole lot of people reading this right now, but I've got hope!

Who's going to take Celia's heart? 

Why does Adrian dislike Natsu? 

Please continue reading to know more!

~Doctress Derpy
