chapter 24

year 2

me and Robert barely spoke after that dinner, and an unbearable tension had formed between us. so much so i knew i wanted to go back to the states for college. and as soon as possible.

i spent my summer break working through 11th grade, and since i was a year ahead, i would be able to graduate that following year. i'm not sure how my parents felt about it. i was their only child, they always spoke of how they dreaded when i left for college, now i was leaving a year sooner.

it was hard to believe i'd actually be going back to the states once i got accepted into my top three collages: NYU, Organ State, and Colorado State. i was completely torn between the three. NYU was NYU, i mean i'd get to live in New York again, major in business, and be able to get a job in the studio i danced at.

but i'd already lived there, and i wanted to go somewhere new. i absolutely loved Colorado and Organ, and obviously Terri wanted me to go to Organ because that was where she was from.

so i was left undecided for a while. Robert still didn't know i was leaving a year early, and i supposed he would be glad. he and Emma were still going steady as far as i knew. she had moved onto campus at the University of Queensland, but they still saw each other plenty. it kept Robert away most weekends and kept her away most week days.


little Grace was turning 3 that year and all hands were on deck to get the celebration ready. even though i was crazy busy preparing for the finals of my last year of high school, i tried my best to help. birthdays were a big deal at Australia Zoo and preparations started months before the actual day. but it was only days away at that point, and excitement buzzed through the air.

"so uh, Roberts gonna be there, obviously." Bindi sat on the couch next to me, Grace sleeping in her room.

i was busy making a study guide, "i know."

"whatever did happen between you? you were so, so close, then just nothing." she fully turned to me.

i had told no one about that night, i suspected either did Robert. i doubted Emma knew, even though she probably suspected.

"it's uh-" i actually debated telling her, "it's a long story." probably not the best idea.

"Grace is down for another hour."

i smiled, "not that easily, Bindi."

"ugh, fine. be boring." she sat back on the couch eating her chips, "i have no excitement anymore. Grace obviously isn't old enough for any love interests, Robert is settled down,"

settled down.

i hated that.

"and you're all studious." she sighed.

"sorry i'm participating in my high school career." i snorted.

"no, no, i know. i'm just joking. we're very proud of you, Florence. but i'm going to miss you like crazy." Bindi rested her head on my shoulder.

"i'll visit, don't worry. and you can come and visit me! just you and we can have a girls week or something."

she laughed, "yes please."


"happy birthday to you!" Grace giggled as we all finished singing.

we sat in the Irwin's backyard, decor covering the porch where her cake sat. Grace smeared the chocolate cake across her face, to which everyone laughed. i didn't even realize i was standing next to Robert.

once all the commotion died down, the silence creeped in, adding an awkward tension between us. Robert cleared his throat, i braced myself.

"'s school?" he didn't turn to me as he said it, only sipped his lemonade.

"good, almost done." i nodded to myself.

"with the year? that's great."

"no, no with high school." i swallowed.

i turned towards me at that, he scrunched his eyebrows in concentration. i was sure he was counting the years.

"but, you're only in 11th grade?" he studied me.

"i did work over the summer, i'm in 12th grade." i inhaled, plastering a smile on my face.

"so, are you leaving? or staying here, like i did?" he took another sip of his lemonade.

"uh- i'm going back to America, i think." he stood frozen at that.

with in a second he set down his lemonade, "oh." he paused, swallowed, then looked back at me, "which schools?"

he actually looked pained to ask me that.

"NYU, Colorado State, or Organ State. though i think i've ruled out NYU." i took a sip of my own lemonade.

"mum will be happy to her Organ State is in there."

i smiled, "yeah, she bought me a sweatshirt from them the other day, she's really hopping i go there."

"well, you should. it would be easy for me -us- to visit. " he struggled.

before i could answer, Bindi called me.

"Grace is opening your present!"

"coming." i called back, i have Robert a half smile before heading over to Grace.

as i watched her open her gifts, i thought about my conversation with Robert. i regretted to having spoken to him more. i knew everything was awkward and weird, but i missed our relationship.

i made up my mind by the time Grace was done opening her gifts, i was going to go find him. i stood from my chair and headed towards the kitchen where Bindi said Robert was.

i slipped through the back porch screen door, not particularly wanting to me noticed by anyone. the kitchen was empty, so was the living room.

"Rob?" i whispered to nothing.

suddenly the front door opened from across the house, and a lot of commotion followed.

"i can't believe you're here!" Robert exclaimed.

"i thought i'd give you a little surprise." Emma giggled.

i cursed to myself. i stood frozen in the living room, their chatter echoed closer through the house. i didn't have enough time to make it to the kitchen, so i quickly stepped back to the screen door and cracked it open.

"oh, hey Florence." Emma plainly greeted me.

i acted like i just came in, closing the door behind me, "hey guys, just getting more lemonade." i pointed to the kitchen as Robert nodded.

i quickly made my way to the fridge, cursing myself for not coming inside earlier. i grabbed the pitcher and headed back out, where Emma was greeting the family.

i plastered a fake smile on my face while i sat the new pitcher down next to the order one, then regained my seat on the porch furniture.

i watched as Robert slung his arm around Emma and how she rested her head on his shoulder. jealousy and regret surged through me.

that could have been me.

hey guys!! thanks so much for reading. sorry this chapter is a bit awkward and short, it's mostly just a filler chapter BECAUSE....*drum roll* this book only has two more chapters to go!
i'm so excited for you guys to read the next two chapters and to see your reactions, so please comment what you think! i seriously love reading the comments so much. and thank you for 3k reads!! much love💗
