Part 12

I finally managed to open my eyes. My eyes were open. I saw three people standing in a room. I think it was the hospital. Was I at the hospital with my parents? No, no, that's impossible. I am in Hawaii. But then who are these people? I barely remembered anything. I got shot. And then blacked out. I don't remember anything else. I don't even remember someone calling an ambulance. I wanted to say something. I wanted to make sure the people notice me. But I wasn't able to even say one word. I was too weak. So I just lay there. Not moving. Not saying anything. The only thing that is happening is my blinking eyes. Nothing else.

"Hey, hey, you're awake.", a soft voice reached my ear. It was from Steve. "We didn't know when you were going to wake. Glad you are now." He carefully hugged me. "How are you feeling? A doctor will come to check you." I wanted to answer. I truly wanted, but I wasn't able to. Something was stopping me from opening my mouth and sounds coming out of it. I tried. "Hey, it's okay if you don't speak yet. Everything's fine. Look there are Danny and Brooklyn. You're fine now. We won't leave your side. Not anymore." I tried to nod a little bit and by the smile, on Steve's face I could tell, it worked. The door opened and a doctor and a few nurses rushed into the room. They checked my vitals and asked me several questions. I don't remember them all. After half an eternity they left. I breathed out and fell asleep even though I did not want to sleep.

**a few weeks later**

I finally was back at Steve's home. It wasn't my home. It was his home. My home was in Alaska. During my time in the hospital, I met Grace, Danny's daughter. I think we became something like friends. I couldn't go to school any time soon but as soon as I am able I would go with Grace. Brooklyn and Grace, both promised to visit me every day. They were so cute. I was lay in bed. Steve was downstairs and making dinner. I wasn't allowed to leave the bed without his permission or his supervising. He told me that the guy who shot me was arrested by now and that he got news about my parents but he would tell me this when I'm stronger. So it was probably something bad. He was cute. But I missed Mom and Dad. I needed them, more than I ever did. He also said, that he knows someone who could help me deal with it and, as soon as I am fit enough, he would teach me self-defense in case this would happen again. The only problem: this whole bullshit didn't happen because I couldn't defend myself. It was more like pure stupidity. 
