"she's being bullied"

requested by. juju

boboibo x reader

boboiboy's pov

i was walking at the halls. i didn't know where y/n was, and it made me worried. while walking i can hear laughing at the other end of the hall. i ignored it thinking they were just some troublemaker, that yaya is going to scold later. but boy was i wrong...

y/n's pov

i was getting bullied. again. no one bothered defending me since the bullies were the toughest people on school, well, 5th. first was boboiboy, then yaya,ying,fang, then them. gopal was last.

i can feel was eyes tear up, making the bullies snicker, "you gonna cry, crybaby?"the first bully, charles, said. i sniffed and look somewhere else. at the corner of my eye i saw boboiboy, looking here, but...didn't do anything. he just walk away, like nothing's wrong.

my heart broke into pieces and sunk down at the deepest part of stomach. he..he just left...just like that! "tst! what a weakling! let's go guys!"charles ordered, they left but not giving me a few slaps and punches.

i was at the floor crying my heart out. a silhouette then appeared, i slightly look up and saw fang. he was looking at me worriedly, "y/n? what happen? who did this to you?!"he ask kneeling down, before picking me up.

"i-i...i was bullied, again"i stutter "again? you mean you were bullied before?! and you didn't tell us?!"he ask, almost yelling. i look away ashamed then nodding. "you could have told us. we could have help you"fang said.

we arrived at the nurse. "oh dear! y/n, what happen?!"the nurse ask her eyes widened "she's been bullied. please heal her"fang pleaded, the nurses nodded and told fang to lay me on the bed. fang did what he was told and lay me carefully at the bed. "thanks for briniging me here, fang" i said smiling sweetly at him, he blushed a little while rubbing the back of his neck.

he went in front of me, "anything for you, y/n"fang said to me. i was about to say something, when he suddenly cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead "FANG! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" we heard a familiar voice, yelled. i turn my head to the front door and saw...

boboiboy's pov

"FANG! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"i yelled seeing fang kissed y/n's forehead. i yank fang away from her and glared at him deathly, "FANG! what were you doing KISSING y/n?"i ask-yelled, fang scoffed and look away his arms crossed "why do you care?"he ask "why?! well maybe because i LOVED y/n my entire life!"i confessed, i heard y/n gasped behind me.

"how can you say you love her, when you can't even protect her?!"fang asked, i looked at him confuse "of course i'll protect her"i said, this time more calmer "really? then why didn't you protect her a while ago?"fang said "w-what?"i ask, he rolled his eyes "you! you didn't protect her when she was being bullied!"he said, my eyes widened "you just stare at the scene of her getting pick-on,teased with harsh words, and getting hurt!"fang explained.

"w-what....?"i muttered, taking a small step backwards. "s-she was bullied?!"i asked loudly, fang glared at me before nodding. i thought for a while..then something click in me.

s-she was bullied....

i saw those boys picking on someone.....

but i didn't knew..it was her....

but i still didn't bother....

protecting that person...

....that it was actually her.

"she....she was bullied, and i didn't do a thing..."i said, i turn to y/n, my eyes filled with sorrow,and guilt "y/n, i'm so so sorry"i apologize, y/n look away, biting her lips nervously,and rubbing her arm "please! i really am! i just didn't know it was you!"i exclaimed, my eyes stung but i didn't care. i just want her forgiveness

"i...i don't know boboiboy"she said sadly "please give me another chance!"i pleaded "okay boboiboy, i forgive you"she said smiling a little.

-THE NEXT DAY- your pov

i was walking around the hall when THEY showed up, again. "oh look! it's are favorite rag!"charles laughed, i look away stopping the tears from falling. "hey! leave her alone!"someone yelled. i look at the person and saw boboiboy "this is has nothing to do with you, boboiboy!"drake spat

"well if it's about the person i love, then yes, it's my business"boboiboy said, my heart melt when he said those words. "ha! you love this rag?!"charles laughed gripping my arm making me whimper in pain. "i said LEAVE HER ALONE!"boboiboy yelled punching him in jaw then pulling me to his chest.

charles and his gang glared at boboiboy "you'll regret that, freak!"he yelled, before running away to who knows where. i look at boboiboy, both my hands on his chest "thank you boboiboy"i said smiling widely. he look down at me before smiling back "anything for you"he said softly.

he leaned down and kiss me in the lips. i was startled at first before kissing back. "i love you"we both said pulling away.
