Chapter 2

I slowly opened the door, due to friction it made a cringe sound sending shivers down my spine.

As I moved closer, a strong flow of wind crashed against my body, making my hair strands thrown back due to force. It felt like someone hugged me with all the might. I was confused but shrugged it off and headed upstairs.

Stepping inside, I circulated my sight around the room. It was enormous beautiful except the fact it was dusty. There was restroom which had a mid-length mirror fixed in between. A smile curved on my lips as I turned back to head back in living room.

Everything was so managed but all I was confused about was the rate, the rate of the house. It was very cheap also including furnitures but that doesn’t matter until I can afford. I thought to myself before approaching the broker who was standing out with awkward look. When he saw me, his eyes turned to shock ones making me confuse.

Y/n: “what?” (he quickly shook his head)

Y/n: “well I loved the house, I’ll buy it” (his expression wasn’t to be expected, I asked)

Y/n: “a-anything is wrong?”

Broker: “n-no”

Y/n: “so lets carry the billing procedures?”

Broker: “y-yeah sure”

Time Skip

Still Y/n POV

After placing my luggage at the doorway, I circulated my sight checking the room. That was so dusty.

Y/n: “what a careless people?! Can’t they even keep this house clean? Aish I have to clean all this now!!”

(I sighed and stretched my arms before started cleaning the room.)

Time Skip

I threw myself on the couch releasing a long sigh in exhaustion. My back was paining. I was so tired when suddenly I heard a glass break sound from the kitchen.

I startled and gulped before making my steps to kitchen. As I entered, I saw a broken glass pieces lying on the floor. Before thinking anything, I gentle breeze of cold wind brushed my hairs. Unknowingly, I smiled forgetting my exhaustion and closed my eyes enjoying the cold sensation of wind.

My exhaustion was automatically faded away. I opened my eyes, smiling widely. I bowed to the window from where the wind entered thanking it. I was refreshed, so I turned and headed to bedroom happily.

Y/n went to her room unknown with the fact that someone was staring her since she entered the room.

It was already night-time and y/n was working on the laptop.


My back was paining so much but I need to complete this or else tomorrow my boss will find a good reason to insult me.

I sighed and continue working.

Time skip

It was already 1 am and here I was still working. My eyes got heavier, as I slowly leaned back on my bed and not so soon I fell asleep.

Next morning.

Y/n POV.

I woke up with a sound. I rubbed my eyes as I sat on the bed hearing on the sound carefully. It was coming from restroom. I stood up and walked to the restroom to see the faucet running. I raised my eyebrows and walked towards it, closing the faucet.

All I could think was how did the faucet started running off even though I didn’t use it last night. I found it suspicious and a bit terrible. I let it slide and carried out my morning routine getting ready for office.

At office

I had my 2 files pending and that what made me drown in flood of nervousness and fear. I sat in my office quickly taking out the files and completing them. I didn’t dare to meet Taehyung. I was shaking completing them when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I flinched and looked back but sighed in relief, it was Jimin.

I smiled but he looked at me with pity.

Jimin: “I know very well that Taehyung assigned you to complete 17 files and its normally the worst thing that he is letting you to overwork yourself at the first day of your work.”

He spoke with a tint of sadness in his voice.

I smiled and replied.

Y/n: “Hey its okay, there’s nothing to worry.”

Jimin: “Let me help you.”

Y/n: “No no, its okay trust me.”

Jimin: “We are already friends now Y/n. And if you’ll reject me then I’ll think that you aren’t ready to be my friend anymore!!”

I sighed in defeat as I let him in.

After 10 minutes.

Me and Jimin were working while giggling. It seem to be really good and happy when I’m working on boring files with him. He is really a good friend.

It was all good until we heard a deep voice behind us.

We looked back and a gasp left our mouth. It was Taehyung standing with his cold gaze enough to send chills down our spines.

We stood up shakily, when he spoke.

Taehyung: “It looks like you have finished your work”

He asked sarcastically.

My throat dried and my heart gave up with thought that I have to answer him. A big lump accumulated in my throat. As I managed to speak.

Y/n: “u-um u-umm…--”

Taehyung: “SPEAK”

Both me and Jimin flinched.

Jimin: “L-liste—”

Taehyung: “Did I asked you?”

Jimin stood silent. Taehyung was glaring me as if he was waiting for my response.

Taehyung: “I don’t have the whole day to see your ugly face… SPEAK UP Y/N”

Y/n: A-actually Mr. K-kim m-my 2 f-files are pe-pending”

Taehyung: “JIMIN, why are you here? don’t you have any work?”

Jimin: “I-I ju-just—”

Taehyung: “Get out RIGHT NOW!!! And complete the 25 files right now in 1hr”

Both he and me was shocked.

Jimin: “25 files in 1 HOUR!!!

Taehyung: “okay, complete it in 45 minutes.”

Jimin’s jaw dropped. Without speaking any further he got out of the office not making taehyung more mad.

Taehyung: “Now I think you don’t take this job seriously so you may leave, Miss Y/n.”

He spoke in a cold tone.

I was shocked and blank at the same time.

Y/n: “No M-mr. Kim p-please I am sorry I-I’ll c-complete my files”

Taehyung: “Weren’t we made a deal that if you won’t complete these files, you would lose your job”

He spoke tapping his feet impatiently on the ground and poking his inner cheek making him look like a satan.

I analyzed his expression and somewhere it made me clear that his every nerve was impatient to fire me off from the job. But if it happens I have no here to go and feed myself. I didn’t find right to give excuses, tempting him more. I need to show off my acting skills hope he gets trapped. I took a deep breath and collapsed on the floor holding on his knees.

I started crying louder and begging him to forgive me.

Y/n: “Don’t do this to me please…. I’ll never repeat this mistake again. Forgive me this time please Mr. Kim HUHUHUHUHUHUH”

As much as I knew he seemed shocked to see me like that. He was blank and didn’t know how to react. He stuttered

Taehyung: “What the hell are you doing Ms. Y/n? get up”

He whisper yelled, but I didn’t bother to obey and continued my “acting”

Not so soon he spoke.

Taehyung: “Okay okay stand up I-I forgave you! Now get up please.”

I smirked secretly and stood up wiping off my fake tears. As I bowed at him thanking him multiple times. He huffed and left the office without saying anything.

“That was so embarrassing” I thought to myself and dusting my clothes I headed back to work.


I walked to my home almost fainting. I opened the door as cold air engulfed my body it was strange but I felt so relaxing after an exhausted day.

I closed the door behind me as I dropped myself on the couch.

Y/n: “It was exhausting day!! a very much!! I just want to sleep right now but I’m hungry too, I need to cook something for me!!”

I spoke weakly dragging myself to the restroom.

Time skip

I freshened up myself and was about to head to the kitchen for cooking something.

Y/n: “I’m hungry!! I need to eat!!”

I spoke cheerfully until a notification popped on mobile. I sighed frustratedly and went towards my mobile. As soon as I opened the notification, my smile dropped and without knowing warm tears made their way out of my eyes. I sat on the couch and started crying.

She was my sister, actually my step sister which I never found as step but my own sister. I loved her so much and still do but all she done was abusing me mentally. I don’t know why she hates me so much. I’m so fed up even if her words are used to me but still they hurts me so much and that’s the reason why I think so low about myself sometimes that caused me depression too.

Y/n: “Am I fat? that she always message me before my dinner time? Am not a pig right?”

I thought to myself and went to sleep with a heavy heart.

Time skip

?? POV

I was done with my night routine and now its time to sleep. As I tried to open the washroom’s door it felt like it got stuck. I mentally cursed as I tried pulling it with all of my might but it didn’t even budge. The thing creeped me out were the whisperings that I heard.

Not so soon a familiar voice attracted me.

“Hii missed me?”

I was already scared but still I gathered myself and turned around, I widened my eyes when I saw..


He just smirked at me. enough for me to drown in my sweat.

“W-what are you doing h-here?”

“To have fun”

He smirked wider..”

