Chapter 7

The group was happy to hear that he was getting looked for. The man left and they got their food and carried on with their day.

They talked about how Bakugou would soon turn up and they could go hang out. They were happy since they knew the pros would find him. Kirishima was happy but not as happy as the others. Kirishima thought about what was happening to the blonde, where he might be, if he was ok and who he was with. He was also a little annoyed that they others weren't as worried about it. He did his best to have fun until the day was over.

Once the long day was over for the group of teens they all went to their own houses and did whatever they do before they went to bed. Mina cleaned up and made some food, ate it then went to bed. Sero did the dishes and laundry before he headed to bed. Kaminari played video games before he crashed and Kirishima laid in his bed thinking of the hot headed blonde until his eyes were to heavy to stay awake.

Back with Bakugou

Katash came back and walked up to the room. He opened the door and looked at the sleeping boy. He set the food down on the desk there was in the room and walked over to the blonde. He sat on the edge of the bed and kissed Bakugou's head gently. He brushed the blondes hair with his fingers. Bakugou shifted to a little as the male touched him. 

Before Katash got home Bakugou was just laying in the bed in a total trance. His body felt fuzzy and it seemed like it was floating on thin air. His vision was still blurry and when he looked around the room he couldn't help but smile, he saw little faces and pictures that made him want to laugh. He couldn't think straight either. After a little while, his eyelids started getting heavy. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Now Katash was home. Katash loved the boy who was lying fast asleep on one of his many beds. Ever since he first saw the blonde haired boy he was in love with him.  The first time he saw the boy was when he was talking to the blonde's uncle a few years back. Bakugou was around 12-13 years old at the time and was staying the night at his uncle's house. And ever since that day he had became obsessed with the boy. The orange hair man then silently staked the young boy from that day on waiting for the right time to claim and mark the boy.

Katash climbed into bed with the blonde and wrapped his large arms around him. In the blonde's mind he Imagined the man as kirishima. He imagined the arms around his fragile body we're the strong ones that belonged to his friend. He imagined the chest his head was in belonged to his redheaded friend who always made him feel safe. His eyes stayed closed and he made up and a little world of his own.Bakugou had ended up snuggling closer to the man, thinking it was his cheery friend.

Katash fell asleep cuddling the ash blonde. Bakugou dreamt he was with kirishima having fun and just hanging out, away from this man.

The next morning

Bakugou woke up. He slowly opened his heavy eyes and tried to sit up, he was stopped by a pair of arms. He knew who they belonged to and deciede to stay still. The blonde didn't want to get into trouble with the older male. The blonde lied there awake for about 45 mintues before Katash woke up. The orange hair male unwrapped his arms from the boy and sat up. "Good morning kat" he said sleepily. Bakugou didn't reply instead he sat up and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. He then streched his arms. Katash kissed the blonde softly. Bakugou didn't kiss back, but he also didn't pull away.

Katash then said "kitten remember how I said when I want something you do it?" The ash blonde nodded his head "well I want a kiss from you."

Bakugou was hesitant but he eventually kissed the male with orange hair. Katash smiled happily.

"Now was that so hard?" The grey eyed male more like stated than asked.

"No sir" Bakugou replied with.He didn't want to call him sir but it was one of his rules. Number five to be exact, the blonde had to talk to Katash with respect.

"Good boy" Katash said as he ran his hand through Bakugou's spiky ash blonde hair.

Katash got up out of bed. Bakugou went to get out of bed too but, he was pushed back. He looked up and was met with a pair of fierce grey eyes.

"Stay here" Katash said calmly.

"Can I jus-" the blonde began to say

Katash grabbed a hand full of Bakugou's hair and yanked on it harshly. The blonde yelped in pain.

"I said stay, now be a good pet" Katash growled.

Bakugou shivered at the harshness in his voice. Katash walked out of the room. The blonde stayed still in his place. He felt weak and pathetic, why couldn't he just fight back. He then raised his hand and tried to use his quirk. 'Nope' he thought as nothing came out of his palms. Bakugou then remember that Katash did something to his thigh last night. He then pulled down his shorts he had on and looked at his thigh. He felt tears start to form in his eyes. There burnt into his soft pale skin was the letters KN and a circle around them. He had watched him, he watched as that happened and didn't try to stop it.

The door knob rattled as it opened. Bakugou wiped his eyes and covered back up. Katash walked into the room. He walked straight to the blonde and handed him a bottle of pills. The ash blonde tilted his head.

"W-what are the-these for s-s-sir?" He asked while stuttering. He thought the male was going to drug him and do something to him.

"They are to help you feel happy when you're sad or mad. Since I don't like sad or mad katsuki." Katash stated.

The blonde nodded "what if I use all of them sir?"

"Than I will get you more. And when you are feeling anything but happiness take one or two."

The blonde nodded his head.

He was then handed an outfit. It was a white shirt, a peachy color hoodie, light blue high waisted ripped jeans and light brown combat boots.

"Wear this" Katash demaned

The blonde complied with his orders and out the outfit on.

"Now here's the story you're going to tell your friends and anyone who ask. You were on your way home from the mall when you saw a cat and followed it. You dropped your phone when you went to call someone since the cat you saw had a phone number on it. You dropped it because the cat ran off. You chased it and got lost somewhere in the woods. You found a little cabin where my sister lived and she took care of you since you got hurt. Then she brought you to me and I took you home."

The blonde nodded his head. "So I'm going home today sir?"

"Yes now lets go."Katash said

To be continued
