Chapter 25

I'm not completely sure what I'm apologizing for. Another few hours went by and a doctor came out. He walked over to us. "You're here for katsuki Bakugou right? " he seemed sad.

The next thing he said, I just couldn't believe.

"He hasn't woke up yet but he is alive. He's breathing is slowly going back to normal. He does have some health problems. He has severe low blood pressure. His sense of reality is altered. He may see or hear things that are not really there, or see things in a distorted way. Some other effects can include emotional and psychological euphoria, jaw clenching, panic, paranoia, gastric upset and nausea. His central nervous system is slowed down which will affect his concentration and coordination, and slow his ability to respond to situations. There will also most likely be other problems but since he's asleep we won't be able to tell. His mental state and health is also bad but with the help of others will get better. Everything so far is something that we can treat over time. We also believe that he was rape on more than one occasion because there is severe damage to his....area..." The doctor spoke unsure of how to really break the news to them. He did at the end say "We believe he will make an almost full recovery."

"Can I see him?!" I yelled. I didn't mean to yell but now I really needed to see him. My poor katsuki. I heard his mother crying a little bit. This was a lot to take in.

"PLEAE LET ME SEE MY BABY!" His mother yelled, she was also crying a little. The doctor sighed and let me, his parents, and Aizawa into his room.

He was hooked up to quiet a few different machine. I ran over to him. He had a oxygen tank on. His mom was holding his hand while crying. And his dad was just standing there in disbelief. I know I was crying. My heart was tore up, ripped into pieces, but it was also still  there. As long as Kat was alive and okay, so was I.

We stayed there for a few hours, not of us had stopped crying. Soon it was just me crying. His mom was still holding his hand, but his dad was holding it too now. I was just sitting next to him.

Katsuki POV
I heard crying. No, no there shouldn't be any crying. I'm supposed to be died. I tried to opened my eyes, but had trouble. Once they were opened I saw kirishima, he's crying. "eiji...." when I had said that I realized that there was something in my mouth. I used my right hand and took the mask off. I had ivs in that arm. I tried to move my left hand to reach for kiri but there was something holding my hand. I tore my hand away from whatever was holding it and reach for kiri. His hands here covering his face. "Eijiro.." I said hoping to get his attention. I grabbed ahold of his hand. That's when he looked at me, I smiled. He smiled back. He got up and hugged me. I did the best I could to hug back. I'm not gonna lie, I'm upset that my plan didn't work, I wish I would have died but maybe it's for the better. Kirishima was crying over me, I don't want him to be sad so I'll stay for him, even if I get hurt. If kirishima is here with me I think I'll get through it. I then heard Kirishima said "Please, don't leave me.." There was hurt in his voice. He sounded so sad. It hurt to know I was the reason for his sadness. I never ment to hurt him. I just couldn't take it. God damn it Kiri why did you have to care?!

" I...i-i won't..." I just hope I'm not lying to him. I don't think I could take seeing him like this, and he knew I was alive so  what would have happened if I had died? The image of kirishima crying popped into my head.

I then heard my mom's voice "katsuki, my baby..." My eyes left Kiri to find her. She was near the end of my bed with my dad. I wonder if she found out I stole her booze yet? I laughed a little bit, no that anyone would understand why I was laughing at a time like this. She and my dad walked over to him and kissed the top of my head. They told me about how scared they were that they had lost me. I knew they would care, but I thought it was because I was their son, not because they actually cared about me. A doctor came in and talked to the others, I just turned him out.

With the others
A nurse came out and told all of the students and staff that was there that katsuki was okay. Most had asked if they could see him, but were told that katsuki would be let out soon, weither that meant a few hours or a few days they didn't know.

Sorry it took so long and that it's short. I've been busy doing things and just haven't hat much free time. The book is getting close to it's end. The next chapter might be the last if I'm honest.
