Part 22

Of course, he didn't reply. I waited for a couple of minutes looking at my home if anyone else, except Curtis, noticed that I was gone. Obviously, no one did.

Afterward, I went completely offline, turned on airplane mode, and just listened to music. To escape reality. To escape this shit called life. What kind of idiot invented this?!

I drifted off into my world. I was not present on this earth anymore. For a few hours, I was somewhere no one else could reach me. I was not reachable. I didn't even think.

I was just existing. In this universe which had nothing to do with the earth we know. I didn't sleep. My eyes were open the whole time, but they weren't seeing and perceiving anything. I was in my own bubble and nothing would get me out of there.

Inside the bubble everything was fine. No problems. No anything. Nothing.

My parents still were alive. I was living in Alaska. Going to my school. Walking home afterward, doing my homework. Walking through the snow. Living my life as if nothing was wrong. It was all perfect. I was all normal.

A loud bang got me to reality. "Marissa, are you in there?" It was Steve. I didn't care. He should knock on my door but I wouldn't open it. Why should I? It's not like he is interested in my health and well-being. He was doing all this shit only because he didn't have any other choice.

Why would anyone care about me? I am not worth any expenditure. No wonder Brooklyn broke her promise. It's oblivious that she doesn't care about me. I am not worth her time. She just lost her friend. I'm only another person on this stupid planet that is pathetically alone.

"Marissa open the door!" I didn't move. He banged again against the door. "Open the goddamn door or I'll kick it in!"

I slowly got up. My only motivation being that if he really kicked it in, I wouldn't be able to lock it anymore. I opened the door and immediately walked back to my bed.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you in school?" Steve asked while still standing in the door frame. "I texted you, I didn't feel good so I went home. You have to write an excuse though." He sighed. "Do you want to go to the doctor? I can take you. I'm sorry I didn't read the message. I was busy working." I waited a bit before I answered.

Obviously was he too busy for me. Because I'm not worth his time. He could be catching some criminal right now who's trying to blow up the island. Instead, he has to take care of me.

"No, we don't need to go to the doctor's office. I'll be better tomorrow." "Okay. I'm gonna go back to headquarters. If you want something please call me, the chances of me answering a call are higher." He walked out of the room closing the door right behind him.

What am I even doing on this earth?

If it wasn't obvious by now, I wasn't gonna call him. Never. Not even when I would get kidnapped and get the chance to call him. I mean, then I would die. So what? Everyone dies, and it'll be a win-win situation. No one has to give up their time and money to take care of me and I would be dead.

I heard the front door open and close again. Steve was gone. I turned my music back on and tried to not zone out again.

But zoning out is so comforting. I don't have to deal with anything. Not with my problems. Not with people. Not with my thoughts. Not with my dead parents.

My dead parents.

I could actually see them again. I want to see them so bad. Not just in dreams or memories. They were probably waiting for me. It could be the last favor. I could meet them.

So why staying here any longer?

But Steve would not help me to get out of this life. No one would. I have to do it myself. I'm all by myself. I always have been and always will be. Who cares about something like me?

I am not worth being liked by anyone.

Brooklyn faked the friendship for - I don't even know why - and for Steve his work is more important. Obviously. It truly is obvious. He has to take care of the people on this island. That they stay safe. And no crazy serial killer kills half the population.

But wait, that would actually be funny. Especially when I am within the deaths. I would have to do it myself.

But who the fuck posts on the internet hey, I'm gonna shot hundreds of people tomorrow. If you want to die come to the following coordinates.

Not only would it be fucking stupid considering the police, but it's also contra-productive for your criminal record.

So that's not an option.

But you have to say that it would be incredibly funny knowing you could get killed by walking around the block.

Imagine having the power over so many people just by a few kills. 
