Chapter 31

Surprise Update😌

Taehyung POV

Why would Kook haven't told us about his bestfriend? Why did he hide it? Why did they break the friendship?

The questions kept lingering in my mind. Mr. Jung didn't arrest us, he left it under the name of accident, which it was.

I wasn't angry on Kookie, I was disappointed.

"What are you thinking about Taehyung?"
I was brought back from the trance when Jimin asked.

I shook my head in response.

"What was his name?... Uh , yes Hoseok! We are going to meet him, you know what you've to do right?"
Jimin asked cautiously.

I nodded.
"Try to talk him casually, and not bombarding him with any questions!"

Jimin nodded.
"Shall we take y/n with us?"

"I'll tell her later, I don't want Jungkook to know that we already got to know about his secret bestfriend!"
I replied coldly. Jimin sighed and nodded.

It took us 20 minutes to reach Mr. Jung's house, that he himself told us.

We both took a deep breath and exit the car ringing the door bell of the house. It wasn't a big one but not also a very small. It was cozy and comfortable to live in.

The door opened and we were greeted with a lady. She smiled a little and moved aside for us to let in.

"Um, Taehyung and Jimin right?"
She asked with her velvety voice. We nodded in return.

"Thank you for helping my son... I will really owe you, if you give me my happy son back."
It took only moments to make her eyes filled with tears. She looked vulnerable just like her husband was.

'He might have been suffering a lot..'
I thought to myself, afraid of what I was going to face.

"He doesn't leave his room, he barely eats and sometimes he doesn't even touch the food, instead throw it away sneakily. He can't survive without antidepressants, he stopped talking to us... W-we didn't even notice him from a week now... I-I am tired.."
She spoke shakily and cried. Jimin quickly hugged her, comforting.

'Only 2 years, and they were already this strong and close that he couldn't move on when it's already 2 years for his death now?'
This thought made me to creep out.

"Aunty, don't cry,we are here okay? We'll surely try making him happy again!"
Jimin soothingly spoke to her. The lady nodded and pointed us to the room upstairs.

Jimin looked at me and I nodded. We both made our way to the door and knocked it.

As expected, no reply came. We looked down at his mother, who just cried harder and left the scene.

I called out, but it was still silence.

"Um.. Hoseok? Can you open the door? We came to meet you.."
Jimin spoke out this time. I sighed in frustration.

"What the hell?! Open the damn door-- ouch!"
I yelped in pain when Jimin slapped me on my head.

"Is this how you talk?!"
He whispered-yelled with burning eyes.

"Don't mind him Hoseok... B-but can you please open the door..."
Jimin placed his ears on the door when he heard some faint noises.

'Who are you..?"
A faint and slurring voice came. If it wasn't the midget, I wouldn't have probably understand of what he spoke.

"We! Um we are Jungkook's childhood friends, he might or might not have told yo--"
He got cut off, when the door slightly and unexpectedly opened.

We both entered after looking at each other in confirmation.

As we entered, a groggy voice startled us.

"Close the door.."
I was quick enough to close the door.

The room was dark and no source of light was present other than the slight sunlight that peaked through the corner of curtain.

"What you... want to talk about... K-kook..?"
The voice was very inaudible. It was like full of breath, as if the one who is speaking has been tired of speaking any more.

We just looked at his back figure, which was very thin and dark.

Jimin gulped and looked at me.
"What should I do, now?"
He whispered.

"Keep speaking!"
I whispered back.

"Hoseok, I-I just want you to--"

"I-If it's n-not... About him.. go away.."
We startled when he suddenly laid on the bed.

I panicked and so as Jimin.
"I-is he dead..?"

My hands sweated.

"H-he just laid, go and check his nerves!"
I whisper-yelled.

Jimin nodded and headed to the boy cautiously. He slowly held the boy who was as light as feather.

He checked the nerve and sighed in relief. But gasped when he noticed his face.

He had dark circles all under his eyes. His eyes barely open. He wanted to yank the hand away but he was extremely weak for doing so.

Jimin made him lean against the headboard.

Taehyung gasped too when he noticed how vulnerable the boy looked.

Jimin sat infront of him and made him drink the water.

"Aren't you Jungkook's friend?"
Jimin asked him.

Hoseok nodded.
"I was... B-but couldn't-"

He sighed heavily as tears pooled in his eyes again.

Jimin was quick enough to hug his weak body.

Taehyung was worried for the boy, who cried hysterically.

"Please calm down, and talk to us, hm? We lost our childhood friend too but he always wanted to see us happy, so we moved on because he's still alive in our hearts. Won't it hurt him to see you suffering?"
Jimin comforted, Hoseok's cries died down and were now soft sniffles.

"Can we talk? Are you okay? I guess you should eat something first?"
Hoseok shook his head in denial.

"Y-you may.. go"
He whispered enough for vmin to hear.

Jimin parted his lips to speak but Hoseok interrupted.
"A-am not worth of a h-happy life... I'm okay.."

Taehyung rubbed his temples, he hated how the boy was talking in circles. When he finally lost the control, he burst.
"Just shut up! Jungkook is there with us!"

Jimin widened his eyes and looked at him. Taehyung looked away from Jimin.

Hoseok stood up weakly but his eyes were glistening in hopes making Taehyung weak suddenly.

"Y-you.. i-is that true? Don't f-fool me okay?"
He choked out.

"W-we'll tell you everything on the way, b-but please eat something.."
Jimin pleaded.

"Y-you'll make me m-meet him then? Right!"
His voice sounded hyped up.

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other before nodding their heads in approval.


The door bell rang, Y/n lazily stood up, followed by Jungkook, she opened the door.

The duo smiled at her.

Y/n: "Oh! Taehyung and Jimin? Come in please"
She greeted happily and invited them. But her smile dropped when she spot a new figure.

She confusedly looked at the person, who did look devastated and had a weak expression.

Jungkook POV

My jaw dropped when I found Hobi hyung standing there with them. What is he doing here?

The thought of seeing him so devastated drowned me in guilt, in sadness. Chills ran through my spine. I looked away.

Taehyung cleared his throat and introduced him to y/n.
"Y/n, meet him, Jungkook's friend of 2 years, Jung Hoseok!"

Y/n looked at me in surprise as soon as he was introduced. I nodded my head.

"Uh-- please come in.."

Hoseok entered and went straight to Jimin.
"Where i-is... J-Jungkook?"

Jimin teared up and glanced at y/n in hope.

"H-he is along us s-standing here.."
She pointed at the empty place beside her.

Hoseok looked blank for a second. He looked at Vmin furiously.
"H-how dare you?! I-Is this a k-kind of joke?!"

He instantly got out of breath and Jimin was quick enough to hold him. I panicked and approached them.

"H-hoseok please calm down.. h-he is only visible to y-y/n, she can hear him--"

"Shut up! J-just shut up.."
Hoseok choked out before crying again.

"Y/n please tell him to calm down from me.."
I pleaded to y/n, she instantly nodded.

Y/n: "See, Koo said calm down to you.."

"C-cut the crap! H-how can I believe you h-huh?!"
Hoseok coughed, Taehyung quickly made him drink water.

I sighed sadly until an idea popped in my mind.
"Y-y/n... C-call him hobi hyungie.."

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows but nonetheless complied.
"Hobi Hyungie.."

He quickly looked up. His cries already quietened down.

Y/n: "K-Koo told me to call you t-this"

Hobi hyung looked around vigorously.
"Kook.. my baby brother... I-I missed you..."

His eyes teared with a soft smile on his lips. My eyes turned glossy and nodded.

I slightly blew cold breath on his skin.
He cried again.

"I-I know you missed me too.. b-but I'm so sorry whatever I've d-done to you.."

I smiled sadly.

"Why did you do to him?!"
Taehyung growled.

"Weren't you the one because of whom Kookie is like this today?!"
Taehyung questioned after a short break.

A silence engulfed the room, a silence filled with tension. Hoseok was frozen at his place.

"I-I d-didn't do anything..."
He muttered out, sobbing hysterically.

"This behavior of you is making me suspect you more!"
Taehyung yelled.

"Quit it, Taehyung! Let him speak!"
Y/n spoke sternly.

Y/n: "How about we sit and talk?"
Vmin nodded and made him sit on couch.

Y/n: "Koo was my boyfriend before he left us, b-but he's back again b-because he didn't get his justice.. h-he was killed."
Y/n calmly spoke controlling her tears.

Hobi gasped and started shaking again.

"I-I didn't do anything.. I-I swear to myself.. I-I never intended t-to hurt him.."
He gasped for air and started shaking violently.

"He's getting a panick attack! Rub his chest!"
I yelled in a state of panick. Y/n startled and nodded worriedly before calming the boy down, while Jimin rubbed his chest as per  y/n said him.

Y/n: "Y-you did nothing.. see Koo is saying y-yes.. It wasn't your fault.."
His breathing slowly got back to normal.

"He surely did something to our Kookie! Just tell me!"
Taehyung screamed.

Hobi hyung flinched at the roaring voice.
"I-I just... H-he was a v-very successful man.. I-I had a doubt that h-he does business with illegal means... a-and that's why my dad works all day and night, I thought to f-find it by being with him..."

I looked down sadly.

"What?! That means you were never a friend to him right?!"
Taehyung yelled annoyed.

Hobi hyung was quick enough to shake his head as no.
"N-never I loved h-him as my younger brother, b-but when I knew about the case my dad w-was working on I-I couldn't help but s-suspect my Kook.. I'm sorry"

"And, when you didn't get any proof you killed him right?!"

Jimin hissed.

"Am not that cruel!"
Hobi hyung argued back. His teary eyes burning in rage.

"Then what?! You ditched Jungkook!"

"Taehyung stop it please.."
Y/n pleaded.

"How can I? Haven't you heard what's he speaking?!"
Taehyung clenched his jaw.

Jimin: "Please calm down Taehyung.."

"I-I didn't ditch Jungkook... I-I did even ask him face to f-face.. a-and that's when h-he broke our friendship.."
Hoseok mumbled.

"Yeah that's the good thing he did instead of being with a traitor like you?!"
Taehyung spat.

I looked at them with teary eyes.

"Just shut up Taehyung! Have you even thought of Jungkook once who is hearing everything we are speaking?! Let's solve this calmly.."
Jimin finally burst out, Taehyung zipped his mouth.

"Trust us and tell us everything that happened on the day when Jungkook broke the friendship.."
Y/n asked.

Hoseok sighed and nodded after sobbing.


I hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading💜
Ignore my mistakes 🙂

I love you so much💜🥺

We'll meet later
On YouTube 😏

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