Chapter 22

The night felt long and never-ending. The sound of wind howling kept wandering through the forests.

Even though, it was peaceful, Jungkook didn't found himself at peace. The thoughts of many things worried him. First, that he almost lost y/n... Second, he loved her to the core but how could he protect her everytime when everyone left her side and Third, how would she survive without him.

He glanced at y/n, her peaceful sleeping figure. He wanted to cry out and scream out, but he dig it all inside for the sake of her. He knew they weren't meant to be, but can she accept that?

He regretted meeting her again after death. Wasn't she happy without him? He regretted creating a place again in her heart.

For a moment he thought to just leave everything and let her live peacefully but her state scared him. He can't leave her... At least not now.

He sighed and stayed there by her side...


Jungkook POV

I was sitting by the door side, to look up at the nature, in order to make me help to drain out my sadness.

I sighed but got worried when I heard wails from inside. I quickly got up and rushed inside to see y/n crying sitting on the floor of living room.

I called out worriedly.

She looked up at me and let out shaky breaths smiling weakly.

"I-I thought y-you left m-me alone... t-too"
She stuttered out snorting and comforting herself.

I frowned deeply and approached her.
"Don't y-you trust me, love?"

I tried my best to not to stutter in any way. She wiped her tears from her peachy cheeks , and shook her head looking up at me with her glossy eyes.

"You don't trust me?!"
I gasped dramatically.

She shook her head in denial vigorously.
"I trust you!!"
She quickly squeaked out worriedly.

I smiled warmly.
"I know cupcake.."

She blushed, and to be honest even though she cried but her blush made it a heart melting scenario for me.

"You're s-so cheesy.."
She mumbled.

"I was the one from beginning baby~"
I smirked.

"Yah! Stop!!"
She whined covering her red face. I laughed a bit.

"I won't until go up and freshen yourself baby~"

"Yah!! Jeon Jungkook!!"
She yelled and before I could respond she ran upstairs.

I giggled at least I could make her feel loved. To let her remember that she was loved by someone very much...


"You should eat something healthy, Y/n?!"
I grumbled when found her making batter for pancakes.

"It's much b-better, Stomach fulfillment is the main aim right?"
She spoke out continuing making her batter.

"Y/n? Can you tell me the truth?"

She gasped looking at me. She spoke sternly.
"I'm telling you the truth Koo!"

"You don't have to hide it from me.."
I spoke softly, yet sadly.

Her eyes turned glossy.
"Fine! So I don't have enough groceries so that I could make something healthy for me okay?! And I don't have enough money too so t-that I c-could get something!"

She spoke out weakly breaking out in last sentence. But she held them in and continued making the batter.

I looked sadly at her. My eyes turned glossy. I felt pain. How could I help her?

She made them soon and settled them in dish, eating slowly.

She looked up at me and smiled seeing my gloomy face.
"Hey... I'll make it through!! Just be with me, okay Koo?!"

I nodded forcing a smile. She smiled back and started eating, soon she finished it and kept the plate on the counter.

She smiled at me.
"Let's get some rest, hm?"

I nodded as we made up to the bedroom.

"I am glad that at least I have my own place to live! Or else I would have been wandering through streets.."
She spoke out and giggled.

I just looked at her silently with a hint of smile.

"But what were you doing here, Koo since I came here??"

I looked down and sighed before saying.
"It was actually the place I built!"

Her eyes widened.
"What? Why did you--"

"For us.."
I interrupted, she was shook, she looked at me in astonishment, I nodded.

"F-for us?"
I smiled recognising her confused state.

"Yes! You always wanted such a mansion! I actually prepared this surprise for you.."

She gasped again.
"W-what? B-but--"

I sadly smiled at her.
"But before I could surprise you with this, everything just turned upside down"

She gulped, her lips wobbled.

"Don't cry on it, y/n... It's just past now no one can change it right?"

"I'm s-sorry.."

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Why tho? It was never your fault love!"

"Why c-can't I remember you Koo?!"
She spat aggressively yet sadly.

"You will remember event--"

"No!! I can't!! I'm afraid t-that I won't... I'm hurting you K-Koo.."
She mumbled showing her tear filled eyes.

"You will baby... I'll help you okay sweet cheek!"
I beamed out to cheer her up.

"No help me now!!"
She pouted crossing her arms.

"Y/n-iee... You can't pressurise yourself..."

Her eyes filled back with tears again.

"I d-don't deserve you Koo... H-how pathetic I am that I couldn't--"

"Just stop that y/n!! You are not pathetic nor your love understand!? I love you and so as you..."
I growled, she looked at me.

"D-do you?"
I mumbled out.

Her eyes sparkled.
"Uh.. Y-yes?"

I frowned and pouted sadly.
"Why does that sound that more like a question?"

Then I heard a heart melting giggle.
"Because.... I love you just as a friend.."

My heart shattered, just kidding.
"Don't tease me y/n! I love you so much! And you too!"

"Yah! Who are you to tell me that I love you huh?!"

I smirked as she gulped.
"Because, If you didn't love me then you wouldn't have let me call you by cheesy nicknames!"

She gasped and rolled her eyes pouting.
"It's just... Uh... I don't wanna h-hurt you.."

"Ohhh is that so? Hm? Y/n-ah? Really baby?"

"I'm sleepy, go away!"
She grumbled.

"You really want me to go away?"
I asked faking sadness. In a matter of seconds she panicked.

"N-no! I-I just... I-I am s-sorry..."

Hey! I am just kidding love!"

She pouted, ah why? I thought to myself looking away from her luscious lips.

"Hmph! I am gonna sleep now! Don't go anywhere okay?"

I smiled at her.
"I won't, never..."
I mumbled. She smiled slightly and laid on the bed comfortably closing her eyes.

"I hope you're okay love! Because you don't take naps unless you're sad... Or worried I hope that's not what am thinking"
I mumbled to myself sadly, looking at her already sleeping figure


"I love the way you are baby... Don't ever say that I don't deserve you okay?"

Her eyes turned glossy.
"R-really? Am enough for you, right?"

"Yes you're!! You're more than enough for me!"
He caressed her hairs placing a small peck on her forehead lovingly.

"I-I am sorry... I might a-annoy you with t-this everytime... B-but--"

"Hm baby... What I told you hm? You never annoyed me and even if you does then let me tell I crave for those, okay?"

She giggled hitting his broad chest in tiny.l, as she hugged him.

"Am glad... That I met you Koo...


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Bye 😘😘
