boboiboy !Fire! x reader

requested by AceBramon ( this are for beginners y/n=your name, h/c=hair color, e/c=eye color, s/c=skin color, f/f=favorite flower )

your pov

i was at the tpk-aba's shop talking with the others, "hey guys, you wanna go to the park?"i ask "what are we gonna do there?"fang ask "we can do many things there!"i said throwing my arms in the air, i heard a small chuckle. i look at the direction and saw boboiboy chuckling a little while wiping a cup, i blush a little okay so maybe i do like him but does he like me back? well maybe someday i'll know but right now will just be friends "so what do you say guys?"i ask looking away from him and to do the others "i'm okay with it"gopal said finishing his drink "i'm fine with it, and i have snacks for all of us"yaya said bringing out her cookies. all of us got a little scared because of the taste

"i'd like too!"ying cheered "great! how about you boboiboy?"i ask "hm i have a lot of to do.but i can always split"he said, i then started to worry "but you'll be forgetful again"i said "it's okay, the park isn't that far and i got use to it"he said, i nodded "if you say so"i said, i was a little worried though. boboiboy then split into five (earthquake,cyclone, thunderstorm,fire,and water), "okay so whose coming with us?"i ask "um, will be right back"quake said dragging the others to the back

boboiboy fire's pov

quake brought us at the back, which was unusual, "okay so whose going to be the one going?"he ask "i can go"i said, okay i joined because 1 i don't like doing chores and mind end up burning them, and 2 i want to be with y/n "okay so that means you'll be the one confessing"thunder said smirking at my now pale face"WHAT?! no way you guys do it!"i half yelled, i didn't want her to hear me scream or something "hey not my fault you wanted to go with her"cyclone said sitting on his board "then i change my mind"i said simply "okay, okay how about we just vote. okay raise your hand if you guys want fire to go and confess to y/n"earth said raising is hand the others following

i groaned and hang my head low "fine, i'll go"i said,we went to the others and saw them talking. my eyes then landed to y/n, her h/c hair blowing threw the wind, her e/c eyes shined bright, and her s/c skin,soft and delicate,"yo fire!"i heard someone yelled in front. i snapped out of my thoughts and saw y/n there, i blushed red embarrassed "uh s-sorry"i stuttered "it's okay. let's go!"she said smiling then grabbing my hand and dragging me. i blush at her touch, her hand was so soft.

-time skip-

we got to the park and the first thing that happen was me getting wet, "what the?"i murmured, i heard someone laugh and saw y/n laughing while holding a water gun. oh i get, "hey! no fair!"i yelled at her "sorry, here...."she threw me a water gun "were having a war, first person gets five shots loses"she said running off. i run after her laughing. i was shooting her but missed, but on my 3rd try i hit her back "yes!"i cheered.

-30 minutes later- your pov

i was hiding at behind a tree since i only have 1 life left, "hey there"a voice said, i gasp but my mouth was covered. i squirm around "hey it's me fire"fire said, i look at him and i got calmer, to tell you all the truth boboiboy fire is one of my favorite elements of them all, his just so goofy sometimes but can be a hothead "are you gonna shoot me?"i ask whisper "no"he said, he then grab my hand "come on i wanna show you something"he said pulling me on the other side of the park.the forest. fire lead me to a beautiful flower field full with f/f, "wow, this place is so beautiful"i said i can hear fire murmur something "what?"i ask turning to him

"n-nothing"he stutter, i shrugged my shoulders and went to the field "hey y/n i wanna show you something"he said, he went in front of my and he made a fire rose. i look at it in awe "whoa"i gasp

"that's amazing fire"i said, looking up at him smiling (his taller than you) "thanks y/n"he said blushing, the fire rose then disappear. me and fire just stood there looking at each other lovingly. then he said something i'd never thought i'd here from him...

no one's pov

okay fire it's now or never fire thought he took a deep breath and look back at y/n "y/n i have to tell you something"he said "what is it?"she ask "i-i...l-like no"he said, your eyes widened he actually love "you l-l-love me?"you ask, he nodded "yeah, ever since we met"he said, he then leaned in and kiss your lips. he was expecting you to pull away but you kiss back and wrapped your arms around his neck. you two slowly pulled away "i love you to boboiboy"you said, making him smile

"i told you guys they'll do it" you heard someone in the bush, you look at the bush and saw the gang hiding "guys, we've been seen, abort mission!"gopal yelled running of but was pulled back by yaya "um, sorry to disturb you guys"ying said "um it's okay...?"you said but it sounded more like a question "um will just be going now. bye!"yaya said pulling the others out. once they were out of sight you look back at fire "hihi, love you"you said in a childish tone rubbing your noise to his "love you too"he said capturing your lips
