
Celia Point Of View Yet Again~

My heart was hammering out of my chest. What was she thinking?! Heck, what was I thinking?! Shouldn't I be giving Adrian some sign that Kina was bad news?? Shouldn't I be trying to defend myself?? Yeah..No..

I was speechless.


And yes,


One wrong move and I could either be looking at either a full scale attack, or a kidnapping. I knew Kina. She was powerful and very clever. It wouldn't take much for her to take me either way. My question was why was she waiting until I was right here, right with my friends, instead of targeting me when I was alone. 

Kina smiled brightly. "Ceelliiaaa!!~~ How have ya been??~" she said sweetly, catching Adrian's attention. I waver, unsure what to do, but eventually smile very slightly. "H-H-Hi K-K-Kina..." I whisper, shrinking down into my chair. Smiling even wider, Kina grins. "Can I talk to ya for a second??" she acts excited. This is all an act. 

She wants me to come with her. I know that's a bad move. 

Adrian smiles at her unsure, suddenly at my side. "Kina is it? I'm sorry, she's kind of hanging out with us right now.." he motions to Milo and himself. "Maybe later alright?" 

That didn't sit well with Kina. A flash of irritation went through her body, but she contained it. Looking really disappointed, she sighs. "Alright.. I just wanted to tell Celia about how we were going out to night.." she looks at me pleadingly. "With our friends right? You're not ditching?"

Stammering, I reply, desperately holding in my shaking. 

"Y-Y-Yeah... I-I-I'll come..." A smirk played across her face. "Great!! Come on!! Let's go!!" she yells, grabbing my hand and without warning, starts dragging me out of the restaurant. Later? No, she meant now. And now was not good. In fact, it was very, very bad. Impatience meant she was bored. Bored was not a good thing. 

Trying to stall, I try and come up with a solution. 

I have to go grab my purse?.. No.. I don't have a purse...

Adrian needs some sort of help?.. but what.. he wouldn't go for it..

Friends.. Friends.. um.. I had to cancel last minute?.. Shoot! I already said yes!!

How about?..

"Don't worry Celia~ I just wanted you to see Chris again. He sure is proud of you." 

She mumbles in disgust. My heart drops as I knew that Kina, for one, loved Chris now, and that him being proud was a bad thing.. and what did I do to make him proud? 


Adrian ran over right as we were in the street. Kina stops, making me freeze with fear. Pushing me away from Kina, he seems to make himself taller. Kina played it safe, and looked up at him, batting her eyes. 


Growling, he crosses his arms. "Friends? I've never seen you before. Ever. And I know all of Celia's friends." Realizing she made a mistake, she cuts the act and rolls her eyes annoyed. "Oh whatever." Flicking her wrist, she makes Adrian fly backwards with a huge wave of water. My eyes widen as he hits a brick wall. 


I feel a tight grip on my wrist, and almost a searing pain as I try and shake it off. Seeing that it's Kina, I immediately shrink and whimper slightly. Pulling me right in front of her, she wraps her arm around my neck, so it was hard to breath. "Oh so you're over Chris huh? Gave up?" she snarls. "Not. A good move." 

Shoot.. she thought I was together with Adrian?.. I turn bright red. He was like a brother to me.. not anything like that..

Groaning, Adrian stands up and looks absolutely enraged. Taking a step forward, Kina tightens her grip on me, making me gag, trying desperately to get air. "Take another step and she's as good as dead." Very angry, he backs off, but is clearly trying to figure out how to get me back.

Struggling, I try and break free, but Kina laughs at my feeble attempt. "Nice try Celia. Like I said Chris wants to see you~ No way I'm going to let you escape when he's counting on me." she taunts. I close my eyes near tears, not because of Chris, but because I wish desperately that I could just go home and hide underneath a blanket. Maybe there I could train. Doubt it, but maybe.

I could hear a tapping noise, and when I opened my eyes back up, getting pulled backwards by Kina, I see Adrian, remaining firmly where he was. He mouths one thing that makes my heart drop. 


Knife?.. He wants me to requip a knife.. I don't want to do that!! That seems dreadful!! I don't want to hurt Kina.. but then again, she does want to hurt me.. but I can't fall to her level either.. I look up at Adrian again, wanting to prove my point that I couldn't, but something shone in his eyes, something that kind of made me consider it.

He had hope.

And trust.

As well as belief. 

He knew that I would do it. He wanted to believe I would do it. 

Whimpering slightly, I close my eyes and requip a knife and shaking uncontrollably, plunge the knife into her arm. Kina shrieked and dropped me to the ground, and I let myself fall. Trembling, I couldn't look at Kina. 

I did it... 

My eyes widen and I cover my mouth, curled up into a little ball. I hurt someone. I actually did...

Laying on the stone floor.. praying. Not for freedom. Not for it to stop.

I needed to die.. I couldn't take it anymore... Make it stop.. 

The blood.. the pain.. I didn't want to see my broken body.. I didn't want to see my injuries.. More than anything, I didn't want to see the knives. The whips. Any of it. I wanted to disappear, just like my pain was left to disappear to everyone outside of this room. This house. 

I couldn't hurt anyone.. I didn't want them to feel the pain I did.. I never wanted anyone to know how I was hurt.. I promised myself I wouldn't hurt anyone.. I have.. oh god I have.. 

"CELIA!!" someone shouts, but I remain where I am. I don't care where I'm laying, I don't care what I'm doing right now. 

Pain is something I don't want anyone to experience. 
