chapter 11

day 11

the cut on my leg didn't need stitches thankfully, so i only had to wear a bandage. and after my mom making me stay in bed for a day, i was able to walk around. yet, i couldn't back to the zoo until i could fully walk.

i decided to take my homework down to the beach, i hadn't had the chance to go since i got here, at least not during the day. i threw on a bikini, even though i wouldn't be getting in the water, a pair of jean shorts and a sheer cotton button up. i grabbed my backpack and computer, making my way outside. i had a bit of a limp, so walking down stairs was challenging.

i sat down on one of our beach chairs and started english. i hated english, so when i heard my name being called i happily answered.

"yes?" i called back, looking up the sandbank, trying to find who called.

suddenly Robert appeared on the steps.

oh good.

"should you be down here with your leg the way it is?" he hurried down the steps.

"Robert, Beau's nail scratched me. he didn't chew off my leg." i watched him as he walked closer, he wasn't wearing his normal khaki attire.

"i would say it was more than a scratch." he sat down on the chair next to me, slightly out of breath.

i sighed, going to back my english. i could feel him watching me, i wasn't sure what he wanted.

"what is it?" i looked back to him.

"do i look okay?" he asked, raising his arms a bit so i could see his full outfit.

he was wearing grey shorts and a forest green t-shirt.

"you look like you normally do, just less khaki." i shrugged

"is that good or bad?"

"do you really want me to answer that?"

"no." he put his head in his hands.

"woah, woah, woah. sorry, i- um, you look great? very...approachable?" he looked at me annoyed, "sorry, i don't know what your going for here, Rob." i waved my hands in the air.

"it's not you, i'm just stressed." he stood from his chair and started to walk back and forth.

"about what?" i put my computer to the side and sat up.

"i'm going on a date." he finally said.

"with, um- em-?" i elongated the 'm', hoping he would help me out.


"Emma! right. with Emma?"

"yeah. and she's like really pretty," he sat back down, "and i'm like really nervous."

"don't be, if it's meant to be she'll love you." i grabbed his hand, "you know, i once set of two of my best friends, so i'm kinda a relationship expert." i shrugged.

"i really hope your joking." he said plainly.

"i'm not, well i'm not a relationship expert. but i've been told i give good advice."

"really? well, give me some good advice right now." he put his forearms on his knees and rubbed his hands together, like he was watching sports.

"uh- don't be an ass." i patted his knee, grabbed my computer and went back to work.

"....thanks." he sighed, "oh! mum and Bindi told me to tell you that they're coming over later. something about a surprise and going out."

"oh- hm, well thanks." i smiled, he stood from his chair, "have fun on your date!" i waved.

"yeah, thanks." he ran his hands through his hair.

"relax!" i called after him.

he waved at me, still walking forward.

about an hour later Bindi and Terri did show up at my house. i wondered what the surprise would be, and why they weren't at the zoo with my parents.

"hey guys, c'mon in." i opened the front door.

"guess what." Bindi excitingly put her hands on my shoulders.

"what?" i matched her enthusiasm, i quickly learned that it's best to do that with Bindi, or sometimes she got her feelings hurt.

"we're taking you out! to get our nails done, and go shopping!" she linked her arm with mine.

"really?" i smiled.

"yes!" Terri laughed.

"okay, let me grab my purse." i walked upstairs, excited to finally get out.

we took Terri's car into town, we mostly just made small talk and listened to some music.

the nail salon was super cute, and i definitely needed my nails done after being so hands-on with all the animals. Bindi picked out a natural pink and Terri picked out a light blue, i went with a sage green. we sat down in the comfy salon chairs, that's when the real questions started.

"so Florence, you mentioned the other day you had a possible boyfriend back home?" Bindi glanced at me, i was sitting between them so i was trapped.

i cleared my throat, "uh, yeah." i nodded.

"ooo, tell us more! what's he doing now?" Terri leaned in.

"um- probably on a date with his new girlfriend." i softly smiled.

"oh-" Bindi looked at me sadly.

"when i told him i was leaving he didn't see the need to keep in contact with me. he said it would be 'too emotionally draining,' so whatever chance i had left was gone." i stared out the window in front of me.

"oh, Florence, i'm so sorry." Terri sympathetically smiled at me.

"it's okay, i guess he was kind of a jerk. i just thought that would be my big high school romance, like in the movies." i laughed.

"well, your still in high school, i mean you still have two years left. maybe someone will show up and make you fall madly in love." Bindi grinned.

"i think you had a little more luck than the rest of us, Bindi." we all laughed at that.

"it's true, i didn't meet Steve till i was older. it happens when it happens, you can't force it or else it's not true." Terri looked at me in the eyes.

"you sound like my therapist."

"good, that's what i was going for."  Bindi giggled at her mom.

once our nails were done we decided to get some pizza before going shopping.

"i have to say, everything's so cute here." i said as we walked into the pizza shop.

we each ordered a slice and decided to sit down at one of the booths.

"so what about your friends, are you still in contact with them?" Bindi broke the silence.

"some of them, yes. my best friend, not currently." i played with my straw wrapper.

"what happened? if you don't mind me asking."

"no, i- um, i don't know really. i told her that i was leaving and she got super upset. she stormed out of my house and i haven't spoken to her since. she seems fine though, going to parties and stuff. we were super close, so i can see how she would be upset, i just never thought it would be at me." i sat back against the booth.

"maybe she just doesn't know how to handle you not being there. maybe she's just trying to distract herself."

"maybe." i shrugged.

"why don't you text her? everything deserves a conversation." Bindi reached over and grabbed my hand.

"yeah, maybe i will." i nodded, smiling.

finally our pizzas came, Terri had ordered a large, so her pizza was huge.

"that slice is huge, mum." Bindi snorted.

"size matters." Terri plainly said, taking a bite out of her pizza.

i almost spit out my drink trying not to laugh.

"mum!" Bindi chuckled, Terri smugly smiling.

we went shopping next, but none of us got anything. they took be home next and i thanked them for everything. they were really sweet, and i enjoyed my time with them today.

once i made it to my room i started typing out a text to Carrie.
