love triangle...but my love belongs to one( BBB X LIA)

lia's pov

what have i got myself into?! it was just an ordinary day going to school ,meeting friends,having fun.....AND HAVING TWO BOYS LIKING YOU?!!!! yup you heard me right two boys liked me, fang and boboiboy both confess to me that they like a month ago, it was sweet but i like boboiboy the only problem was i didn't want to hurt fang he was sweet to me. and that's how i got my problem being in a triangle and two boys racing to who was first to get to the spot i'm standing

but i can't do this anymore i know boboiboy like me and i like him, fang's like the wall between our love, "lia?" it's feels like i'm in a 'tag-of-war' and i'm the middle knot "lia?!" it feels like a princess story both prince trying to impress the princess-"LIA!!!"my eyes widened in the sudden yell,i look at the person who yell and it was the gang "hey what's was that for?!"i screamed glaring at them, "hey not our fault you started spacing out"gopal said,snickering, both fang and boboiboy glared at him and punch his head causing it to create two bumps

"don't laugh at her!!"both of them yelled, we all look at the duo "calm down he wasn't doing anything bad"i said trying to calm them down, fang and boboiboy look at me and blush "a-ah y-yeah"the both stammer, i sigh and walk out of classroom,since it was already time to go home anyway "come on guys"i called, then ran off of classroom, while i was walking boboiboy and fang were both at my side (boboiboy left and fang right), both giving glared at each other but i just ignored them.

~at the cocoa shop~

once we arrive at the cocoa shop, we were greeted by granted by ochobot and granddad, "hello kids"granddad greeted "hello grandded"we greeted back, once we sat down boboiboy and fang sat next to me.again. we then begin to do our homework, "hey lia can you help with this solution?"boboiboy ask, i look at his book (math), and saw the hardest number, "okay, so you'll have to..."i started to explain, he listen and got the answer right "thanks lia"boboiboy said giving me his famous thumbs-up "heheh, your welcome boboiboy"i said laughing nervously

i can tell fang was jelous, he keeps on shooting death glares at boboiboy and boboiboy just smirks at him, "well i'm doe...bye guys"i said waving then flying off.once i got home i greeted mom and went to my room. i stared at the ceiling and sigh "why is it so hard"i muttered "i mean i like boboiboy but i can't confess to him or fang with be hurt....but can't he understand that she likes him"i said empathizing the 'she', "lia dinner's ready!"mom called, i sat up and went downstairs

----that night----

i was sleeping peacefully, that is until i heard tapping on my window. i thought it was just the tree so i shrugged it off, but it just got louder and louder. i open my eyes and groaned, i then went to window and open it, i look at the person that was sitting on tree and my eyes widened instantly, it was..."boboiboy? what are you doing here?"i ask yawning "sorry to wake you lia, i just wanted to show you something"he said smiling, "can't you do it tomorrow?"i ask,he shakes his head 'no' "it can't wait tomorrow it had to be tonight"he said

i thought for a moment then gave in there's no way his leaving without me saying 'yes' "fine, but make it quick"i said, he smiled and nodded. we then started to climb down the tress and landed safely. he then lead me to a field with flowers, "what are we doing here?"i ask yawning again "it's a surprised"he said half smirking. he then took my hand and started running around the flower, i was about to stop him when i started to see firefly's coming out the flowers and surrounding me and boboiboy

"whoa"i gasp, looking around it was so beautiful "so you still think that this is a waste of your time?"boboiboy ask smirking "not anymore"i said, still looking around. boboiboy took both my hands and we started to twirl around the place he chuckling while i as giggling. but i accidentally on the grass and fell,boboiboy landed on top of me we both look at each others eyes.i look away knowing i'll be in a trance once i stare too long in his eyes "look at me"i heard boboiboy said, i look at him and saw a blush on his face "lia can you tell me who you like, you know between me and fang?"he ask i look in his chocolate brown eyes and saw hope in them

"boboiboy i...i...i choose you"i said, and look in his eyes and smile "r-really?"he ask shock "of course i've always liked you"i said, leaning in "me too"he said also leaning in, we were only a few inch away when we suddenly stop when..."how sweet"a familiar voice said, both me and boboiboy look at the direction and saw fang "fang"i gasp " finally chose...."he trailed off, i quickly stood up "fang please listen"i pleaded "it's okay lia there's no reason for you to explain. you like boboiboy not me i understand"he said looking away

"fang i'm really sorry"i apologized "there's no need to apologize lia, i can find a new girl to like "he said, that's when i got an idea "you know, you can always ask ying she's been in love with you ever since"i said, fang was shock but then smirk "okay then i will, bye you two love birds"fang said then left using his powers. me and boboiboy look at each other and smiled "now where were we?"boboiboy said grabbing my hands and pulling me closer to him "i think it was the part where you were kiss me"i said leaning in and so did he "i love you lia"boboiboy said, before both are lips met
