chapter 9

day 7

things were a little less awkward between me and Robert after our talk a couple days ago. i was working at the zoo almost every day now, and i think the employees were starting to warm up to me.

i was filling out a few forms for some new rescues at the wildlife hospital when Robert came bursting through the doors. i glanced up at him, but assumed he wasn't looking for me so i kept doing my paper work.

"Florence!" he called out in the middle of the hospital, turning in circles trying to find me.

i was using one of the operating tables as a desk since they weren't being used. i looked up at him again, along with everyone else in the hospital.

"Flo!" he said more calmly, he walked over to me.

i made a face at him, "Flo?"

"everyone calls you Flo."

"my parents call me Flo." i went back to my paperwork.

"my sister calls you Flo." he leaned onto the table next to me.

i looked at him again, "your sisters nice to me." i raised my eyebrows.

"i'm nice to you!" he put his hands up, i looked at him again, giving him a 'really?' look, "sometimes." he added.

i scoffed as he leaned back down on the table.

"anyways, i need your help."

"with what?" i didn't look up from my forms.

"talking to a girl." he scooted his phone to me.

i laughed, "what?" i looked at the phone, a instagram profile showed up of a stunning girl.

"her name is Emma."

"she's pretty. too pretty for you." i scooted the phone back.

"hey!" he lightly hit my arm.

i smirked, keeping my head low.

"okay so i got her phone number-"

"wait, how did you even meet her?" i set my pen down and turned my full attention to him.

he shrugged like it was obvious, "here. at the zoo."

"damn," i let out a sign, "i needa get out there more." i gazed out the window.

"hey!" Robert snapped his fingers in my face, "i need your help."

"okay! yeah, sure." i grabbed his phone and looked at another one of her posts, "oh my god."

"what?" he said, concerned.

"you commented 'great photos! 😁' on a picture of her in her bikini?" i looked at him with my brows furrowed together and my mouth slightly open in shock.


"oh god, you really do need my help." i sighed, "yes! any girl wants to be told the pictures of her in her bikini are 'great photos!'" i faked excitement.

"yeah, okay, it's rough, i know. that's why i need your help."

i looked at another one where he used the laughing emoji, "first things first, loose the emojis." i gave the phone back.

"okay? then what?"

i stood up fully and grabbed the forms, "i don't know, tell her she's pretty. be a normal human." i patted him on the back, "you got this buddy." i walked to the front desk to give back the paperwork.

"what does that mean?" Robert called after me, i ignored him.


work at the zoo was same as usual for me: paper work, getting people stuff, walking around bored, Robert annoying me, and cleaning enclosures. after picking up droppings in the wombat enclosure, Chandler showed up just as i was being chased out by a feisty little guy.

Chandler opened the enclosure gate for me and closed it right before Bunker could get out.

"those things are weirdly terrifying yet adorable." i leaned down on my knees, out of breath. Bunker had chased me around the whole enclosure.

"yeah, they're feisty. sorry i was late, i could've helped you. Grace wouldn't go down for a nap."

"oh, that's okay," i smiled, "i guess i need to learn somehow." i looked back to Bunker who went back to pestering the other wombats.

"you'll get there, i did." he patted my shoulder.

"i hope i get there soon." i whipped my hands on my shirt.

"you ready?" Chandler asked.


"the meeting." he stated.

"the meeting." i nodded along, "wha-what meeting?" i switched from nodding my head to shaking it.

Chandler laughed, "Robert was supposed to tell you."

"okay, no one should have believed he would do that." i shook my head.

"yeah, you're probably right. Terri's giving doing her annual meeting about the croc trip." we started walking.

"w-wait, why am i needed for that? also doesn't it normally not happen until next month?"

"well, i assume your coming, or not -i'm not sure. that's probably why Terri wants you to come. and yes but we have these meetings periodically the month before we leave." we made it to the golf cart.

"hm." i fiddled with my necklace. going on the croc trip really stressed me out.

"hey, don't be nervous, if you do come i'm sure you'll have a blast. it's really fun!"

"yeah to people who like wrestling crocs. i'm not apart of that group. and don't get me wrong, i think crocodiles are amazing, i just like to stay a safe distance away." i glanced at Chandler who was driving the golf cart.

"don't knock it till you try it." Chandler smiled.

"that's not reassuring, Chandler." i pressed my lips together.

"sorry, i've never experienced not wanting to be around reptiles." he shrugged.

"oh. great." i took a deep breath.

the meeting was held in one of the meeting rooms in the wildlife hospital. it consisted of me, Chandler, Terri, Robert, Bindi, Luke, Toby who was head of the croc team, Bonnie who was a long time employee of the zoo, and a few others i didn't know. i sat in between Chandler and Robert, Bindi on the other side of Chandler.

"alright, now that we're all here let's get started." Terri stood at the head of the table. "the annual croc trip is set to happen in a little less than a month, and we have some changes since the Hearts bought the zoo. first of all, Jen and Richard won't be joining us," i let out a sigh of relief, "but Florence will." that sigh hitched in my throat.

Toby nodded approvingly and Luke have me a thumbs up. yet, Roberts expression was unreadable.

"now Florence, you will have to be trained before you go so you'll start working with the croc team."

Toby reached over the table and gave me his hand to shake, "nice to officially meet you Miss Heart." i shook his hand, he was very polite.

"wow, 'Miss Heart.' suck up." Robert laughed, along with some others in the room.

"she owns the zoo, Rob." Toby kicked Robert under the table.

"oh, my parents own the zoo actually, not me." i shook my head.

"you will in 6 years." Luke chipped in.

"hello?" Terri waved her hands.

"sorry." we all said in unison.

"anyways, you'll be joining us in a weekon a trip to the outback. you'll get a feel of wild Australia then." Terri smiled.

i raised my hand, "i-i'm sorry, who is 'us?'"

"my family." Terri nodded.

Robert looked very confused.

"what about my family? are they coming?"

"no, just you. it'll be fun." she stated.

"oh, o-okay." Robert nodded, unsure.

"okay." i repeated after Robert.

the rest of the meeting was just Terri updating people on the slight changes that would take place. it didn't last too long and afterwards i was able to go home.

i was about to leave the wildlife hospital when i saw Robert.

"hey! did you text that girl?" i walked up beside him.

"um- no," he shook his head.

"why not?" i asked.

he looked at me for a moment, i could have sworn he looked at my lips for a split second.

stop looking at me like that Irwin.

"just uh- just didn't want to rush it. y'know, didn't want to seem needy." he chuckled.

"yeah, well when you do tell me. i'm running out of things to make fun of you for." i smirked.

"oh i'm sure you'll find something before then." Robert rolled his eyes.

"yeah, you're probably right. bye Rob." i started to walk away.

"only my family calls me 'Rob!'" he called out.

"Toby calls you 'Rob.'" i called back, continuing to walk forward.

"Toby's nice to me!" i stopped and turned around.

"he literally kicked you 10 minutes ago." a small smile was still on my lips.

"your right, i should revoke his privileges." he glanced to the side of him then back to me, "i guess you've never kicked me." he shrugged.

"never say never, Irwin." he stood with his arms crossed, smiling at me as i walked away.
