Yandere! Vampire! Boboiboy x Victim! Yukka Jenuine

requested by alyssabautista3 sequel to the 'obssesed much' and i kinda change it a little sorry.

yukka's pov

it happen so fast, boboiboy became a vampire after adudu shot a weird laser at him it wasn't even supposed to make him turn into a vampire it was supposed to destroy boboiboy but it only turn him into a vampire. right me and boboiboy were on our date walking on the park, people gave him weird looks but he ignore them and that's what i like about him.

but for the past couple of days his been acting weird, like really weird, for example every time i'm with a friend that's a boy he'll put his arms around my waist and he'll glared at the boy and in the next day the boy that i was with is gone. maybe there's a reason all those boys (except gopal and fang)are gone or something. anyway me and boboiboy soon left the park and went to the ice cream shop

when we got there, me and boboiboy ordered our favorites. we sat near the window ate our ice cream, talk, and laugh "so boboiboy, what about our project?"i ask, changing the subject "hm? what about it?"he ask licking his ice cream "well, it's due in three days and we only did half of it"i said "calm down, we still got time and besides we already done half of it it's better than none"he said "i guess so"i said looking away "hey yukka"he called, i look at him "yeah?"i ask "can you come to my house?"he ask, i nodded and smile "sure!"i said cheerfully

---at boboiboy's house---

when we got to his, nobody was there "hey where is tok aba and ochobot?"i ask turning to look at boboiboy "oh, well tok aba and ochobot went to buy some ingredients and won't be back late"he explained, i nodded "so why did you want to come to your house?"i ask, "oh well you see....i'm sorry yukka"he said suddenly, before i could i ask he disappeared and before you know it i was knock out the last thing i heard and see was boboiboy's silhouette and him saying

"i'll have you for my own....now"

----time skip--- night

i woke up with my neck hurt, "agh! ow my neck"i said rubbing my neck, but then stop and look around "wait...this..isn't my room"i said, i look around slowly it was dark but not that dark. i then stop looking when i saw someone standing in the middle of the room, i look closely and my eyes suddenly widened it was..."boboiboy?"i gasp, his arns were crossed "hello yukka"he said, his voice was slightly change, it gave my spine a crawl

"what...am i doing here?"i ask, a little scared "ah that's right! kidnapping you was all part of my plan..."he trailed off,my pupils shrank in fear "that's why i put here in my room, if your wondering why i'm doing this, it's because all those boys that you talk too are stealing you from me. and i can't let that happen your mine and only mine" he said his voice venom, before you know it boboiboy was sitting on the bed in front of me i slightly jump "hey, are you scared of me?"he ask, he quickly hugged me

he then pulled away, his hands still on my shoulder. he moved closer and kissed me i was shocked, my pupils shrank againn i couldn't kiss back i was afraid, boboiboy then pulled away his face close to mine "it's pointless to resist...sorry. i may act selfish and like a lunatic, i just didn't want to lose you"he explained hugging me tight. i couldn't help but smile and hugged him back "you wouldn't lose me not ever....even if you did kidnapped me"i said, i heard him chuckled slightly making me smile more

"i love you yukka, and i'm sorry for kidnapping you"he said, facing me "it's okay i forgive you"i said kissing him
