Part 4

He pulled me closer and I closed my eyes. It was comforting. "Hey boss, there's a call for you. It's from the Homer PD. They say it's important.", Tani said while opening the door. "I'm coming. Can you stay with Marissa?" They changed places and Tani sat by my side. I couldn't hear Steve talking but I heard the names of my parents. 

A little while later, Steve came through the door. "Tani, can you come for a short moment?", he asked. Tani hugged me shortly and went away. I only heard a few sounds, but based on their facial expression, it was probably a bad news.  Steve came back in. He looked sad. "Hey Marissa, there's something I need to tell you. That was the police department which brought you here. They called because of your parents. Marissa, it doesn't look good." "Are they ... are they dead?" I couldn't hold it anymore and started to cry immediately. I felt like a few days ago, when the police told me about the accident. "No.", he answered short. 

After some time he started talking again: "So I guess, you're staying with me for a bit now. You can go to the same school like Dannys daughter. You'll like her." I just nodded. He took my hand and went outside with me. I didn't noticed that we were at his house, which is going to be my home apparently. I think he laid me on my bed. I don't remember what happened next, it was like I was completely drunk. I just remember the next day, when Steve brought me to my future school. It was beautiful. We went to the principal office. The principal looked at Steve like he knew him. I didn't speak "Mr. McGarrett. How may I help you?" "I would like to introduce you to my niece. She is registered to go to your school tomorrow. "Hello, nice to meet you. What's your name?" The way he talked with me made me feel like I was five but I didn't care. "I'm Marissa and I am 14 years old. I'm currently going to 9th grade." I made this sentence at least a hundred times in my head. I've never changed school into a different city in the middle of the year. The principal seemed nice, but I didn't care. I wanted to go back home to Alaska. In my more than boring life which was still better than this bullshit. Steve talked a bit more to the principal- I think his name was Mr. Winston. But I am not sure. After about 10 more minutes, we went back to his car and headed to his office. They had a new case and like I expected me to do, I waited. But after a while, Steve came up to me and asked me: "Hey, can you help us please?" "Why could I help you?" "In our case, we're looking for a teenage girl who disappeared and we are recreating the last night. Maybe it's easier for you. So we need your help" I stood up and went right after Steve to the middle of the office. "How can I help you?" "She went to this night club", Steve brought up a picture of a club. "last night. The CCTV system showed her leaving the club at 1 am. She didn't arrive at home or anywhere else. She's gone. We don't know what she did before and after this. Maybe you do."
