chapter 3

day 2

the sun shown through my window as i woke up. i pulled my phone off my nightstand and looked at the time, 9:30 am. the jet lag was definitely starting to kick in. Eugene had already gone downstairs where i assumed mom and dad were making breakfast. i threw my feet out of the covers and slipped into my slippers. turning on the lights i could see just how tired i looked, dark circles were already forming under my eyes, I smoothed my hair down with my fingers before heading downstairs.

sure enough mom and dad were making breakfast.

"morning." I smiled.

"morning sweetie, we're making pancakes." dad flipped one in the air.

"yum." I sat down, rubbing my eyes.

mom served me a plate with pancakes and some bacon and fruit.

"we'll leave around 11:00, okay?"

"yeah." I took a bite of my food.

I tore off a little bite of pancake and gave it to Eugene, who was begging at my feet. I threw it to him and he caught it mid-air.

"ah!" my dad exclaimed.

"what? he's hungry!"

"he ate like three bowls of food this morning!" he playfully threw his hands up in the air.

"well, he's a big dog, Richard." I glanced at my dad before squishing Eugenes face in my hands.

my mom laughed at our interaction.


after breakfast we all went to our rooms to get ready. the nerves were starting to set in for me, and I wasn't sure what to wear. I assumed we weren't going to be there for long and would only be meeting with a small group of people, plus it was still a bit chilly out. winter wasn't quite over yet in Australia. I decided on some baggy jeans with a few holes in them with a brown vintage Champion sweat shirt. I brushed out my hair a bit before quickly braiding it, I didn't feel like putting on any makeup so instead I put on my glasses that I used for school. I hoped they would help distract from my dark circles a bit. I laced up my black converse before grabbing my purse and heading downstairs.

we all got into our jeep and started the short drive to the zoo. my mom kept glancing back at me to make sure I was okay, but kept my eyes focused out the window. I fiddled with the locket around my neck, another nervous habit.

as we pulled into the empty parking lot my parents started giving me a run down on what would happen.

"okay so, we'll meet the Irwins right over there," my dad pointed to the wildlife hospital, "there'll  be cameras but don't worry about them."

"wait, there's gonna be cameras?" I asked, peeking my head between the front and driver seat.

"well yeah, they're filming a new season of 'Crikey! it's the Irwins'."

I sighed, great.

"next, they'll take us on a tour of the hospital, then a tour of the zoo, and lastly we'll have a meeting discussing business stuff."

I took a deep breath, "alright."

we started to get out of the car, "you'll do great sweetie." my mom put her arm around my shoulder.

I doubtfully smiled up at her.

I obviously didn't get the 'dress nice' memo. my mom was wearing a casual -yet pretty- dress with long sleeves. and my dad was wearing his signature black turtleneck and dress pants.

"dad, you look like Mark Zuckerberg." I had told him a few years ago.

"Mark Zuckerberg is a genius and very successful so thank you." he was going in to present business ideas to some fancy corporate people. I'm not really sure what happened, but shortly after that we got a really big check in the mail, so it must've worked. ever since then he always wears this exact outfit so important meetings.

I tried calming down, but my hands were sweating and my heart was beating like crazy. i'm not exactly sure why I was nervous, but I was. we rounded a corner and there they were. the almost afternoon sun was shinning through the trees and was almost forming halo's above their heads.

"oh dear god." I mumbled under my breath.

what would they think of me? they all seemed so perfect, and i was so...not perfect. they never cussed, couldn't say the same for me. they were awfully nice people, i was times. and that's just the start.

oh god, how am i going to introduce myself? 'hi! i'm Florence. i cant do math, i faint every time i get super stressed out, and i have migraines! yeah that's why i'm homeschooled. and i really don't what to be here! nice to meet you.'

"and this is Florence." i snapped out of my daze, Terri was standing right in front of me and cameras to the sides of us.

i smiled, "hi, nice to meet you."

"nice to meet you too! we are super happy to have you, you're going to have so much fun." she grinned.

"i'm sure i am." i kept a smile on my face.

i'm really, really not sure i am.

"let me introduce you to everyone, this is Bindi," Bindi stepped forward and embraced me like an old friend.

"oh, you are just stunning love."

"o-oh, thank you, you too." i nodded, she giggled.

"this is Chandler -Bindi's husband- and little Grace."

"hi." he smiled politely and shook my hand.

i smiled back and waved at Grace. my parents were behind me shaking hands with everyone as well.

"and lastly, Robert." he glanced up at me but didn't make any effort to introduce himself.


i stuck out my hand, "hi, Florence." it took him a few awkward seconds but he finally took my hand.

"Robert." he only maintained eye contact for a second before letting go of my hand.

alright then.

my parents were carrying a conversation with Terri and Bindi, Chandler stuck along with them. i walked behind them not really paying any attention to what they were saying and more on Robert. he walked beside me, but didn't look happy about it. let's just say he kept a healthy distance. i glanced at him a few times, but he kept his head down.

the wildlife hospital was incredible, it had stayed running off of donations when the zoo closed.

"how did you keep the animals fed? i mean there was a period of time after you closed the zoo and before my parents bought it, what did you do." Terri was showing us all of the rescued animals in the incubators when i spoke up.

"well, when covid hit we had to shut down fast, and our funds were running out quicker, so we made the decision to sell the zoo before we completely ran out. that way we could keep the animals fed while the details were sorted out. donations helped but we couldn't keep it up forever, or at least until covid ended." Terri said.

Robert was leaning against the doorframe, i looked over to see his jaw clenched and a very unhappy look on his face.

guess that wasn't his decision.

"smart." i responded.

Robert scoffed before leaving the room completely.

"i'm sorry about him, he's not happy about the whole situation." Bindi whispered to me.

well at least we had one thing in common.

"it's okay." i nodded.


after the wildlife hospital we all hopped in golf carts and began our tour of the zoo. me, Bindi and Chandler in one and my parents and Terri in the other.

it was really sad seeing the zoo empty. as a little kid i always dreamed of coming here, and now i was here, but the zoo was mine. surreal to say the least.

Bindi was an absolute sweetheart, unlike her brother. the way she talked about the animals with such passion was adorable, i could tell Chandler thought so too. she really cared for the animals, maybe that's why she was being so nice to me. she knew one day, whether i liked it or not, it would be my zoo and she wanted to make sure i took good care of it. i looked back at Chandler and Grace, i think i would take good care of it, Grace deserves that i think. but if i had to run it with Robert i might loose my mind, i've spent a total of 15 minutes with that guy and he managed to be an ass.

like Bindi could read my mind she started talking, "Robert has a different view on this situation. see, the rest of us are eternally thankful for your family, the fact that your still letting us live here and have part in the zoos future is incredible. but Robert didn't agree with the decision to sell in the first place, and he definitely doesn't want to be only an employee at his own zoo."

"but he won't be. i don't know what you guys expect, but i'm not here to step on any toes. i'm not sure i even want to be here at all." i sighed.

"we appreciate you, and Robert will come around. don't worry about being homesick, once you get settled and start having fun you'll feel better." she smiled.

"yeah." i nodded.


two hours and like 30 people later it was finally time for the meeting then 'home'. I was exhausted, jet lagged, and hungry. and I desperately missed my home.

everyone else was in one of the meeting rooms in the hospital, except for Terri who was still trying to find Robert. I was in the bathroom, hoping they would start without me. I finally left, expecting the meeting to be almost over by now, but when I got there it hadn't even started.

"still no Robert?" I asked, sitting down next to my parents.

"nope." Bindi took a deep breath, she was definitely annoyed.

"couldn't we just start without him? I mean he hasn't shown too much interest this far, why start now?"

my mom threw me a look. 'what?' I mouthed.

"apparently he had some points he wanted to bring up." Bindi tapped her fingers on the table.

oh, this will be good. can't wait to get patronized by the one and only Robert Irwin!

after five long minutes Robert and Terri showed up.

"oh good, Robert decided to make an appearance!" I didn't even think before I said it.

he looked like he was about to rain fire down on me.

great, he hates me even more now.

"so sorry about the wait." Terri apolitically said.

"oh, no don't worry about it. I was just joking." I didn't even want to look at my parents.

"mum, she even acts like a kid." he lowered his voice.

"I'm literally two years younger than you, and as a matter of fact I do have ears." I smiled.

"aren't you 15?"

"I turn 16 in two weeks."

he rolled his eyes.

"what is your problem?" I slightly raised my voice.

he clenched his jaw,

he does that a lot, I took note.

then fully turned to me, leaning down to put his hands on the table -jaw still clenched. he was still across the table, but it felt like we were face to face.

he looked me dead in the eye, "you."

something shot through me, maybe embarrassment, or fear. not that I was scared of Robert, I was scared of the fact that my worst fear about coming here was becoming true. that they would hate me, and that was certainly the case for Robert.

"woah buddy-" my dad started to stand up, I put my hand on his shoulder and lightly pushed him down again.

I slowly stood from my chair, then leaned across the table and copied Roberts stance. now we were face to face. I let out a quick breath, which was more like a laugh, and smiled.

"I don't see how i'm a problem, because from where I'm standing, I saved your ass."

do y'all want me to post the second part today or wait and post it in a few days to spread it out??
