
Still 3rd person POV~

Everyone returned to the guild hall, and Erza let everyone know that the girl, Celia, was fine and awake, but at the moment was sleeping. She did not add that her brother might be coming to visit her, but it was a relief to her that she had some sort of family. Erza kind of wanted to help this strange girl, but there was also something unusual about her, but she didn't tell anyone. It was probably just her imagination.

Lucy on the other hand, just wanted to figure out what happened, and why she was so beat up. Poor girl.. she thought to herself. It wasn't fair that all the kindest people felt the most hurt.

Natsu? He just wanted to get revenge on whoever did that to her. What kind of person would beat someone up to near death?! And what kind of brother does she have that just lets this happen?! 

Gray on the other hand, was just confused about the whole situation. It seemed like this girl, Celia, had no idea where she was, but Natsu said that she walked here... Maybe she forgot?

A bang was heard, and the doors swung open. Turning to look, Natsu saw a man. Taller, caramel brown hair, and hazel eyes, this guy reminded Natsu of Celia, except that Celia's eyes were an emerald green. Looking desperate, he looked around worried. "Where is she?! Where's my sister?!" he yelled, and Natsu nodded. This must be her brother, Liam. Mira walked up to him. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Mirajane." He nods, distracted. "Yea yea, nice to meet you, where's Celia?!" he yells, looking pleadingly at Mira.

She smiles. "You're sister is in the infirmary..." Liam's expression changed to horror. "but she is fine. Right now, she's asleep, so you might not want to-" Liam was already barging to the back door, where the infirmary was placed. A twinge of annoyance hit Natsu. You shouldn't just ignore people like that! The group, consisting, of Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Happy followed, hoping to get some insight into this girls life.


Celia Point of View~

I woke up suddenly, to someone shaking me. "Celia?? Are you okay??" I recognized the voice: Liam. Tears spring to my eyes. I can't believe it. They found him!! I sit up quickly, making my brother smile, crying a little himself. "Cels... I'm so glad it's you..." he chokes, using my pet name. I smile a little. My brother always knew how to lighten the mood. I usually hate that nickname, but at the moment it's needed.

"O-Of course i-it's me Liam..." I say quietly, but it doesn't bother him. He already knew why I was being so quiet, along with how I became that way in the first place. Liam pulls me into a rough embrace, making me squirm a little, but other than that I stay still. My brother could be extremely annoying, but right now, he needed to know that I was still here, alive and well. "Did you get the money?..." he whispers, and I sigh nodding. "Y-Yeah.. i-it's a lot l-less than u-usual, but e-enough for rent.." I say, and Liam looks relieved.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the group from before and I jump. "L-L-Liam what are t-they doing h-here?..." I ask, and he automatically takes the lead of big brother, turning around and looking at them, he snarls. "My question exactly. What are you doing here?" He asks firmly. The red head, who I know now is Erza, answers. "Actually, we wanted to know what happened to your sister." The others nodded in agreement. 

Liam shakes his head and stands up. "I don't need to tell you anything. Neither does my sister. I appreciate you guys helping my sister, really I do, but that doesn't give you the right to know about our life!" Erza raises her hands in truce. "I understand. However, we did save her life, and we want to make sure that it doesn't happen again." she states, and Liam draws a conclusion onto his face.

"Let her join the guild then."

My eyes widen, terrified. "L-Liam, what a-are you t-talking about I-I don't k-know these g-guys.." I say, but he faces me. "Cels, we need the money.. and I don't want you to go back there." I shudder at the thought. I really didn't want to, but in the end? I didn't really have a choice did I?.. Either way I would have to go back there... Chris would bring the group to extract me whenever they wanted, and I felt like he was serious when he said that I would have to become stronger, so I needed to take heed.

Erza nodded, agreeing to the terms, and seemed a little pleased as well. "That is a wonderful idea. I'll get Mira right away." she walked out of the room professionally. Gray crossed his arms. "Well, you obviously have magic, I can sense a little right now. And from your display of a sword earlier," I start to turn red. "You have requip magic right?" I nod slowly, hoping my brother didn't catch what he said. Too late. Realization spread across my brothers face and he stared at me. "Cels, what is he talking about?... You don't have requip magic..." he says carefully, and Lucy was surprised. "Well of course she does! We all saw it before, she made a sword appear! Just like Erza!" she faces the others for agreement.

Gray and Natsu nod. "Yeah.. if it's not requip magic, then what kind of magic is it?" Natsu asks. Liam seems very confused. "She can't do that.. Cels can't do that type of magic at all... Right Cels?...." he looks at me, and I could tell he was hurt. I never told him, then he would try and force me to protect myself against the employer. I look away. "I-I'm sorry L-Liam.. I d-do..." Liam was hurt, and he looked away. Happy looked curious. "Well if you didn't think she had requip magic, what magic did she tell you she did have?"


Lucy, Gray, Natsu and Happy tilted their heads in confusion. "I don't think I've heard of that one before.." Lucy stated, and the boys nodded in agreement. Just then, Erza reentered with Mira. "Actually, it is a type of magic. Archive. It allows the castor to convert information into magical data. It has some sort of flat screen, and it has plenty of uses. I've heard the screens are a good shield as well."

Erza nodded. "It's a good defense magic, for archive is a strong shield, it also has an attack called Force Blast, which as the name implies, can make someone go flying with the force of the attack. It can also be used as a map system, magic scanner, and grants the ability of telepathy. That's all I know about it." Lucy looks at me in awe, making me uncomfortable and shake. This is why I didn't tell anyone about requip too.. 

"You have two magics?!" 

Mirajane nods. "If the wizard has a lot of magic energy, it is possible. It also can be a great help, especially for two magics such as requip and archive, which are both non elemental magics, it's far easier to learn, especially if you learn one at a young age."

She got that right, I learned archive when I was younger, so that's how Liam knows about that. What he doesn't know, is that I was being secretly taught by my mom requip magic at the same time. You always want a secret move, that's what she always said. 

My brother nods. "Yup.. exactly... Cels here learned archive when she was younger." I wince, I hated it when my brother would talk about me like I wasn't really part of the conversation, then again, I was being dead silent sooo....

Mira smiled, holding out some sort of stamper. "I hear you want to join Fairy Tail then? Where do you want the emblem?" she asks politely, and I think it through. If I was taken hostage by the employer again, he would surely be furious.. but maybe.. I hold out the bottom of my left wrist, and right below the palm of my hand. "H-H-Here p-please..." I say and she nods. "Sure!~" 

She stamps the emblem onto it, and it glowed slightly and turns a pale green. Curiously, I look at it. Liam beams proud, and Mira smiles and laughs a little.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail Celia!~"
