Part 3

First I went to the beach. The sea was beautiful. I took my shoes off and put my feet into the warm pacific ocean. It was a new experience. I once wanted to go swimming in my childhood, but my parents said that the ocean is way too cold. So this was the first time EVER for me feeling the sea. I put my shoes back on and tried to find something to eat. I ended up at a shrimp truck on the beach. The shrimps were very delicious but not the best I've ever eaten. After lunch I wanted to go a bit deeper in the city. I saw many people and heard many different languages. I got into a wrong street and got lost. Instead of just calling someone, I tried to find back alone. Guess what. It didn't work. Suddenly, I was in a forest or the dschungel or whatever. I turned my phone on, bit it didn't have a signal. I was lost at all. I just walked back, hoping to find the right way, but it didn't work out. I saw a hill and thought maybe to have a better signal there. So I started walking up the hill. When I was on top of it, I had a signal, but just a little. I called 911. "911. What's your emergency?" "Ehm, I'm the niece of Steve McGarrett and", I began and after I said his name, I heard a weird noise, "I got lost in the dschungel. I don't find the way back. Please help me." The woman on the other side of the phone answered me: "Okay, I can get him on the phone. Wait." A few seconds later, I heard his voice. "Marissa. Where are you?" He was stressed out. "I...I don't know. In the middle of the dschungel on a hill." "Stay where you are. I'm on my way." I sat down and relaxed. I mean, did I have any other choice? I played a game on my phone, but after a while it got boring. I think I waited on this hill for about an hour before I heard a noise. I couldn't identify it and it was extremely silent. But I could hear a voice saying "Marissa." I screamed: "Here! I am here!" After a little bit more screaming, they found me. In front if me were a young man with hawaiian roots, the blonde man I have met yesterday, Tani and Steve. He immediately hugged me and breathed out. "I am so glad, you're okay!" I asked him a question that has been burning on my tongue for quite some time. "So what exactly is your job? Cause this doesn't look like, you've done it the first time." "Okay, so I'm working for the governor in a taskforce, called Five-0. These are my colleagues Danny and Junior. You already know Tani from yesterday evening. We are like the police, but for let's say the dangerous crimes." I was shocked and leaned against a tree. But I got it fast, grabbed his hand and went away. Steve was so relieved that I was okay, he even gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. When we were outside the rainforest, we drove to the Iolani Palace in this pick-up. 

"You can sit here.", Steve told me while pointing on a sofa. I think it was his office. I saw a model of a ship of the Navy and a picture of him, probably in his uniform. "So what did you do?" "I was just walking around Honolulu, then I got into the wrong street and got lost." Tears came up in my eyes and he hugged me, again. "It's okay, it's okay. It's been a few hard days. Everything's gonna be alright!" "How do you know? You have no contact to my parents and one week ago, I didn't even know you're existing! Even though you're my uncle!" I had a mental breakdown. It was just too much. Way too much!
