Chapter 1

      The students of UA were out of school for a  full week. Bakugou was sitting in his room on his bed at his house when his stomach growled. He sighed and stood up. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He looked in the cabnits and in the refrigerator
      "why don't we have any food?"he asked aloud. Bakugou walked back to his room and put on a orange hoodie and some black jeans. He grabbed his wallet,house keys and put his shoes on. He then put his phone in his pocket and left the house. As he was walking to the store he got a text from someone in the bakusquad.

Pickachu:"Hey guys"

Tape arms:"hello"

Pinky pie:"Hi"

Sharky:"hello people!"

Blasty:"Hi I guess"

Pickachu :"guys we sould hang out"

Tape arms:"sure"

Sharky:"yeah that's sounds fun"

Pinky pie:"I'm in"

Blasty:"I guess"
Bakugou put his phone back in his pocket and stopped after he heard a rustling sound in the bush next to him, he looked at it and a cat walked out of it. Bakugou went to pick up the cat but it ran off. Bakugou followed the cat down the street and into a empty parking lot. The cat stopped and let Bakugou pick it up.Bakugou picked it up and started to pet it. A man then walked over to him. At first Bakugou though the man was the owner of the cat. He thought more about it. While Bakugou was thinking the tall male grabbed him. Bakugou went to use his quirk but it didn't work. The man then knocked Bakugou out.

'What happened' he thought
'what's going on?'
He went to rub his eyes but was stopped by a pair of handcuffs which cuffed both of his hands to a chair. He was confused 'where am I at?' He thought and looked around, the room he was in was dark, he could barely see anything, but what he could make out was the wooden floor, the plain walls, some drawers and some stairs in front of the room leading up to a door.Bakugou tried to looked behind him but failed.The door in the front of the room creeked opened.The light from the outside slowly filled the room and the black silhouette of the tall muscular male appeared in the light.
To be continued

(Sorry if it's not any good I tried my best. The chapters will also get longer as the story progresses)
