Chapter 39

Jungkook gasped and instantly opened his eyes and checked on y/n but sighed in relief when he found no injuries.

He looked back and found the person collapsed on the floor and his companions running away.

"Go and catch them!"
Mr. Jung yelled gesturing other officers and ran towards y/n.

"A-are you okay?! Oh my god you're bleeding!"
He instantly crouched down and grabbed her.

"Y-you'll be o-okay!"
Jungkook stuttered out, as y/n weakly looked at him due to excessive blood loss.

He nonetheless followed them desperately as y/n was taken by Mr. Jung.

Mr. Jung placed her in the car and ordered the driver.

"Take her to the hospital quick! I'll wait here until the situation calms down"

"Okay sir!"
The other complied instantly fuelling and driving towards the hospital. Jungkook sat there beside her.

"Y/n.. b-baby please don't close your eyes.. please"
He desperately whispered. Y/n blinked and nodded slightly.

"B-but I w-want to sleep, I'm s-so exhausted Koo"
She barely whispered, but gladly Jungkook could hear it.

"N-no.. no no, f-fight back y/n!"
Jungkook sobbed as his eyes never left the wound that kept bleeding heavily with every passing second.

"C-can you hear me? Y-y/n!"
He yelled wholeheartedly but y/n could barely hear. She gave a slight nod, her eyes getting droopy.

"I-I'll do everything you, say! J-just hear me this time"
He didn't feel pain but he was devastated when her eyes closed.

"Y-y/n? Baby? See.. open your eyes, t-talk to me! SPEED UP THE CAR!!"
He yelled but the driver couldn't hear him. He just sobbed helplessly, his hands on his face.

"P-please.. don't l-let this happen"
All he could whisper was this. Sooner or later they reached the hospital.

The person other than Jungkook quickly got in the passenger seat and carried her inside the hospital.

She was soon admitted as Jungkook stood beside her laying body, operated by doctors. He sighed and got out. He couldn't see her being handled by those doctors and being hurtfully checked.

He sobbed loudly collapsing on the ground, yelling whole-heartedly.

It was many hours that the doctor came out. He quickly sprinted to him.

"H-how's she? How's m-my y/n? She's okay ri--"

He was just completely ignored by the doctor.

"She is okay for now.. but the shot was so tough that it slightly cracked her knee cap. She may or may not be able to walk.. forever"
The doctor told to the person, but he just shrugged, who was her to him anyways.

But Jungkook was broken beyond repair. He gasped. His surroundings were spinning. What did she do to deserve this?
Why was he being always a life threatening problem to her?

His lips quivered. He was dead but still he had the audacity to come back? What he did afterall, just increase her misery?

He yelled in agony and went in, to see the worst sight of his love lying lifelessly on the bed.

He whimpered and crouched towards her.

"I-I'm sorry.. I c-can't forgive myself f-for letting you suffer because me.. I would've n-never come to you.. you would've been atleast h-happy and already in relationship with someone else.."
He sobbed and continued.

"I n-never wanted to b-be trouble b-but see what I did to y-you"
He cried out, he cried out until he could feel himself panting when he had no breathing at all.

He just ran out of there crying loudly.


He ended at the graveyard and stood beside his grave.

"You're selfish! Why would you come back to her! Why? Why? Because of you she's there, s-suffering!"
He said to absolutely no one but his own grave.

He collapsed on his knees.

"P-please.. I-I can't protect her.. how c-could I see her s-suffering without me b-beside her w-when I promised her! P-please help me"

"E-either just vanish me, or erase all the memories regarding me from her mind.."
He cried absolutely with no tears.

He didn't know something more better was waiting for him than what he wished for...

'I must go back to her.. there's no one beside her.. I shouldn't leave her alone'
He thought to himself and walked away with a gloomy face.

But he didn't know what was about to come...

Once he reached, he sighed in relief when he found her still sleeping. He sat beside her and stared at her.

'She may or may not be able to walk.. forever'

Those words kept haunting him. Who would support her girl? Who would be there for her, to comfort her? Ofcourse it can never be him, a dead and pathetic man like him.

He was snapped out when he heard a feeble voice.


He looked up and found her wide awake, looking at him with a smile.

He parted his lips to speak but he could never mutter out anything when she decided to speak instead.

"Where were you?"
She softly murmured, with a smile adorning her face.

Jungkook's eyes stung with tears, what if she gets to know about her condition? He couldn't tolerate seeing her crying onto herself. He can never see her broken, again.

Y/n got worried.

"Koo..? What happened?"
She asked worriedly this time.

"I-I'm sorry.."
Was all he choked out.

"Y-you're sorry? For what?"
And that's when she tried to move, she realised how painful it was. She groaned loudly and collapsed back on the bed.

"Y/n! Don't move your limbs, please rest"
Jungkook stood up and said worriedly.

"W-why? What's wrong with my leg?"
She asked innocently with her big eyes staring at her love.

Jungkook looked down, fearing to look at her in the eye.
"I-Its nothing y-you'll get o-over it--"

"Over what Koo?"
She knew something was wrong, noticing how he was running away from her gaze.

He took a deep breath before staring at her. He bit back a sob.
"Y-your.. I-I.."

"Just say it Koo, please.."
She whispered desperately.

"Y-your leg.. y-you won't be able to w-walk.."

She gasped, but Jungkook hurriedly continued.

"B-but you'll get over it Y/n.. y-you'll fight through this! I know you can do it! A-and-- and also it's j-just a injury who knows you'll recover right? I-- Y/n? Don't lose hope baby.. talk to me.."
He sobbed when he found her zoning out with unleashed tears.

His lips trembled when she looked at him blankly.

"Y-you're joking?"

"N-no baby.. but I--"

"Don't comfort when it has no use.."
She coldly stated and laid back on the bed staring at the ceiling blankly.

For a moment, Jungkook wanted her to cry, so that he could feel she was able to get over it but he knew this was hard enough when she masked her feelings.

"Baby p-please--"

"It must've been better, i-if I would have just died, right?"


"Atleast.. atleast I c-could have been with you--"

"Just stop! Do you think this is funny?! This is how strong you are?!"
Jungkook burst out, but y/n didn't flinch or startle, she just stared at the ceiling.

He sighed.
"Love.. Listen I-- what are you doing y/n?"
He squeaked out, when found her love struggling to stand.

"What the hell are you doing?! Y/n stop!"
Y/n completely ignored him and cried internally at the immense pain.

She placed her feets on the ground and stood up but it wasn't for seconds when she whimpered and was about to fall down.

Jungkook stretched out his arms to hold her in reflex.

She gasped when she felt muscular arms around her, that perfectly wrapped her tiny figure. Her heart fluttered and it can only happen when he touches her.

She stared at him wide-eyed. Jungkook sighed in relief, completely in daze that he was holding her.

"You're so stupid! Very stupid!"
Jungkook burst out and started blabbering, but y/n was trying to process that it was all real, her Koo can touch her.

It was some moments, when finally she processed everything and let out a high pitched voice.

She giggled loudly and hugged him tightly, ignoring her pain in her injured leg completely., Gladly the glass door was closed so her yell didn't reach out.

Jungkook was in daze.

The hug just tightened, he gasped, and softly streched his arms, stroking her back, he felt euphoric when finger tips touch her body that was covered with thin fabric.

His eyes pricked with tears thinking it was a dream. Maybe it's a dream? But he never wants to wake up, it was very beautiful.

He didn't think twice and brought her closer. He sobbed in happiness, satisfaction.

"M-my baby.."
He whispered and buried his head in the crook of her neck.

"D-don't tell m-me it's all a dream.."
He whimpered.

Y/n started shedding tears too. They both didn't wanted to let go, thinking they might not get a chance to hold each other again.

"I-I don't know Koo.. b-but let's not wake u-up"
Y/n whimpered and sobbed.

'Was it indeed a dream? Or fate? Or a second chance?'


I know you guys wait for this and my response but I always keep logging out from Wattpad 🥲 So I may or may not be able to reply on your precious comments. But I always see them, then why don't I reply?
It's because I see the messages after like weeks and I feel embarrassed to reply so late😓

I know that's lame, but that's me🙂

Also love you all💜🌺
Bye Bye Take care everyone.
