Chapter 3


I was working here in the office after having a cup of tea. I was offended from last night. I am used to her hate but it always just hit me hard. I didn’t have a good sleep as it kept lingering in my mind. I was working on some files when I got a phone call.

It was unknown. I picked it up and before I could speak, an unfamiliar voice spoke.

“Is this Lee Y/n?”

“Yes, it’s me… who am I talking to?” (I spoke in low voice)

“It’s Officer. Actually, we found your sister dead, She’s murdered… please visit the public hospital for inquiry”

And it hung up. I was so frozen that I almost dropped my cell. ‘She’s dead?’ ‘Murdered?’  My heart started beating faster. How does that even happen? I talked to her last night. Who might have murdered her?

Tears started spilling out of my eyes. I started crying silently that I didn’t notice the door and someone started speaking.

Taehyung: “I guess I don’t need a secretary like you who will just ignore my wor—”

He stopped at mid-sentence when he found her crying and sniffling. He frowned; his eyes laced with a tint of worry.

“hey what’s wrong?” (he spoke up with worry slowly approaching her)

Taehyung POV

When I saw her crying, I couldn’t help but walk and knelt in front of her. I was worried and tbh I felt hurt when I saw her crying and muffling with her sobs.

“Are you okay, Miss Y/n?” (I spoke in a soft tone trying to comfort her)

She wiped her tears and quickly faced me trying to control herself as she shook her head. Her light red nose, and puffy cheeks didn’t confirm that she was okay.

“do not pretend… tell me what’s wrong?” (I held her hands softly yet carefully)

She broke into tears, as soon as my rough hands met with her fragile ones. I got worried, she hugged me crying her heart out. I was shocked but let her hug me. I hesitantly patted her back.

She sniffled and pulled out.

“can you tell me what’s wrong now?” I spoke softly trying to break the awkwardness.

She wiped her tears and sobbed.

“M-my sister… she… she g-got murdered last night…. She’s n-no more now” (she spoke and broke up again)

My mouth was agape.

“Miss y/n… listen to me. Is she going to come back if you’ll cry? Hm? Be strong… Do not cry. It's all fated. Where is she admitted? We’ll both go”

She looked shocked but nodded anyway. I found it important this moment, she needs comfort.

Time Skip

We reached the public hospital.

“Excuse me, Is someone named Lee admitted?”

I asked the receptionist, she quickly nodded and pointed to a particular room. There stood a crowd of 4 cops. We approached them. Y/n was sobbing when she saw her sister dead being covered in white sheets.

I rubbed her back comforting her. Her cries just made my heart clench. I let her cry out and approached the officers.

“How did it happen?” (I asked them)

“We are supposed to talk to her sister…. Sorry”

I nodded understanding. Y/n sniffled as we approached them.

I brought y/n to my embrace and rubbed circles on her back. She soon calmed a little.

“So miss y/n we need to ask someone questions, can we talk out?” One of the officers said.

She nodded hesitantly; I noticed her nervousness. I smiled warmly at her.

Officer: “So Miss Hyejin was your step sister, right?”

She nodded her head.

Officer: “Did she hate you?”

Y/n was hesitant but nodded anyway. I frowned.

Officer: “She last messaged you, right? Body shaming you”

Y/n nodded choking on her sobs. I looked at her sadly.

Officer: “Did you perhaps have any hate towards her after getting such messages almost every day?”

Y/n looked at them and shook her head.

Y/n: “n-never… She was my o-only family. I-I loved her”

I felt my heart clench at her warm words with her puffy eyes.

Officer: “what happened to your parents?”

Y/n: “I-I don’t remember… b-but I was told that m-my f-family died because of accident a-and Hyejin’s parents adopted m-me….”

She sobbed, spilling out more tears.

Officer: “what you did after she messaged you?”

Y/n: “I-I c-cried and slept without h-having dinner”

My frown deepened, as I got worried. ‘she didn’t have her dinner’ Why am I worried?

Officer: “how can we believe you that you didn't get fed up and killed her as a revenge?”

We both snapped at him. I clenched my fists. Y/n looked shocked and her lips quivered.

Y/n: “w-what are you even saying? I-I would n-never…”

Taehyung: “Excuse me sir but there’s no proof and—”

Officer: “the proof is last night message”

Taehyung: “no not… that’s your only prediction and you don’t have any right to predict and to give false blames.”

Officer: “but that’s how the system works and even she died due to blood loss and lack of air. She was drowned in bath tub”

Y/n gasped; her heart was beating faster. She didn’t know what to do. She felt her surroundings spinning and not so she lost balance and collapsed blacking out after.

Taehyung snapped o y/n and quickly held her.

“Miss y/n… DOCTOR!!”

Time Skip


I opened my eyes, to see the hospital ceiling. I had a headache when my eyes met Taehyung.

Y/n: “M-Mr. Kim?”

His eyes shone bright as I sighed in relief.

Taehyung: “Thank god you’re awake… Do you want anything to eat, hm?”

Y/n: “n-no thank you… and sorry because of m-me you have to—”

Taehyung: “don’t stress too much and rest!! There was nothing really important today in company”

He spoke softly, I smiled at him awkwardly not getting comfortable at his soft side.

Y/n: “I-I didn’t kill my s-sister… I—”

Taehyung: “I know”

Y/n: “y-you trust me, right?”

He nodded making me light hearted. ‘someone trusts me’ I smiled as fresh tears made their way out.

Taehyung: “hey do not cry… and why are you even crying officers already believed you and went back”

I looked at him with wide eyes.

Y/n: “h-how?”

Taehyung: “I told them to” (he spoke suspectedly, I understood)

Y/n: “but t-they won’t be finding the real killer..”

Taehyung: “so you want to get arrested for nothing?!” (he spoke sternly, I gulped and shook my head)

Y/n: “but how can I let the killer of my sister roam around freely?”

Taehyung: “Miss Y/n—”

Y/n: "o-okay sir"

Time Skip


I entered the house as Mr. Kim dropped me here to rest. I don’t know that he had a soft side. He’s not that bad but just concerned towards work. I had a content smile on my lips but still a tint of sadness that now I didn’t have any family.

I sighed shakily and dropped myself on the couch. ‘Why would someone kill her?’

I was in deep thoughts when I heard the cracking sound. I was startled and quickly stood up, turning to the kitchen.

“W-who’s there?”  (I asked shakily approaching the kitchen)

“Can you hear me?” (A resonating voice replied)

I startle, again.

“W-who?”  (I gulped as my heart started pounding)

“Stop there!”  (I stopped when the voice spoke up sternly, I felt myself shivering)

“p-please come out…. I-I am not scared o-okay…. I’ll call up t-the cops” (I facepalmed myself for stuttering)

“I am glad that you can hear me…” (A shiver ran down my spine when I felt cold breath against neck)

“w-who are you? I-I don’t have anything to give you…. Y-you wouldn’t get anything b-by robbing me....” (I spoke gripping my sweaty palms, in return the voice chuckled)

“I am not a thief, y/n” (the voice replied)

“Y-you’re not…. Then?-- w-wait how do you know my name?” (I asked totally astonished)

“excuse me? hello?” (suddenly I heard no reply ‘is he gone?’)

“Do I have to stand here forever? C-can I move?”  (I asked looking around standing in the same position)

A knock was heard at the door, suddenly.

I startled, my hands got sweaty as my heart throbbed out of my chest.

“w-who?” (I asked almost breaking down in fear)

The knock got turned to bangs. Loud bangs.

I started to shiver as I headed to the door. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it to see no one.

I gulped and blinked out my tears looking around. There was no one.

“Hi” (I flinched and quickly looked back to see an adorable bunny boy smiling, showing his bunny teeth, staring softly at me)

I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned to him.

“you were t-the one who b-banged on my d-door?”

He nodded obediently.

“Sorry for making you scared, You didn’t open the door so I had to enter through the window” (he sheepishly smiled)

I looked at him in disbelief.

“So you were the one who scared me with that voice and t-that sound?”

He nodded, still smiling. I wanted to shout at him so bad but his smile just prohibited me to do so.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. But that’s how my voice is?” (He scrunched his nose looking adorable as hell)

“It’s not a good habit, but wait how did you know my name? And why are you here?”

“I have been abandoned from my house so I started wandering, until I saw this house. It was the day when you entered and since then I started living here, And simply I got to know your name when I heard you talking…”

I made a ‘o’ with my lips. I widened my eyes.

“Wait!! You lived here in the same house with ME?!” (he nodded shamelessly)

“How come I didn’t notice?!” (I growled and sat in the couch)

“Hey come on there’s nothing to worry about! But Can I ask a favor?” (I nodded almost lost)

“Can I live here?” (I snapped at him)

Y/n: “What? You’re supposed to lie with me?!” (he nodded yet again with the same smile)

“Although it’s a big house you won’t feel alone with me, so yeah can I?”

I sighed.

Y/n: “How am I supposed to trust you?”

“You can trust me. Pretty please I don’t have a place to stay” (he begged with his big doe eyes, I chuckled at his cuteness and gave in)

Y/n: “okay, but hey tell me your name first!”

His smile dropped, I don’t why?

Y/n: “w-what’s wrong? Did I ask something wrong?”

“n-no it’s just hurt that you don’t know my name…”

Y/n: “What are you even saying? You saw me and heard my name but I never even saw you. How am I supposed to know your name?”

He frowned.


Y/n: “hey c’mon don’t be sad, I am sorry. I’ll keep it remember now, Jungkoo”

He chuckled.

Jungkook: “it’s Jungkook” (he smiled widely)

Y/n: “yeah that’s what I said Jungkoo”

He shook his head mustering up his laugh.

Jungkook: “You can call me kookie”

Y/n: “Cookie?” (he nodded like a cute puppy)

Y/n: “No I will start being hungry every time I’ll say cookie—” (he burst out in laughter as I stared at him in total confusion)

Jungkook: “so what would you call me?”

Y/n: “um Koo is okay?”

He smiled widely and nodded.

I smiled at him back.

Y/n: “you look younger than me…. what’s your age kiddo?”

He pouted at me.

Jungkook: “I am 3 years older than you”

I widened my eyes.

Y/n: “how? Do you know my age? I never discussed it okay.

He seemed tense.

Jungkook: “I-I know…”

Y/n: “but ho—”

Jungkook: “hey c’mon leave the topic. Do not call me kiddo okay?” (he huffed)

Y/n: “you’re something, Now go choose a room except mine, okay?”

He shook his head.

Jungkook: “I’ll stay with you”

Y/n: “what? No way”

Jungkook: “please I won’t sleep with you I’ll just stay—”

Y/n: “hey stop it, or else I’ll kick you out”

Jungkook: “you can’t touch me”

Y/n: “why? I can!!” (I approached him but he backed away. He looked scared so I stop)

Jungkook: “d-do not touch me…”

Y/n: “do you feel uncomfortable with tou—”

Jungkook: “y-yes I am uncomfortable.”

Y/n: “okay I would ever touch you. Okay?”

He beamed a smile making me smile as well.

Jungkook: “So can I stay with you?”

Y/n: “Aish No!!”

I started going to my room, he followed me still begging.

Time Skip

Jungkook POV

Y/n: "Aish why don't you go out!? I want to shower!!"

Jungkook: "I am not peeking but!!" (I protested, smirking internally at her frustrated face expression)

Y/n: "I swear I'll kick you out of the house!!"

I frowned, mumbling 'sorry' moving out of the room.

'How much I miss her? How much I want to crush her with my bulky body but can't' (I thought to myself and sighed defeated)

'But I will still keep her happy, my sweetheart' (I smiled contently as I kept reminding her smiling face making me flutter)

After some time.

Y/n came out. I smiled widely at her as she wore baggy clothes. 'That's what she still likes' I chuckled.

"What happened? Am I looking funny?" (I quickly shook my head blushing more harder)

Jungkook: "have you eaten?" (I asked all of sudden)

Y/n: "w-what?"

Jungkook: "you didn't have your dinner!" (I asked sternly, she gulped)

Y/n: "I was supposed to--

Jungkook: "you need to eat something!!"

Y/n: "why are you acting so possessive suddenly?"

Jungkook: "I am not but you should eat or else it'll affect your health!!"

Y/n: "okay then, Come with me we'll both have something in restaurant"

I snapped at her.

Jungkook: "I-I am not h-hungry"

Y/n: "C'mon I am not going without you!!"

I started to panic. No one would be able to see me rather than y/n. What should I do? What she'll think? That I am a ghost? Only a soul?

"I am bringing my wallet! You get ready, I'll treat you!!"

She shouted, making me almost lose my mind.

"How am I supposed to come when no one except you could see me?"

