i don't want a prince

boboiboy x princess charlene

requested by. Silver_Ninja

boboiboy is 19 and charlene is 18

charlene's pov

"okay the dress is great, now we need to finish the designs and....."the dress maker also known as sheila continued to talk us i just wanted to go outside and have fun with the others "um princess? princess~"sheila called i snap out of my thoughts and look down at her and saw she was holding a tape measure "oh! sorry"i apologized and outstretch my hand for her to measure my arms. why am i being measure you ask? well she is making my dress, not just any dress, a wedding dress.

i'm getting married to a prince named prince fang (just go with it) his really nice,sweet,and a gentlemen but my love is already taken by the super hero name boboiboy and his not the only one there's ying,yaya,gopal,and prince fang . it's kinda unfair that i can't get powers like them but my stubborn father refuses. anyway, my wedding is tomorrow and every maid and butlers are getting things ready, "are you okay princess?" sheila ask worried "i'm okay sheila...just thinking about the wedding"i said laughing nervously

"princess, do you not wish to be married by princes fang?"she ask "i don't know, i mean his a nice person but....my heart doesn't want to be with him..."i cup my hands to my heart "it was taken by....boboiboy"i said, my cheeks turning pink "but princess, he is not a prince, he is a mere mortal you know the rules. 'a princess must marry a prince' that rule was always followed ever since, so it might be good for you also to follow it" she said fixing a lose cloth, i then step from my stool and went to my window (the one that looks like a door but it's not) "but his not a mere mortal....his a superhero his something more"i said smiling

a knock was then heard, sheila opened it and there stood fang "hello charlene"he said bowing "hello fang, may i help you?"i ask, he shook his head 'no' "not me but a certain dinosaur cap boy those"he said, i then understood what he meant and quickly went to my changing room and change to something more simple, but i still need my hood so no one can recognize me "okay, i'm ready"i said "but princess what about the gown?"sheila ask "don't worry i'll be back as soon as possible"i said, me and fang quickly went to a carriage him driving and me just thinking what boboiboy was planning.

once fang stopped the horse, i look out my window and saw we were in a small hill a few tress,a table with a candle light and of course food, and a silhouette besides the tree. fang opened the door and offered me a hand, i gladly took it and he brought me to the table, he moved the chair for me to sit "thank you" i said sitting down "is she there fang?"a familiar voice ask.boboiboy. "yeah she's here, you can come out know romeo"fang said teasing a little "don't screw this up"fang said before living

boboiboy then came out and had a nervous smile "hey"he said waving "hi"i said also waving "so you wanted to bring e here for...?"i ask "oh! right, well i just wanted us to hang-out before you get married tomorrow"he said sounding sad "i guess..."i said also sounding sad "anyway, we can't be said today!....let's eat!"he said his face smiling he was holding a picnic basket. he then brought my favorite foods and we started eating. while eating we talk about all the good,funny,and sad times we had

"this was amazing boboiboy. thanks for everything"i said putting down my spoon and fork "it was nothing i....i wanted to tell you something anyway"he said "okay, what is it about?"i ask "it's...it's...it's about my feelings for you"he said his face turning red, my eyes widened "feelings? what kind of feeling actually?"i ask i wasn't sure if it means he likes-likes me "you know....feelings, i...i...i CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!"he suddenly yelled shocking me more, he bang both his palm on the table and stood up he was looking at me "charlene! i love you!"he confesses "you really do?"i ask standing up and going to him, my sudden close to him made him nervous "y-yes"he stutter, i can't help but smile and kiss him directly on the lips, shocking him but kissing me back

we then slowly pulled back "i love you too boboiboy"i said, he pick me up and twirled me around both me and him laughing. he put me down and reach something from behind him, he took out a medium sized box, he opened it and reviled a beautiful necklace, i gasp and hugged him tight, he hugged me back with his free arm. once we pulled away, boboiboy removed my hood, he behind me and put the necklace on. he then went back in front of me with a huge smile, i smiled back and slowly leaned in so did he, before our lips touch we heard horses 'neeing'

we pulled away and i saw my father "father..."i said slightly afraid "charlene what on earth are you doing?!"he ask "i-i-i was j-just..."i couldn't say anything "sir your daughter had nothing to do with this...it was me"boboiboy confesses "boboiboy..."i muttered "if that's the case, why were you kissing my daughter then!"he yelled,that made boboiboy scared so did me, "come home now charlene, we need you to get ready for tomorrow"he said "no"i said " 'no' what do you mean 'no' ?!"he yelled "i mean i'm not going home, i want to be with boboiboy his the one i loved not prince fang i don't to marry someone i don't love"i said with fierce

"i already told you that you can't marry a person that is not a prince, charlene!"he said "i know father, but please don't make me marry prince fang, i want to marry boboiboy his the only one i loved, and he loves me!"i said looking at boboiboy smiling he smiled back "i'm sorry for this charlene..."my father said, then the guards pulled me away from boboiboy, boboiboy tried stopping them but he was held back "boboiboy!"i cried my hand outstretch i was shaking the guards away, but failed. "charlene!"he cried his hand also outstretch. i was then put on my carriage, they locked the door outside so i wouldn't escape, i look outside my window a tear rolling down my face and saw boboiboy on his knees looking at me his hand outstretch and was also crying.

---next day--- (wedding day)

my maids were getting me ready for my wedding, "please don't be sad princess, you need to be happy. it's your big day!"sheila said "how can i be happy when i'm going to marry someone i don't love"i said sadly "i know it's hard princess, but there's nothing we can do his a mortal not a prince, it can't be stop"christin said fixing my headpiece 'but...love is stronger"may said "that only works on fairy tales may, this is real life you have to fight for everything in here"sheila said

"and...done! well the dress is fix, let's go everyone is waiting"denise said, "hope your ready princess"sheila said "don't worry i am"i said, they then lead me to the front door and opened it everyone stood up and look at me i sigh wishing that this was all just a dream.

no one's pov

as they were starting the queen and king were sitting on there thrown and was watching there daughter walk towards the priest "fergins, are you sure you want to do this? our daughter doesn't want this. why force her"the queen ask, the king or fergins sigh, "ellise i don't want this either but it's what the rule says"fergins said "but your the king you can bent the rules"ellise said "i want to but...." "princess charlene will you take prince fang and live with him and be together for the rest of your life?" the priest ask "it's too late" the king finished "i....i...."charlene was having a hard saying 'i do' well how can she

she doesn't want fang she wants boboiboy "i...don't"she said, everyone gasp and stand on there chair "i'm sorry fang but....i just can't"she said letting his hand go "it's okay, i already who your heart belongs to anyway"fang said and just after he said that the door burst opened revealing a panting boboiboy there "charlene!"he yelled and ran towards her giving her a hug she hugged back also "please don't marry fang"he cried "it's okay i'm not going too"she said, the king and queen then went in front of theme "fergins..."ellise said "it's okay ellise....boboiboy!"he said sternly "you can have my daughters hand"he said smiling

charlene and boboiboy gasp and quickly hug each other "i now know that i can't do this. it's hard to see my daughter marrying the person she doesn't love, and seeing you both together makes me happy especially seeing my daughter smile as bright as the sun. i'm sorry for stopping your love together"he said "it's okay sir"boboiboy said, charlene went to his dad and gave him a big hug "thank you daddy"she said, fergins chuckled and hug her daughter back.

-boboiboy and charlene's wedding-

"....you may now kiss the bride"the priest closing his bible, boboiboy and charlene kiss making everyone cheer and clap. the king and queen went in front, fergins went to boboiboy and gave him a bone crushing hug "welcome to the family boy"he said chuckling "hehe....thank you....sir"boboiboy said between breaths "dad~"charlene called seeing his father crushing his husband "oh sorry"fergins said letting boboiboy go. both boboiboy and charlene laugh "i can't believe this happened to us"charlene said a tear rolled down, boboiboy wiped it away and smiled

"i know, i can't believe it either"he said, he then gave her another kiss "i love princess charlene" he said "and i love you prince boboiboy"
