Part 1

What day was today? It was the day that changed my life completely. Today was the day my parents were in a car accident. Who am I? I'm Marissa, 14 years old and I live in a small city in Alaska. But let's start from the beginning. I went to school this morning, said good bye, see you later to my parents and started in a normal day. My first class was math, then history an at last but not least P.E. In this last class I was called to the principal office. The principal told me that these officers wanted to talk with me and pointed at two police men. They had sad facial impressions and one of them said: "We're sorry, but your parents were in a car accident." "Are they still alive...?" "Well.." "We're not sure yet, they are both in coma." That was too much for me. I broke down and started crying. I ignored the police men, the principal and everything, every sound around me. A little time later I got back to reality. I heard one of the police men talking to me. "Hey, you okay?", he asked. "Yeah, I think so. How long have I been gone?" "Just a few minutes. Do you have any family here?" "I just know my parents." "Okay, we'll go to the police office and maybe we find someone in the system." We went outside the building and drove with a car to the office. They told me to wait in a room. It was like a waiting room at the doctor. Another officer came up to me. "So we found a family member. It's an uncle. His name is Steve McGarrett and he's living on Oahu, Hawaii." He told me this information without even blinking. "If you want to, you can move to him, he's informated. We can book you a flight today and also bring you to the airport." I said yes. I mean, did I Have any other choice? The police officer drove me to my home and I packed my stuff. Then we drove to the airport and he brought me to the gate. Everyone stared at me because normal teenagers don't get brought to the gate by a police officer. He told me: "You're gonna fly to Honolulu, there another officer will wait for you and bring you to your uncle." I looked for my seat in the aircraft and sat down. The stuardest told everyone what to do in an emergency case. I didn't really listen. I just wanted to go home. See my parents and friends. The plane started and after about six thoughtful hours I landed in Honolulu. An officer came up to me immediately. "I'm gonna bring you to your uncle. But it is possible that you'll have to wait a little while, cause he's working." I did listen to him but didn't understand anything, because I was tired. First, it's late. And second, the jetlag. I went behind him and got to a police car. Again. I almost felt like a criminal on his way to jail. We drove a while but not too long. We stopped at a very old-looking building. Directly behind the doors was a security check. I was a little bit surprised, because normally there aren't security checks on normal work places. I followed him upstairs into a big and modern bureau. "Commander?"
