chapter 15

day 14 (part. 2)

i woke to someone tapping my arm, i wasn't sure how long i'd been asleep. when my eyes adjusted to the darkness i saw the tv was turned off and Bindi and Terri were gone. i looked to the figure in front of me —Robert.

"what?" i said groggily.

"come with me." his accent seemed thicker.

"where?" he didn't answer, only took my hand from under my blanket and hauled up upward.

i kept the blanket tight around me, following him to a random closet off the kitchen.

"where are we going, Robert?" i shielded my eyes from the bright light of the closet, "we're gonna play 7 minutes in heaven or something? because i would have to object."

he scoffed, "i have a girlfriend, Florence." he started to climb a latter i didn't realize was there.

"ooh! you're official now?" i teased.

"well, i guess i'm using that term loosely. we haven't really discussed it." he opened a hatch to the roof.

climbing all the way up and pushing himself onto the roof, he offered me a hand. i sighed and shook my head, never knowing what to expect with this kid. i started the climb, blanket still tightly around me. i ignored his hand, hoisting myself onto the roof. he smiled a little at my coldness.

"one of my favorite spots." we sat down on the roof next to each other, "it's so pretty here."

i looked out into the pitch black, "hate to burst your bubble, but i can't see a damn thing."

he chuckled, "yeah well, that's what you get with no light pollution. give your eyes a second to adjust."

we sat in silence for a few minutes, "was there a reason you woke me up? or did you just feel the need to make sure i was sleep deprived?"

"i wanted to say i'm sorry." he looked at me, "it's weird you know," his gaze shifted back to the outback, "everyone tells me that this is a good thing. that you Hearts saved us, that i should be thankful. but absolutely no part of the is thankful that this happened."

i lifted my eyebrows at his bluntness. though it was refreshing.

"i lost my zoo —what my dad fought so hard to establish— to some rich, New York family. who don't know a damn thing about running a zoo."

that bluntness was getting a bit old.

"so i'm sorry. i'm sorry for lashing out. i'm sorry for hurting your feelings. but i will never be sorry for how i feel. i will never be sorry for not being thankful that my legacy was ripped away from me." i stared at him, focusing on the way his jaw clenched and his furrowed eyebrows.

i didn't say anything, i didn't know what to say, i didn't think anything would make it better. Robert stood up, heading to the hatch.

"i know what it's like." i broke the silence, he paused, "loosing something you love, i mean. it might not have been the same scale as the zoo, but does it really matter how big it is if you love it so much? loss is loss, no matter the size." he didn't turn to me while i talked.

"what did you loose?" he asked, keeping his back to me.

i hesitated, my throat swelling, "my dog, Frankie." Robert turned his head, "she was already sick, but she couldn't make it here, so we had to put her down. i could've had another month with her." tears gathered in my eyes, "you wonder why i hate it here so much, and it's not only because what i had to give up. it's because of what the ones i love had to give up because of me." i stood, fully facing him.

"sounds like we both have our guilt." Robert stated.

i bitterly laughed, tears still falling from my eyes, "yeah, i guess so."

"i am sorry about your dog, though. that's really hard. i can't imagine loosing Stella."

"thanks." was all i was able to choke out.


day 15

after a fitful night of sleep we were on the road again. this time i was with Terri and Bindi, Chandler and Robert doing god knows what in the other car.

i wasn't sure what to make of me and Roberts conversation last night. i kept thinking back to it, and how me and Robert didn't even look at each other that morning. unlike our other heart to heart, i didn't think it brought us closer, instead brought us  father apart. we really did have very little in common, and Robert was insistent on only tolerating each other. though i couldn't blame him, i wasn't sure if i wanted to be besties either.

the drive was long, though it didn't feel as long as the first time. maybe because i was able to sleep most of it. Bindi and Terri dropped be off at my house late in the evening. i gave Grace a little kiss before heading inside and going straight to sleep.


day 16

the next day was back to the zoo. i sat in the wildlife hospital filling out new patient forms. i loved filling out paper work, plus i was able to do it in air conditioning and without any animals chasing me around. therefore i was happy to sit at the front desk and welcome in anyone who brought in wildlife.

i saw Terri filming a segment for their show at one of the operating tables, i smiled about how passionately she was talking about a little bird.

"hi!" i heard someone walk through the door.

i turned my head to meet her gaze, "hi! what can i help you with?" i felt like i had seen her before.

she had long dark hair that flowed down past her shoulders in effortless waves. her features seemed to fit her face perfectly and didn't need any makeup to highlight them.

she glanced down at my shirt, "Florence? as in..."

"Florence Heart, yes." i finished her sentence.

"right! so good to meet you." her voice was perfectly posh, making me wish i had anything than an American accent, "i'm assuming you can tell me where Robert is then?"

i hesitated, "i'm-i'm sorry i can't just give that information out to anyone."

"oh! i'm Emma, i'm not sure if Robert has told you about me."

i panicked a little on the inside.

thanks for letting me know she was coming today, Robert!

"right. sorry." i struggled, "let me try and get ahold of him." i smiled, still panicking a bit.

i hadn't spoken to Robert since the roof, so i dreaded calling him on the walkie-talkie.

reluctantly i pulled it off my belt and pressed the little button, i hesitated, glancing over to Emma and giving her a smile. "hey, anyone with Robert? over."my voice was a little shaky, i hated it.

i waited for a response, slightly wishing there wouldn't be one.

"i'm here. what's wrong?" Robert answered, sounding worried.

"n-nothings wrong, sorry," i let out an awkward laugh, "um- there's someone here to see you." i hoped he would catch on.

"hm, okay. you can bring them over, i'm with the koalas."


i forced my voice even, trying not to show how much i didn't want to see Robert, "got it." i clipped the walkie-talkie back onto my belt, "you can follow me." i stood from my chair.

Emma followed me through the wildlife hospital. when i passed Terri i mouthed 'Emma' and gave a slight nod behind me. she dropped the gauze she was holding and her eyes went wide.

we made it to the back door, "the koala enclosure is a little far away so we'll take a cart." i smiled back at her, pulling the keys out of my pocket.

the short drive was a bit awkward, neither of us talking. though Emma fidgeted with her purse, i couldn't imagine being a good kind of nervous about meeting Robert.

we pulled up to the enclosure, both of us nervous for completely different reasons meeting the same person. Robert was changing the eucalyptus leaves for the koalas. we hopped out of the cart.

"Robert!" i called out, nodding to Emma.

he looked up, fumbling with the branches, some of them actually hitting his face. i held in a laugh.

"thanks Flo...rence." he stumbled with his words.

"yeah, sure." i waved goodbye, smiling at Roberts awkwardness.

a few hours later i got a text from Robert:


hey, do you mind if Emma comes to your birthday dinner? she really likes you.

living for the correct grammar robert💪

shut up

you forgot a period

can she come or not?

lmao yes she can come

great, thanks!

surprised you didn't sign off your texts like you do your letters
"love, Robert."

i'm blocking you.


hope you guys enjoyed!! this chapter i included multiple days in one, do you guys like that?? or prefer just a day a chapter? thanks for reading!!<3
