obsessed much:Boboiboy x Yukka Jeniune

requested by: Alyssabautista3

boboiboy's pov

i liked her...a lot, she was my everything she was beautiful,amazing,and smart. she was perfect and i was obsessed over her i mean like crazy obsessed over her. i had her hair piece, a picture of her doing something that makes my heart beats faster than ever, i even made a shrine of her (not like those yandere stuff a normal shrine), it;s just so hard to control myself when i'm around her, knock knock! i look at the door and saw ochobot "yukka's here"he announced, i nodded and started to get ready.

once i was done i went downstairs and saw the person that makes my heart go boom! yukka jeniune, she look at me and smiled i smiled back and went up to her, "so ready to go?"i ask "why else i'm i here if i'm still not ready?"she said smirking, i rolled my eyes "whatever. come on let's go"i said grabbing her hand and running outside. once we got to our destination (which is at the carnival), i went to the cashier and paid for entrance, "you know i can for own right?"yukka ask,i shrugged "yeah, but i'm trying to be a gentleman"i said smirking,

"so what ride should we got first?"she ask, i look around and saw the roller-coaster "want to ride the roller coaster?"i ask,using my thumb to point at the roller coaster "sure"she said, we went to the booth and paid for our ticket, once we were payed we quickly went to the front sit,"you sue you wouldn't back down on this?"i teased her "i should be the one asking that?"she also teased "you sure your cap wouldn't fly off"she ask pointing at my cap

"nah it survived rockets,lasers and other stuff pretty sure a little wind wouldn't make it fly"i said, then we felt the ride start, me and yukka hold into the railing. when we reach the top i look around and saw the cocoa shop "yo yukka look i can my granddad's shoAAAA!!!!"i screamed when the ride fell. me and yukka screamed but not the type of screamed from fear but from joy, i look at yukka's hand and quickly hold it i look at her face and saw she was shock and blushing probably my imagination i thought shaking my head then continuing to enjoy the ride

----time skip---- night but your still in the carnival

it was already nighttime and there was one last ride we haven't ride, the Ferris wheel, we went to the booth and paid our tickets. once were at the ride we look at the neon lights and look at them amazed, "wow, it's so beautiful up here"yukka gasp, looking around "yeah...but not us beautiful as you"i said, she look at me and blushed "um t-thanks"she stutter, i then moved closer to her

"yukka can i tell you something"i said using my hand to move her face and look at me,she nodded nervously "i li-no wait love you....like a lot, i'm even obsessed over you"i said seriously "y-you do?"she ask her voice was like a whisper "yeah, and i've always wanted to do this"i said, before she could say anything else i crashed my lips into hers i can here her gasp but didn't paid no attention to it. my eyes closed and i started to kiss her....hungrily, she was probably a blushing mess i can feel her heat up

soon enough before i could pulled away she kissed me also, i was shocked was kissed back. when we pulled away-with a string of saliva-i looked at her and her cheeks were really red, "yukka will you be my girlfriend?"i ask "of course!"she exclaimed hugging me, "sir,mam the rides over please get off"the women said politely, opening the small gate for us, me and yukka got off and started walking home. "that was amazing boboiboy, thanks"yukka said, holding my hand "anytime"i said then kissing her cheek.

sorry if you don't like it i really tried my best! anyway you guys better request sooner because i'm closing the request after my acquaintance party which is on Thursday.bye!!!
