Chapter 33

"What happened further then?"
She asked Hobi, who frowned and nodded.

"It was week when he did the same.. ignoring me b-but a day b-before he left...


Hobi POV

I was drown in guilt from these past few days. It was almost a week that I lost the contact with Jungkook.

I didn't actually knew that is he still involved in those? But the news were totally filled with his success. I'm happy that he did what he wanted.

Maybe a fake friend like me was never made for an angel and pure person like Jungkook.

I sighed sadly.

'But even though he won't want me to be his friend, I want him to forgive me, so that I won't die feeling guilty everyday.
I thought to myself determinedly.

"Honey! Come down once!"
My mom called me out of blue. I snapped out and yelled back a 'yes'

When I reached there, I found my mom looking at me worriedly.

I furrowed my eyebrows and approached them.

"What happened dad? Mom?"

My mom glanced at my dad, who didn't even look at her yet kept staring into my soul.

"Did I do something wrong?"
I asked to my dad who was emotionless.

"Were you spying on your friend, these days?"
He asked sternly. I was caught off guard.


"Do you think that you're smart enough that you're going to spy on your friends?!"
He yelled, I flinched but my mom held me.

"Don't shout at him!"
My mom defended me. But my dad didn't budge, he was glaring at me.

"Why the hell were you doing this, may I know?"
He asked coldly. I gulped.

"D-dad I--"
I stopped myself, should I tell him? But I caught my mom who was looking down, holding back her tears.

"I said speak up!!"
I startled and looked at him in pure astonishment, because it was the first he was adamant and fierce.

"Y-you go in your room, o-okay?"
My mom whispered to me.

"But Dad.. I-I didn't want you to--"
I tried speaking but he walked away with loud steps.

My lips quivered as my eyes filled with tears.

I got myself out from my mom's hold and left in the room. I ignored her yells and calls for me behind.

I locked the door and sat on the bed thinking harder.
'How did he find it out but?? Mom? She can't because it was a secret for her too..'

I rubbed my temples and decided to sleep before messaging Jungkook. Because he don't respond, but he never blocked me. And I can't be more thankful.

Time Skip 📸

I woke up with some shuffling and murmurings of my parents. It was already morning. I furrowed my eyebrows and headed down.

"What happened?"
My dad looked at me with unfazed look but responded nonetheless.

"Son of Mr. Jeon is no more.."
He calmly stated. I felt my whole world stop and shatter infront of my eyes.


"Check the news.."
He rolled his eyes at me as if it was no important for me. But only if he knew..

I sobbed when the news flashed on the screen with some photos of Jungkook talking about the thing.

I fell on my knees, crying louder. I crawled to my dad who was bewildered and hugged his knees.

"D-dad.. i-its wrong right? I-Its a rumour please t-tell me d-dad.."
I cried harder not caring that his uniform was getting all wet.

"W-why are you crying, Hobi?"
My mom asked.

I shook my head against my dad's knees.
"H-he was my bestfriend t-that broke f-friendship with me before a week.. b-because of my foolishness.."

I whimpered and cried louder.

My dad was totally awestruck.
"Don't t-tell me he w-was the one you s-spied on?"

I nodded crying hysterically.

"B-bring him back d-dad.. h-he is still here.. I-I messaged him last night and.. and he--"
I couldn't complete my sentence when my breathing was uneven.

My dad panicked and quickly held me.
"Hoba.. hey don't-- Breath breath.."

He rubbed my back,
But before I pass out I just kept mumbling the same.


At this moment, silent cries were heard all around. They can't hear Jungkook but Jungkook can. So they were well aware of how the boy was sensitive. They muffled their sobs and sniffs.

"Just stop it! Stop crying.. we need to be strong if we wanna take the revenge, you got it?!"
She commanded. The other three nodded nonetheless and wiped their unending tears.

"I would never forgive whoever that person was!"
Taehyung stated while Jimin nodded in agreement.

"A-actually.. the day he was f-found dead.. the news circulated that his d-dad was missing.."
Hobi stuttered with a heavy heart.

The other three gasped and looked at each other, gazing back at the weak figure.

Taehyung exclaimed. Hoseok nodded and continued.

"T-the time when I got my senses back.. I-I heard my dad speaking to himself.. that Mr. Jeongsuk.. Jungkook's Dad is missing and h-his company got already bankrupt.."
He breathed out after revealing everything he had in his mind. He finally felt his heavy heart feel lightweight.

Jimin sharply breath in.
"I-I told ya.. he.. t-that psycho man always hated Kook! He s-surely killed his own son! He wasn't there at his own son's funeral!"

Jimin broke down, crying hysterically.
"W-we knew but we never tried t-to help him.."
He sadly mumbled.

Y/n's eyes pooled with tears.
"N-no Jimin.. w-we can't blame someone so directly w-without any evidence.."

He glared at her through teary eyes.
"Are you taking that monster's side?! Do you even know what was happening with our bestfriend? You know him only for few years but we knew him from childhood! So keep your opinions to yourself!"

"Jimin, keep quiet!"
It was Taehyung who tried calming him down. But Jimin yanked him away.

"You need to help me to find that old monster! You get that?!"

Taehyung flinched and nodded. He did look at y/n with worried eyes, who looked unfazed with whatever was happening.

"I'll come with you guys too.."
Hobi whispered in small voice.

Jimin nodded and dragged both of them out of the house.

A lone tear slid down y/n's cheek. She was hurt with the fact that she didn't know him well.

What was her fault? When Jungkook never did mention that his dad hated him, but she was at fault that she couldn't recognise, find his suffering out.

She was and always would be a failure, that's what she thought, smiling sadly.

She instantly managed her posture and looked at him smiling.

"They went?"
He asked again, she nodded in response.

"Are you okay? You look upset.."
He took steady and slow steps towards me.

Y/n gulped and shook her head.
"I'm not upset.. a-actually I'm..--"

She sighed and walked past him to the bedroom.

Jungkook POV

I frowned when she didn't reply properly instead walked past me.

'I'm sure she is upset..'
I smiled and approached her. She was looking out of the window lonely.

I slowly went to her and sat beside her.
"You'll find the culprit soon, y/n.. Don't worry my love okay?"

She breathed in and nodded.
"Y-you never shared your problems with me, right Koo?"

My smile dropped. As I couldn't utter a single word.

She dryly chuckled.
"You did love me a lot, I see.."
She finally looked at me. The sight broke me. She had no tears but her eyes reflected hurt.

I parted my lips to speak when she cut off me.
"I don't know what else you've hid from me.."

My lips quivered.

I started but she walked straight to her bed, and covered herself with duvet.

My breath went shallower. I frowned deeply and looked down with guilt and regrets.


"Did you find him well?!"
Jimin growled.

"Aish! Get a hold on yourself Jimin! We are working on it!"
Taehyung yelled back.

"Don't yell at me! I'm gonna be the death of that man!"
Jimin screamed back.

"Yes and then be ready to rot in prison!"
Hoseok's dad spoke out coldly.

Jimin huffed in annoyance and looked away.

"We got it!"
The co-workers yelled, while the others' eyes sparkled.

"What did you got?! His whereabouts?"
Mr. Jung asked.

"U-um yeah b-but he was already dead.. before the date Mr. Jungkook d-died.."
His co-worker spoke out totally blown up by the news.

All the others' yelled simultaneously. Mr. Jung checked the screen of laptop when all the reports flashed on the screen.

"B-but how could that be dad?! Weren't you the one who told that he was missing and disappeared suddenly? After K-Kook's--"
Hoseok asked with a shaky voice.

"It can only when you're not lying to us!"
Jimin stated with a burning gaze.

"What do you mean by that?! Huh?!"
Mr. Jung asked with the same venomous expression.

"Lemme tell you what did I mean!"
Jimin smirked.


There are yet some characters who are yet to show up in.. 😉

Thanks for reading 💜
Bye bye..
