Chapter 16

But at least now I knew for a fact there was something going on, and it was bad. I headed up to my room which was next to Bakugou's. I stopped in front of his door. "Please be ok..." I then when I'm my room and laid in bed. I couldn't sleep at first but I did soon.

I woke up to a loud thump from Bakugou's room. I shot up out of my bed and ran over to his room. I started banging on the door "Bakugou are you alright in there?!"

I heard a muffled yelp and what sounded like glass breaking and objects falling to the floor.

I started ramming into the door. It felt like someone was holding it shut. I could barely hear what sounded like someone saying "Sh- the fuck up... know what w-l happen" I missed bits and pieces though.

Soon the door flew open and there was Bakugou in the floor surrounded by broken glass. My ash blonde friend was partly covered by his blanket, it covered his lower half and he was holding it to his chest tightly. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him wrapped his arms around me. He put his face in my chest and I felt my shirt get wet. 'I-is he crying?!' I thought. His grip on the back of my shirt got tighter and he pulled me closer.

"D-d-do-don't    le-l-lea     l-leave me-me p-p-l-plea-please" He said in between sobs

I felt tears form in my eyes. He sounded so heart broken that it hurt me.

He continued to cry " P-plea-se  I-I  j-j just ca-can't be-be-be alo-lo-alone"

I felt my heart sink. I pulled him closer and just say there with him telling Bakugou everything was gonna be okay and I wasn't gonna leave. Soon Bakugou ended up crying himself back to sleep. I picked him up and laid him down on his bed. I covered him up, I wasn't sure if he was okay with me being on his bed so I pulled his chair from his desk over and laid my head on his bed.

Bakugou's POV before kiri showed up

I woke up and say Katash standing in front of my door. "Please go away, I just want to sleep.." I said

"That's not happening" he growled and marched over to me.

I pulled my blanket over me. He grabbed my leg and threw me out of my bed. A few seconds later Kirishima started banging on my door  "Bakugou are you alright in there?!" He yelled.

I was about to yell for him when Katash put his hand over my mouth. I started kicked and trying to pull his hand off because I was having trouble breathing. Katash then grabbed one of my glass bottles and hit me with it. I was still being suffocated and started losing consciousness. When I was kicking I had knocked some stuff down.

He let go and growled "Shut the fuck up you know what will happen to you if you disobey me" and with that he left.

I was doing everything in my power not to start crying, I tried so hard. But I couldn't take this anymore.

Soon the door flew open and there was Kirishima standing in the doorway. He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him. I hid my face in his chest and I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. My grip on the back of kiri's shirt got tighter and I pulled him closer to me.

I don't think I could handle being alone right now. I couldn't katash would come back and hurt me. I felt so weak. I felt like everyone was going to leave me. It seems like the already had, but kiri was still here. I don't ever want to lose him. I cried more at the thought of kiri leaving me.

"D-d-do-don't    le-l-lea   l-leave me-me p-p-l-plea-please" I said whenever I wasn't crying.

He didn't say anything, he was going to leave me wasn't he. I didn't realized it but I had started crying harder."P-plea-se  I-I  j-j just ca-can't be-be-be alo-lo-alone"

Kirishima pulled me closer and told me everything was gonna be okay and he was here. I continued to cry until I was asleep though.

When I woke up I saw kiri sitting in a chair with his head on my bed. I just stared at him. He was so perfect, he even put up with me. I don't know how he does it.

I hated that he saw me like how I was last night. I heard a groan, it was kiri. He sat up and stretched his arms. He then looked at me. "Kat are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I just wanted him to forget last night. "C-can we just n-not speak of this ever again?.."

Kiri nodded his head "want me to stay?"

I shook my head and with that and he left. He looked upset, I don't blame him. If I had a friend like me I would probably be sad alot too.

I sighed and looked at the celling. I soon got up and cleaned the mess up from last night. I wonder if kiri knows who was at my room last night.

I then heard people go into kiri's room. He promised not to tell so I don't think I have to worry about it.
